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category: ocl
category: ocl
category: photo
category: photo
category: python bindings
category: python bindings
category: samples
category: samples
category: shape
category: shape
OpenCV 4.0+: moved to opencv_contrib
category: stitching
category: stitching
category: superres
category: superres
category: swift/objc bindings
category: swift/objc bindings
category: t-api
category: t-api
cv::UMat related issues
category: tracking
category: tracking
category: video
category: video
category: videoio(camera)
category: videoio(camera)
category: videoio
category: videoio
category: videostab
category: videostab
OpenCV 4.0+: moved to opencv_contrib
category: viz
category: viz
OpenCV 4.0+: moved to opencv_contrib
category: vulnerability
category: vulnerability
category: 3d module
category: 3d module
category: 3rdparty
category: 3rdparty
CI/CD: GitHub Actions (GHA)
CI/CD: GitHub Actions (GHA)
Changes related to CI/CD pipelines (GitHub Actions)
Code cleanup (e.g, drop legacy C-API, legacy unmaintained code)
community help requested
community help requested
There is stable reproducer / investigation complete
effort: few days
effort: few days
Extra design work may required (think about tests too). Or prepare a great tutorial.
effort: few hours
effort: few hours
Ideal issue for rainy weekend
effort: few weeks
effort: few weeks
Contribution / porting of a new/existed algorithm. With samples / tests / docs / tutorials
effort: ∞
effort: ∞
Do not start this alone. You can discuss / improve existed proposals.
This issue can't be fixed during restrictions of the compatibility requirements