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File metadata and controls

233 lines (163 loc) · 5.89 KB

Sphinx cheatsheet

Sphinx source files are plain text files. You can simply write your text in a text editor of your choice. Separate paragraphs by a blank line and you will do ok.

Some simple markup code is available to set text formatting, insert headers, figures and tables and make cross-references throughout the document. The most important markup code is listed below.

Text formatting

Simple text formatting is available:


Bullet lists:
* bullet 1
* bullet 2
* bullet 3

Numbered lists:
#. item 1
#. item 2
#. item 3


Headers can be added by using different underlining. Optionally, an
header can have a label. You can make references to a header using
its label as follows: Section :ref:`sec-heading`.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

.. _sec-heading:

Heading with label


Figure are created using the following code. A figure points to a
filename and has a caption. Optionally, you can add a label and set
the width, alignment and other common figure properties. You can
make references to a figure using its label as follows: Figure

.. _fig-coordsys-rect:

.. figure:: image8.png
   :width: 400px
   :align: center

   Rectangular coordinate system of XBeach


Tables are created using the following code. A table has a
captionfigure points to a filename and has a caption. Optionally,
you can add a label. You can make references to a table using its
label as follows: Table :numref:`tab-wave-breaking`.

.. _tab-wave-breaking:

.. table:: Different wave breaking formulations implemented

   | Wave breaking formula       | Type of waves   | keyword          |
   | Roelvink (1993a)            | Instationary    | roelvink1        |
   | Roelvink (1993a) extended   | Instationary    | roelvink2        |
   | Daly et al. (2010)          | Instationary    | roelvink_daly    |
   | Baldock et al. (1998)       | Stationary      | baldock          |
   | Janssen & Battjes (2007)    | Stationary      | janssen          |


Equations can be created using Latex math code or by copying and
pasting from MathType. An equation is created using the following
code. An equation has a label. You can make references to an
equation using its label as follows: Equation :eq:`eq-eikonal`.

.. math::
   :label: eikonal

   {k_{x} =k_{x}^{n-1} +k_{x}^{:} } \\
   {k_{y} =k_{y}^{n-1} +k_{y}^{:} } \\

Inline math can be added as follows: :math:`k_x`.


Literature references are added using a BibTeX file maintained
through the Mendeley XBeach group. You can cite a reference using

Parameter lists

Parameter lists can be exported using the XBeach maintainance
toolbox. These exports have syntax according to the following
code. This code is rendered as a normal table. References to
individual parameters can be made as follows: :par:`<Brfac>`.

.. partable:: Overview of available keywords

     :description:   Switch for active reflection compensation at seaward boundary
     :units:         -
     :default:       1
     :range:         0 - 1
     :description:   Calibration factor surface slope
     :units:         -
     :default:       1.0
     :range:         0.0 - 1.0
     :description:   Chezy coefficient
     :units:         m^0.5s^-1
     :default:       55.0
     :range:         20.0 - 100.0

Source code references

References to the Fortran source code can be made with the
following code. Note that the references are made to the actual
name of the module, which is not necessarily the same as the

Module: :f:mod:`flow_timestep_module`

Function: :f:mod:`flow_timestep_module/visc_smagorinsky`


Other RST files can be included with the following code. Including
files is used to embed the automatically generated parameter lists
into the documentation.

.. include:: tables/

File contents

Literal file contents can be added using the following code.


.. code-block:: text

   Hm0 = 0.8
   Tp = 8
   mainang = 285.
   gammajsp = 3.3
   s = 10.
   fnyq = 0.3

Footnotes and URL's

References to footnotes and URL's are made using the following code:

Footnote: [#1]_

URL: []_

The footnote itself is made as follows:

.. [#1] This is a footnote

See also

Yellow frames with references to additional information, for
example Fortran source code descriptions, can be made using the
following code.

.. seealso:: Wave shapes are implemented in :f:func:`morphevolution/RvR`
             and :f:func:`morphevolution/vT`.