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Changes from Datacube

Majority of the functionality that was present in :pydatacube.utils.geometry module remains available. However there are some changes to the API and import locations are now more granular.

Solving X/Y vs Y/X Confusion

Previously various X,Y properties were supplied in plain tuples. In some places these would be expected in X,Y order, like a coordinate for example, and in others Y,X order was used. Documentation as to what order was expected where was usually present, but not quite everywhere, in some places you had to move along the call stack to be certain what order is the right one.

In :pyodc.geo this problem is addressed by introducing intermediate representation :py~odc.geo.XY and switching over methods that previously accepted or produced plain tuples to instead operate with :py~odc.geo.XY family of classes.


Resolution parameter was probably the most likely to be problematic. Plain tuples are no longer accepted. However a single number is accepted and implies square pixels with inverted Y axis.

  • If using square pixels with inverted Y axis use a single number instead of a tuple
    • Instead of resolution=(-10, 10) do resolution=10
  • For other cases use :py~odc.geo.resyx_ or :py~odc.geo.resxy_ to indicate supplied order at the call site


  • New class :py~odc.geo.Shape2d is available and behaves like a normal tuple in most situations
  • Plain tuples are still accepted and are expected to be in Y,X (nrows, ncols) order
  • Methods that were previously accepting separate width:int, height:int parameters were changed to expect a single shape parameter instead.
    • Use :py~odc.geo.wh_ to construct shape object from width, height for minimal and safest change to call site code.

      + from odc.geo import wh_
      - GeoBox(w, h, ...)
      + GeoBox(wh_(w, h), ...)

Points in 2D

Things like origin and alignment can no longer be supplied as plain tuples, use :py~odc.geo.xy_ or :py~odc.geo.yx_ as appropriate. There are also :py~odc.geo.lonlat_ and :py~odc.geo.latlon_ methods.

Index in 2D

Things like a pixel location or a tile index. Plain tuples are still accepted and order is API dependent. But it is now possible to indicate at call site what order is used with :py~odc.geo.ixy_ and :py~odc.geo.iyx_.


Changed default behaviour of :py~odc.geo.geom.Geometry.to_crs when resolution= parameter is not supplied. Conversion to a different CRS no longer adds extra points to source geometry unless explicitly requested with the resolution= parameter.

Previously resolution= defaulted to 100km for projected and 1 degree for geographic geometries. This default is rather arbitrary and probably not the right thing in most cases. It was also hard to disable as you needed to supply resolution=float('+inf'). I think the least surprising interface is to just transform the geometry point by point unless explicitly configured by the user to perform higher precision transformation.


Geometry class is no longer iterable, shapely has deprecated that and instead provides .geoms accessor to iterate over sub geometries, so that's the interface we provide as well.

- for g in multi_geom:
+ for g in multi_geom.geoms:

Removing iterable interface from :py~odc.geo.geom.Geometry helps a lot with type resolution in operator overloading.


  • :py~odc.geo.geobox.GeoBox now lives in a separate name-space from plain geometry classes
  • Constructor changed from accepting GeoBox(width, height, ...) to GeoBox(shape, ...), where shape=(nrows, ncols).
  • :py~odc.geo.geobox.GeoBox.affine is now read-only


  • Constructor of :py~odc.geo.gridspec.GridSpec changed
    • Tile size is now specified in pixels rather than CRS units
    • Tile size can not be negative, negative tile size was used to indicate tile index direction being opposite of axis direction
    • flipx,flipy parameters are now used to control tile index direction
    • origin parameter now always refers to the location of the bottom left corner of the tile with index 0,0 regardless of the tile index direction.
    • .tile_resolution is now called .tile_shape, because that's what it is.
    • Removed under-defined tile_buffer= parameter from .tiles_from_geopolygon. With this parameter supplied, returned tiles were of bigger size than specified in constructor, and would be overlapping, so not even tiles. It was not clear from the documentation and tests if that was deliberate, albeit confusing, choice or was just an error of implementation. You can achieve the same effect by buffering query polygon on input and then buffering output geoboxes on output. Relevant commit.
  • New convenience methods for construction: :py~odc.geo.gridspec.GridSpec.from_sample_tile, :py~odc.geo.gridspec.GridSpec.web_tiles

Main change is that grid is now specified in pixels rather than CRS units. This is the only way to ensure that there are no gaps in the general case. It is now easier to specify inverted tile indexes, like what is used by slippy map regime. Previous mechanism of using negative tile sizes was not well documented or tested, and it was not clear how you were supposed to anchor the grid with the negative tile size, origin parameter was under-specified.