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Folders and files

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parent directory


OpenFGA Google Drive Sample Store

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Note: This is only a contrived subset of Google Drive's permissions meant to showcase how a system like Google Drive could be modeled


  • There are users, groups, folders and documents
  • Users can be members of groups
  • Folders have owners
  • Folders can have parent folders
  • Folders have viewers, a folder's viewers are whoever has been directly granted viewer access, the viewers of the document's parent folders, or the owners of the document
  • Users need to have the create file permission on a folder in order to create a file inside it (only the folder owner has this permission)
  • Documents have owners
  • Documents can have parent folders
  • Documents can have viewers
  • Only a document's direct owner can change ownership
  • A document's owner or owners of the document's parent folder can share the document
  • A document's owner or owners of the document's parent folder can write to the document
  • The users who can read a document are those with viewer access to the document, those with viewer access to the document's parent folder or the document's owner


  • Anne is a member of the Contoso group
  • Beth is a member of the Contoso group
  • Charles is a member of the Fabrikam group
  • The "Product 2021" folder contains the "Public Roadmap" document
  • The "Product 2021" folder contains the "2021 Roadmap" document
  • Members of the Fabrikam group are viewers of the "Product 2021" folder
  • Anne is an owner of the "Product 2021" folder
  • Beth is a viewer of the "2021 Roadmap" document
  • Every user is a viewer of the "Public Roadmap" document

Expected Outcomes

  • Anne can write to the "2021 Roadmap" document
  • Beth cannot change the owner of the "2021 Roadmap" document
  • Charles can read the "2021 Roadmap" document
  • Charles cannot write to the "2021 Roadmap" document
  • Daniel cannot read the "2021 Roadmap" document
  • Daniel can read the "Public Roadmap" document
  • Anne can write to the "Public Roadmap" document
  • Charles cannot write the "Public Roadmap" document

Modeling in OpenFGA


  # We are using the 1.1 schema with type restrictions
  schema 1.1
# There are users
type user

# there are groups
type group
    # a group can have members who are of type user
    define member: [user]

# there are folders
type folder
    # folders can have owners (of type user)
    define owner: [user]
    # folders can have parent folders
    define parent: [folder]
    # folders can have viewers; viewers are:
    # - those with whom the folder has been directly shared, these can be
    #   - objects of type user
    #   - all users (the special `type:*` syntax means all objects of that type)
    #   - members of groups (`group#member` is specifying that sets of users who are related to groups as members can be related as viewers),
    #     e.g. group:marketing#member, means members of the marketing group
    # - those who are ownwers of the folder (owner)
    # - those who are viewers of the parent of the folder (viewer from parent)
    define viewer: [user, user:*, group#member] or owner or viewer from parent
    # folders have the create file permissions; only owners can have this permission and it cannot be directly granted
    define can_create_file: owner
# there are documents
type doc
    # documents have owners (of type user)
    define owner: [user]
    # documents have parent folders
    define parent: [folder]
    # documents have viewers
    define viewer: [user, user:*, group#member]
    # documents have the change owner permission; only owners can have this permission and it cannot be directly granted
    define can_change_owner: owner
    # documents have the share permission; only owners or the owners of the parent folder (owner from parent) have this permissions and it cannot be directly granted
    define can_share: owner or owner from parent
    # documents have the write permission; only owners or the owners of the parent folder (owner from parent) have this permissions and it cannot be directly granted
    define can_write: owner or owner from parent
    # documents have the read permission; only direct viewers, direct owners or viewers of the parent folder have this permissions and it cannot be directly granted
    define can_read: viewer or owner or viewer from parent

See the tuples and tests in the store.yaml file.

Try It Out

  1. Make sure you have the FGA CLI

  2. In the gdrive directory, run fga model test --tests store.yaml