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Using ygot To Generate a Protobuf Representation of a YANG Schema

Author: robjs
Date: October 2017

There are a number of cases in which a protobuf representation of a YANG schema is useful. Particularly:

  • Where there is no existing language binding generator for the language. Whilst ygot and pyangbind provide solutions for Go and Python respectively, there are limited toolkits for other languages. Use of a protobuf schema allows usable code artefacts to be generated through use of protoc. Protobuf supports a number of languages both built-in and via third-party plugins.
  • Where efficient on-the-wire encoding is required. Protobuf can be serialised efficiently to an binary format resulting in significantly lower data volumes than other encodings (e.g., XML, JSON).

To allow these two use cases to be met, ygot implements transformation of a YANG schema to a set of protobuf messages. The design choices made for this transformation are described in this document.

This document provides some background as to how to generate a Protobuf definition from a YANG schema. Using the OpenConfig BGP RIB model as an example.

Understanding the Output Protobuf Files

The ygot package contains a proto_generator binary (source). This binary is used to generate the protocol buffer definitions. Rather than outputting an individual protobuf file with all message definitions within it, this binary has two modes of output:

  • Nested Messages: In this output mode, one protobuf package per YANG module is output.
  • Hierarchical Packages: In this case, each level of the YANG schema tree hierarchy has an individual protobuf package output for it.

The default output mode is to produce nested messages. The -package_hierarchy flag of the proto_generator binary can be set to true to produce hierarchical packages.

To examine the output of proto_generator, we'll use the following YANG module:

module simple {
  namespace "urn:s";
  prefix "s";

  container a {
    container b {
      container c {
        leaf d { type string; }

    container e {
      leaf f { type string; }

Nested Messages

By default, the generator will output the following filesystem hierarchy:


In this case, the simple.proto package contains all the Protobuf definitions that are contained within the simple YANG module. Examining this file, the nested message hierarchy can be seen:

syntax = "proto3";

package openconfig.simple;

import "";
import "";
import "<base_import_path>/<package_name>/enums/enums.proto";

// A represents the /simple/a YANG schema element.
message A {
  // B represents the /simple/a/b YANG schema element.
  message B {
    // C represents the /simple/a/b/c YANG schema element.
    message C {
      ywrapper.StringValue d = 359547406 [(yext.schemapath) = "/a/b/c/d"];
    C c = 127348379 [(yext.schemapath) = "/a/b/c"];
  // E represents the /simple/a/e YANG schema element.
  message E {
    ywrapper.StringValue f = 126855637 [(yext.schemapath) = "/a/e/f"];
  B b = 367480893 [(yext.schemapath) = "/a/b"];
  E e = 367480890 [(yext.schemapath) = "/a/e"];

Each message has a set of child messages representing its schema children, such that the YANG /a/b/c path is referred to by openconfig.simple.A.B.C within the generated protobuf schema.

In the output protobuf file, there are two dependent protobuf files imported:

  • ywrapper.proto provides a set of wrapper messages for basic protobuf types, allowing a caller to be able to distinguish whether a field was set. The path to ywrapper.proto can be modified using the ywrapper_path command-line flag.
  • yext.proto provides a set of extensions to the base protobuf descriptors to be able to add YANG-specific annotations. This is used to annotate schema paths (e.g., the /a/b annotation in the example above), and information relating to YANG identifiers (e.g., enumerated value names) to the output protobuf.

Both yext.proto and ywrapper.proto default to being imported from the ygot GitHub repository.

Hierarchical Packages

When the generator outputs a hierarchy of files following the schema of the YANG module that is supplied. For the simple YANG module above, the following hierarchy is created.


The three generated protobuf files (simple.proto, a.proto and b.proto) contain the children of the element that they are named after. Therefore a.proto contains definitions for the schema element /a/b, b.proto contains definitions for /a/b/c (and d since it is contained within c and does not generate a protobuf message).

In the filesystem hierarchy <output_dir> is a directory name specified using the output_dir flag of the proto_generator binary. The <package_name> is specified using the package_name flag, and indicates the base package name that should be used for the generated protobuf file definitions.

In order to comply with constraints of some build systems (particularly go build), one protobuf package is output per filesystem directory. This allows generated code for each package to be within its own directory, and hence build systems that require packages to have a one-to-one mapping between packages and filesystem directories to be used.

