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Development environment

System requirements

See System dependencies for base system requirements.

An alternative way to use middlewares (ie. ElasticSearch, Redis, MongoDB) is provided for getting started easily so it's not mandatory to install those natively. See Middlewares for details.

Retrieving the sources

You also will need Git to fetch sources and publish your contributions. If you use a Debian-like distribution with apt-get, the package is named git-core. If you prefer Homebrew (OSX), the package is named git.

The sources of the project are on Github:

$ git clone

(or clone your own fork if you plan to contribute)


We will use docker-compose to manage all that. Install Docker-Compose for your system then start the services:

$ cd udata
$ docker-compose up

On the very first run it will download and install Docker images which takes a while depending of your connection.

!!! warning Test your docker-compose is running successfully entering curl http://localhost:9200. It should output a JSON search response. If you have no output at all for too long, check the IPv6 possible issue.

Python and virtual environment

It is recommended to work within a virtualenv to ensure proper dependencies isolation. If you're not familiar with that concept, read Python Virtual Environments - a Primer.

Alright, now you can install virtualenv and then type these commands knowing what you are doing:

$ virtualenv --python=python2.7 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements/develop.pip
$ pip install -e .

Some dependencies have an optional compilation support for Cython resulting in better performances (mostly XML harvesting). To enable it, you need to install Cython before all other dependencies:

$ pip install Cython
$ pip install -r requirements/develop.pip
$ pip install -e .

NodeJS and modules

NodeJS is required to build or run the frontend. Please check the .nvmrc at the root of the repository to check the exact version of NodeJS you need. you should consider installing NVM which uses the existing .nvmrc.

$ nvm install
$ nvm use

Then install JavaScript dependencies:

$ npm install

Once it's done, you should be able to run the build command for JS and CSS:

$ inv assets-build
$ inv widgets-build

!!! note The watcher commands inv assets-watch and inv widgets-watch will recompile on each save, and only the relevant parts.

Running the project for the first time

You need to initialize some data before being able to use udata:

# Initialize database, indexes...
$ udata init

# Optionally fetch and load some licenses from another udata instance
$ udata licenses

# Compile translations
$ inv i18nc

You should be to start using and contributing to udata.

Running the project

You can use invoke to launch the application services (you might want to have each one runnning in a terminal):

$ inv serve         # Start the development server

$ inv work          # Start a worker process
$ inv beat          # Start a scheduler process

$ inv assets-watch  # Continously watch and build assets
$ inv widgets-watch # Continously watch and build widgets

When you have the development server running, you can open your browser to http://localhost:7000. Everything should be up and running!

!!! note "Tell us what you think" You are always welcome to tell us about your experience installing udata. Get in touch with us via our Gitter chatroom or by raising a new issue on GitHub.

Common tasks

Most of the common tasks are scripted in the file (which is using invoke). You can get the documentation related to all tasks with:

$ inv -l

It might be required to update your Python and JavaScript dependencies to ensure compatibility. A task is provided to automate it:

# Update dependencies
$ inv update

# Update dependencies and migrate data
$ inv update -m

It's advised to update your dependencies when you pull upstream changes or switch branch:

# Update dependencies, migrate data, recompile translations...
$ inv update -m i18nc

Now check out our advanced documentation for a focus on some specific tasks. You may want to be able to run the tests to for a backend contribution, maybe create a full theme or simply provide some fixes to the translations or the documentation.