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Matlab Model tutorial

This tutorial is a part of Model module guide. Here, we explore how you can use the MatlabModel wrapper to use your Matlab deep learning models in the benchmark.

# Python packages
import gc
import numpy as np
import matlab.engine
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from functools import partial
from OpenDenoising import data
from OpenDenoising import model
from OpenDenoising import evaluation

eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()

For now on, we suppose you are running your codes on the project root folder.

The following function will be used throughout this tutorial to display denoising results,

def display_results(clean_imgs, noisy_imgs, rest_images, name):
    """Display denoising results."""
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 3, figsize=(15, 15))

    plt.suptitle("Denoising results using {}".format(name))

    for i in range(5):
        axes[i, 0].imshow(np.squeeze(clean_imgs[i]), cmap="gray")
        axes[i, 0].axis("off")
        axes[i, 0].set_title("Ground-Truth")

        axes[i, 1].imshow(np.squeeze(noisy_imgs[i]), cmap="gray")
        axes[i, 1].axis("off")
        axes[i, 1].set_title("Noised Image")

        axes[i, 2].imshow(np.squeeze(rest_imgs[i]), cmap="gray")
        axes[i, 2].axis("off")
        axes[i, 2].set_title("Restored Images")

Moreover, you may download the data we will use by using the following function,


The models will be evaluated using the BSDS dataset,

# Validation images generator
valid_generator = data.DatasetFactory.create(path="./tmp/BSDS500/Valid",
                                             noise_config={data.utils.gaussian_noise: [25]},

Charging a model

To charge a Matlab model, you can either specify a Matlab function or a .mat file containing the architecture you want to train/test. In both cases, you need to specify a string.

From a file

To charge a model from a file, you need to specify the path to the .mat file containing the model’s architecture. Notice that for models that predict the residual, rather than the restored image, “return_diff” should be specified as True,

matlabModel = model.MatlabModel(return_diff=True)
matlabModel.charge_model(model_path="./Additional Files/Matlab Models/dncnn_matlab.mat")

After charging the model into the wrapper object, the network object will be available on Matlab’s workspace. The following command prints the workspace:

Matlab's Workspace:
Name                   Size              Bytes  Class                                 Attributes

layers                50x1             4465192  nnet.cnn.layer.Layer

From a Function

To specify a model from a function, you need to specify the path to the .m file that has the function that will build your model. This string is used internally to add the .m file to the path, and the to call the function using Matlab’s engine.

Note: you may still pass extra arguments through kwargs, as if they were going to feed a normal Python function.

matlabModel2 = model.MatlabModel(return_diff=True)

Inference with MatlabModel

To perform inference, you may use the “__call__” method in MatlabModel class. This method uses the Matlab’s engine to internally call “denoiseImage” matlab function, that uses the network object to denoise an input batch.

# Get batch from valid_generator
noisy_imgs, clean_imgs = next(valid_generator)
# Performs inference on noisy images
rest_imgs = matlabModel(noisy_imgs)
display_results(clean_imgs, noisy_imgs, noisy_imgs - rest_imgs, str(matlabModel))


Training a MatlabModel

To train a MatlabModel, you need to specify a training (and possibly a validation) dataset through a string. This string correspond to the name of the dataset in Matlab’s workspace.

To create the dataset in the workspace, you can use the classes ‘imageDatastore’, ‘CleanMatlabDataset’ and ‘FullMatlabDataset’, which are Matlab classes for generating data to train Deep Learning models.

Using a CleanDataset

As in the case of Python’s CleanDatasetGenerator, to specify a Clean Dataset using Matlab you need to specify the noising function, called noiseFcn. This function should be specified as a string, that has the lambda signature on it.

For instance, if you want to use Gaussia noise on your dataset, you need to specify:

noiseFcn = “@(I) imnoise(I, ‘gaussian’, 0, 25/255)”.

For more complex kinds of functions, you can implement it as a .m function, and specify its arguments via the same strategy.

Note: You should make sure that “./OpenDenoising/data/” folder is on Matlab’s path (add it to pathdef.m).

dataset_train_wrapper = data.MatlabCleanDatasetGenerator(matlabModel2.engine, images_path="./tmp/BSDS500/Train/ref",
dataset_valid_wrapper = data.MatlabCleanDatasetGenerator(matlabModel2.engine, images_path="./tmp/BSDS500/Valid/ref",
Matlab's Workspace:
Name                   Size              Bytes  Class                                 Attributes

ME                     1x1                1138  MException
imds_Train             1x1                   8
imds_Train_noise       1x1                   8  CleanMatlabDataset
imds_Valid             1x1                   8
imds_Valid_noise       1x1                   8  CleanMatlabDataset
layers                50x1             4465192  nnet.cnn.layer.Layer
matlabModel2.train(train_generator="imds_Train_noise", valid_generator="imds_Valid_noise")