If we examine an individual proto output in this mode, for example, simple.proto, trimming the header the contents are as follows:

syntax = "proto3";

package <package_name>.simple;

import "";
import "";
import "<base_import_path>/<output_dir>/<package_name>/simple/a/a.proto";

// A represents the /simple/a YANG schema element.
message A {
  a.B b = 367480893 [(yext.schemapath) = "/a/b"];
  a.E e = 367480890 [(yext.schemapath) = "/a/e"];

Each package is named according to the base package name specified as the package_name flag. By default, this name is specified to be openconfig. Each then imports any child packages which define its children. In this example, since the YANG container a has children b and e, the a.proto which defines the children of a is imported. The path to this import consists of a number of parts:

  • <base_import_path> -- this path is specified through the base_import_path flag. It specifies the path that should be used to search for imports. This can be used to set the output directory to some relative path to a particular import path that is supplied to protoc.
  • <output_dir> and <package_name> are specified as per the filesystem descriptions above.

The yext and ywrapper usage within the hierarchical set of packages is the same as its use within the nested message output.

Generating openconfig-bgp-rib Protobufs

This example walks through the generation of Protobuf files for the openconfig-rib-bgp model. Example code can be found in demo/protobuf_getting_started.

ygot has some external dependencies for the full Protobuf generation toolchain. Starting from a new Go environment, the following dependencies are required.

  • A copy of the protoc compiler (available from is required to build generated code for protobuf. protoc should be installed and available on the current environment's PATH.
  • If generating Go code, as per this example, the protoc-gen-go plugin is required. This can be installed using go install See for more information.
  • A copy of the ygot proto_generator binary is required. Most simply, this can be installed through:
    • Retrieving ygot: go get -u
    • Installing ygot dependencies: cd $GOPATH/src/ && go get -t -d ./...

After these dependencies are met, the following command generates the example protobufs from the vendored OpenConfig BGP RIB model:

go run $GOPATH/src/ \
  -generate_fakeroot \
  -base_import_path="" \
  -go_package_base="" \
  -path=yang -output_dir=ribproto \
  -package_name=openconfig -enum_package_name=enums \

In this command:

  • -generate_fakeroot creates a root level container message which contains all elements at the root. By default, this message is called Device. It can be renamed using the fakeroot_name command-line flag.
  • -base_import_path (as described above) specifies the import path that should be used in the generated protobufs. The path used in this example specifies the entire path from $GOPATH/src, since this will be the include path supplied to protoc.
  • -go_package_base specifies the base name for the Go packages that are to be generated - this value is included in the go_package option of the generated protobufs, and has generated packages' names appended to it.
  • -path specifies the search path(s) that should be used to find dependencies of the input YANG modules. Multiple directories can be separated with a comma.
  • -output_dir specifies the directory into which the output files for the schema should be written.
  • -package_name (as described above) specifies the name of the top-level package that should be created for the output schema.
  • -enum_package_name specifies the name that should be used for the package which stores global enumerated values. Such values are generated for:
    • identity statements in the YANG schema.
    • typedef statements which contain an enumeration.
  • Finally, the yang/rib/openconfig-rib-bgp.yang argument specifies the YANG schema for which the protobufs should be generated.

Running this command outputs the generated set of protobufs to the specified directory, in this case demo/protobuf_getting_started/ribproto.

In order to generate code for these protobufs, we run the protoc compiler. When running protoc we must specify import paths that allow the include paths specified in the protobufs generated to be resolved. Since -base_import_path was specified to be the path to the GitHub ygot repo, we can simply set the import path to $GOPATH/src.

Additionally, since the generated protobufs depend upon the yext.proto and ywrapper.proto files, generated code is required for these files. The code for these files can be generated using:

go get -u  # Ensure referenced protobufs are downloaded
cd $GOPATH/src/ && go generate
cd $GOPATH/src/ && go generate

Finally, to generate the code for the the protobufs, generated we can simply loop:

find $GOPATH/src/ -name "*.proto" | while read l; do
  protoc -I=$proto_imports --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative $l

This leaves us with a generated .pb.go file for each .proto that was generated by ygot.

Using the Generated Protobufs in a Go program

Since the generated set of Protobufs form a number of different packages, each of these Go packages needs to be imported within the calling application, as demonstrated in the demo/protobuf_getting_started/demo.go program. Once the relevant protobufs have been imported, the generated Protobuf structures can be used as per any other generated protobuf code.