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317 lines (300 loc) · 8.14 KB

File metadata and controls

317 lines (300 loc) · 8.14 KB

Molecule conversion to other packages

Molecule conversion spec


Hierarchy data (chains and residues)

Note that the representations of hierarchy data (namely, chains and residues) in different software packages have different expectations. For example, in OpenMM, the atoms of a single residue must be contiguous. In RDKit, it is permissible to have an atom with no PDB residue information, whereas in OpenEye the fields must be populated. In most packages, it is expected that any atom with a residue name defined will also have a residue number.

The OpenFF toolkit does not have these restrictions, and records hierarchy metadata almost entirely for interoperability and user convenience reasons. No code paths in the OpenFF Toolkit consider hierarchy metadata during parameter assignment. While users should expect hierarchy metadata to be correctly handled in simple loading operations and export to other packages, modifying hierarchy metadata in the OpenFF Toolkit may lead to unexpected incompatibilities with other packages/representations.

Another consequence of this difference in representations is that hierarchy iterators (like Molecule.residues and Topology.chains) are not accessed during conversion to other packages. Only the underlying hierarchy metadata from the atoms is transferred, and the OpenFF Toolkit makes no attempt to match the behavior of iterators in other packages.

In cases where only some common metadata fields are set (but not others), the following calls happen during conversion TO other packages

  • RDKit - We run rdatom.SetPDBMetadata if ANY of residue_name, residue_number, or chain_id are set on the OpenFF Atom. This means that, in cases where only one or two of those fields are filled, the others will be set to be the default values in RDKit
  • OpenEye - We always run oechem.OEAtomSetResidue(oe_atom, res). If the metadata values are not defined in OpenFF, we assign default values (residue_name="UNL", residue_number=1, chain_id=" ")
  • OpenMM - OpenMM requires identification of chains and residues when constructing a Topology, and residues must be entirely contained within their parent chain. Our Topology.to_openmm method creates at least one chain for each OpenFF Molecule. Contiguously-indexed atoms with the same chain_id value within a OpenFF Molecule will be assigned to a single OpenMM chain. Continuously indexed atoms with the same residue_name, residue_number, and chain_id will be assigned to the same OpenMM residue.


header-rows: 1 class: expanded name: table-hierarchy-across-toolkits

    • Toolkit
    • residue_name
    • residue_number
    • insertion_code
    • chain_id
    • PDB file ATOM/HETATM columns
    • Columns 18-20 (resName)
    • Columns 23-26 (resSeq)
    • Columns 27 (iCode)
    • Columns 22 (chainID)
    • PDBx/MMCIF fields
    • label_comp_id
    • label_seq_id
    • label_ins_code
    • label_asym_id
    • OpenFF getter (defined)
    • atom.metadata["residue_name"]
    • atom.metadata["residue_number"]
    • atom.metadata["insertion_code"]
    • atom.metadata["chain_id"]
    • OpenFF getter (undefined)
    • "residue_name" not in atom.metadata
    • "residue_number" not in atom.metadata
    • "insertion_code" not in atom.metadata
    • "chain_id" not in atom.metadata
    • OpenFF setter (defined)
    • atom.metadata["residue_name"] = X
    • atom.metadata["residue_number"] = X
    • atom.metadata["insertion_code"] = X
    • atom.metadata["chain_id"] = X
    • OpenFF setter (undefined)
    • del atom.metadata['residue_name']
    • del atom.metadata['residue_number']
    • del atom.metadata['insertion_code']
    • del atom.metadata['chain_id']
    • OpenMM getter (defined)
    • omm_atom.residue.insertionCode
    • OpenMM getter (undefined)
    • All particles in an OpenMM Topology belong to a chain and residue
    • All particles in an OpenMM Topology belong to a chain and residue
    • All particles in an OpenMM Topology belong to a chain and residue
    • All particles in an OpenMM Topology belong to a chain and residue
    • OpenMM setter (defined)
    • = X
    • = X
    • omm_atom.residue.insertionCode = X
    • = X
    • OpenMM setter (undefined)
    • = "UNL"
    • = 0
    • omm_atom.residue.insertionCode = " "
    • = "X"
    • RDKit getter (defined)
    • rda.GetPDBResidueInfo().GetResidueName()
    • rda.GetPDBResidueInfo().GetResidueNumber()
    • rda.GetPDBResidueInfo().GetInsertionCode()
    • rda.GetPDBResidueInfo().GetChainId()
    • RDKit getter (undefined)
    • rda.GetPDBResidueInfo() is None
    • rda.GetPDBResidueInfo() is None
    • rda.GetPDBResidueInfo() is None
    • rda.GetPDBResidueInfo() is None
    • RDKit setter (defined)
    • res = rda.GetPDBResidueInfo() 
    • res = rda.GetPDBResidueInfo() 
    • res = rda.GetPDBResidueInfo() 
    • .res = rda.GetPDBResidueInfo() 
    • RDKit setter (if at least one field is defined, but not this one)
    • res = rda.GetPDBResidueInfo() 
    • res = rda.GetPDBResidueInfo() 
    • res = rda.GetPDBResidueInfo() 
    • res = rda.GetPDBResidueInfo() 
    • RDKit setter (if ALL fields are undefined)
    • No action
    • No action
    • No action
    • No action
    • OpenEye getter (defined)
    • oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atom).GetName()
    • oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atom).GetResidueNumber()
    • oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atom).GetInsertCode()
    • oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atom).GetChainID()
    • OpenEye getter (undefined)
    • oechem.OEHasResidues(oemol) == False
    • oechem.OEHasResidues(oemol) == False
    • oechem.OEHasResidues(oemol) == False
    • oechem.OEHasResidues(oemol) == False
    • OpenEye setter (defined)
    • res = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atom) 
      oechem.OEAtomSetResidue(atom, res)
    • res = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atom) 
      oechem.OEAtomSetResidue(atom, res)
    • res = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atom) 
      oechem.OEAtomSetResidue(atom, res)
    • res = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atom) 
      oechem.OEAtomSetResidue(atom, res)
    • OpenEye setter (undefined)
    • res = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atom) 
      oechem.OEAtomSetResidue(atom, res)
    • res = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atom) 
      oechem.OEAtomSetResidue(atom, res)
    • res = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atom) 
      res.SetInsertCode(" ") 
      oechem.OEAtomSetResidue(atom, res)
    • res = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atom) 
      res.SetChainID(" ") 
      oechem.OEAtomSetResidue(atom, res)
