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Releases: opendatadiscovery/odd-platform


04 Aug 10:55
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The v0.15 release of the platform comes with the following enhancements:

  • Data Deprecation: To enhance your interaction with our platform, we've introduced various statuses for data entities: 'General', 'Draft', 'Stable', 'Deprecated', and 'Deleted'. Accessible via both the API and frontend, these statuses provide critical insights into your data entities' condition. Notably, we've incorporated a unique automatic transition mechanism, allowing 'Deprecated' and 'Draft' statuses to change to 'Deleted' after a specific period. Furthermore, for the first time on our platform, we're introducing the ability for users to permanently remove entities, adding an extra layer of control over your data assets. With additional catalog filters and status propagation to entities within a DEG, this feature significantly improves data asset tracking.
  • Metadata Stale: We've introduced an intuitive way to identify entities that haven't been updated for an extended period. This feature introduces a distinctive icon in the UI, serving as an alert that the data entity may be stale. This 'staleness' period is entirely configurable, offering flexible controls to align with your unique operational needs. This feature enhances the user interface's clarity, ensuring that you're always aware of the freshness of your data entities.
  • Business Terms Linking: In our ongoing effort to streamline and enhance user interaction, we've implemented markdown-based descriptions that enable 'mentions' of Business Terms. This innovation allows for seamless linking of Business Terms within a description text, doing away with the need for button clicking in the UI. Furthermore, the system will automatically detect and parse these 'mentions', displaying a convenient list on the UI. To enhance user understanding, hovering over a mentioned Business Term will trigger a wiki-style info box with relevant details. This feature offers a more intuitive, connected, and context-rich experience in managing your Business Terms.
  • Markdown in Dataset Field Descriptions: In keeping with our mission to provide a cohesive user experience, we've extended markdown support to the dataset field descriptions. This feature brings the familiarity and convenience of markdown formatting that our users enjoy in Data Entity descriptions to the dataset fields. Now, your dataset field descriptions can benefit from the enhanced readability and flexibility that markdown formatting offers.

As always, none of this would be possible without the dedicated work of our incredible contributors. A massive thank you to all who contributed to this release, your efforts are greatly appreciated!

As always, we're eager to hear your feedback. Reach out with your thoughts, and let's make our and your platform even better together!


11 Jul 14:04
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@DementevNikita, @Leshe4ka and @damirabdul


26 Jun 06:19
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We are thrilled to announce the following improvements and enhancements in the ODD Platform v0.14:

  1. Directory: For improved navigation and organization, we've implemented a directory structure for your data sources and data entities. Modeled after familiar folder structures, this intuitive update allows for easier searching through your infrastructure.
  2. Domain Start Page: To simplify domain overview, we have added a start page for domains. This page conveniently aggregates all of your domains and entities within them, making it the perfect starting point for those operating within a data mesh.
  3. Expanded Business Term Attachments: Your ability to annotate your data environment has been extended. In addition to entities, business terms can now be attached to dataset fields as well, enhancing metadata and context.
  4. Data Entity Groups (DEG) Overview Redesign: We've redesigned the DEG entities overview page to make it easier for you to find the right entity. With a focus on improving the user experience, this redesign promises a more efficient and enjoyable navigation.
  5. Enhanced Integration Section: To support your data integration needs, we've expanded our integration section, which now includes documentation for more data source integrations. This improvement aims to facilitate easier integration of various data sources, providing you with step-by-step guides and important specifications
  6. Dependency Uplift: In line with best practices in security, we've uplifted several dependencies, including an upgrade to Spring Boot 3.1. These updates address and resolve a number of security issues present in previous dependencies.


@DementevNikita, @Leshe4ka, @Vixtir and @damirabdul


26 May 06:55
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The v0.13 release of the ODD Platform introduces the following significant advancements:

Data Entity Attachments: The ODD Platform now provides users with enhanced metadata management capabilities. In the latest v0.13 release, users can directly upload and download files associated with their data entities, as well as create links to external resources. This added functionality supports both S3 compatible storages and local file system options for file storage, and allows for seamless linking to external websites, documents, and resources. This empowers users to bring together a comprehensive set of metadata and related resources all within their data entities.

Recursive Dataset Structures: The ODD Platform now comprehends recursive schemas, offering an enhanced interface that presents these complex structures in an intuitive and easily digestible format. This new functionality ensures seamless navigation and understanding of recursive dataset structures.

DataSource Icons: Aiming to elevate your UI experience, we have introduced icons for your data sources. This aesthetic enhancement not only adds a visually pleasing element to the platform but also aids in easier identification and navigation of various data sources. The result is an increasingly immersive experience offered by the enhanced user interface of the ODD Platform.

Data Owners Propagation: the ODD Platform has launched a dynamic new feature enabling users to propagate data owner assignments from Data Entity Groups (DEGs) to individual entities within the same group. This ensures consistency in data ownership across a domain, allowing users to establish identical data owners for all entities within a specific DEG


24 Apr 14:04
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The v0.12 release of the ODD Platform brings the following cutting-edge enhancements:

  • External enums: Support for the ingestion of external enums via Ingestion API streamlines the integration of metadata from various sources.
  • Dataset schema diff: Users can compare two specific dataset revisions and visualize their differences. ODD Platform also accounts for additional attributes when determining whether a new dataset revision is needed, such as primary keys, nullable attributes, etc.
  • Lineage for DEG entities: Users can now view lineage graphs for entities within the Data Entity Group (DEG), providing a more comprehensive understanding of data relationships.
  • Integration wizard: This proof-of-concept feature brings documentation directly into the ODD Platform, simplifying the onboarding process and facilitating seamless integration with existing data systems.

The v0.12 release also includes various bug fixes and maintenance work that further enhance the performance, reliability, and usability of the ODD Platform.


22 Mar 15:26
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@DementevNikita, @Leshe4ka, @damirabdul and alina


09 Mar 11:55
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The v0.11 release of the ODD Platform introduces the following enhancements:

  • Metrics: With the implementation of Open Metrics Specification, ODD Platform introduces enhanced Metrics support. Users can ingest metrics for their data entities or dataset fields and observe last metric values, right within the platform.
  • Search explanations: It is crucial to understand why a certain entity has appeared in search results. The ODD Platform can now display all user query entries in a specific entity in the Search API.
  • New Dataset Structure UI: The Dataset Structure UI has been reworked and enhanced, to provide a better experience for users in the Data Discovery phase.

As usual, the v0.11 release includes bug fixes and maintenance work that further advance the performance, reliability, and usability of the ODD Platform.


25 Jan 12:18
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@Leshe4ka, @DementevNikita, @adyachenkoprov, @damirabdul and @shilgam


18 Jan 13:05
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@DementevNikita and @Vixtir


11 Jan 11:43
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@DementevNikita, @Leshe4ka, @damirabdul, @germanosin and @shilgam