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JPA data provider framework providing reusable data retrieval and persistence interface and mapping layer between consumer and data repository/entities


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JPA Data Provider

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JPA data provider framework providing reusable data retrieval and persistence interface and mapping layer between consumer and data repository/entities


  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot 3


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Note: See Release version badge above for latest version.


Postgres Database

Test data is stored in a Postgres database. A local database is used for testing and local development.

Flyway is used to perform database DDL and DML changes to the database.


To create database service account, copy create_database_user.sql from Vault to migrations and run:

psql postgres -f migrations/create_database_user.sql

To create database, run:

psql postgres -f migrations/create_database.sql

To deploy database schema, copy from Vault to project root and run:

./gradlew flywayMigrate -PenvironmentName=default


When developing REST APIs with data retrieval and persistence to a JPA-enabled data repository, one typically has to write boilerplate code mapping a model to an entity object.

The JPA Data Provider framework providers a simple means to automatically perform data retrieval and persistence using a common interface from mappings defined in a special JpaDataProvider<T, Id> class implementation.

Supported methods:

  • delete
  • deleteByIds
  • exists
  • get
  • save

Simply define the mappings and have the data provider take care of the rest:

Entity Class

@Entity(name = "products")
data class Entity(
    val id: UUID?,
    val name: String?,
    val sku: String?,
    val category: String?

Data Repository

interface DataRepository : JpaRepository<Entity, UUID>

Data Provider

class DataProvider(
    override val repository: DataRepository
) : JpaDataProvider<Entity, UUID> {

    override val name: String = "products"
    override val id: String = "id"
    override val mappings: Map<String, String> =
            "product_id" to "id",
            "product_name" to "name",
            "product_sku" to "sku",
            "product_category" to "category"

    override fun idConverter(id: Any): UUID {
        return convertToUuid(id)!!

    override fun filterMapper(filters: Map<String, Any>): Entity =
            id = nullableObjectFieldValue("id", filters, convertToUuid),
            name = nullableObjectFieldValue("name", filters, convertToString),
            sku = nullableObjectFieldValue("sku", filters, convertToString),
            category = nullableObjectFieldValue("category", filters, convertToString)

    override fun objectFieldMapper(row: Map<String, Any>): Entity =
            id = objectFieldValue("id", row, Uuid.empty, convertToUuid),
            name = objectFieldValue("name", row, String.empty, convertToString),
            sku = objectFieldValue("sku", row, String.empty, convertToString),
            category = objectFieldValue("category", row, String.empty, convertToString)

    override fun rowColumnMapper(o: Entity): Map<String, Any> {
        val map = mutableMapOf<String, Any>()
        with(map) {
            putIfNotAbsent(rowColumnValue("id",, Uuid.empty, convertFromUuid))
            putIfNotAbsent(rowColumnValue("name",, String.empty, convertToString))
            putIfNotAbsent(rowColumnValue("sku", o.sku, String.empty, convertToString))
            putIfNotAbsent(rowColumnValue("category", o.category, String.empty, convertToString))
        return map


  • name is the name of the data provider
  • id is the name of the entity class @Id field
  • mappings provides the mappings from the consumer model to the entity class via a Map<String, Any>
    • key is the consumer model field name
    • value is the entity class field name
  • idConverter provides a function to convert an identifier value to an entity class @Id field data type
  • filterMapper provides the filters available used to filter data
  • objectFieldMapper constructs an entity class from a row of data
  • rowColumnMapper constructs a row of data from an entity class

Converter Functions

Converter functions are provided to allow common data types of Any and String to be converted to and from explicit entity object field class types.

The following functions are supported:

Function Description Input Type Output Type
convertFromBigDecimal Converts from BigDecimal BigDecimal String
convertFromBoolean Converts from Boolean Boolean String
convertFromDate Converts from SQL Date java.sql.Date String
convertFromDouble Converts from Double Double String
convertFromFloat Converts from Float Float String
convertFromInt Converts from Integer Integer String
convertFromLong Converts from Long Long String
convertFromShort Converts from Short Short String
convertFromTimestamp Converts from SQL Timestamp java.sql.Timestamp String
convertFromUuid Converts from UUID UUID String
convertToBigDecimal Converts to BigDecimal Any BigDecimal
convertToBoolean Converts to Boolean Any Boolean
convertToDate Converts to SQL Date Any java.sql.Date
convertToDouble Converts to Double Any Double
convertToFloat Converts to Float Any Float
convertToInt Converts to Integer Any Integer
convertToLong Converts to Long Any Long
convertToShort Converts to Short Any Short
convertToString Converts to String Any String
convertToTimestamp Converts to SQL Timestamp Any java.sql.Timestamp
convertToUuid Converts to UUID Any UUID

Data Contracts









Data contracts for retrieving data. Includes filtering, paging, and sorting.

Data in JSON format:

  • filters: List of parameters representing fields, values, and types in which to filter data from data repository
    • params: Filtering parameters in which to filter data
      • name: Name of field in which to filter data
      • value: Filter value for field
      • type: Filter type for field
        • EQUALS performs equality filter on field
        • CONTAINS performs contains filter on field
      • condition: Filter condition for field
        • AND creates an and condition for field
        • OR creates an or condition for field
  • paging: Pagination parameters in which to retrieve a page of data
    • index: Current index of page of data to retrieve
    • size: Number of rows of data per page to retrieve
  • sorting: List of parameters representing fields and direction in which to sort data from data repository
    • params: Sorting parameters in which to sort data
      • name: Name of field in which to sort data
      • direction: Sort direction of field
        • ASC sorts field in ascending order
        • DESC sorts field in descending order
    "filters": {
        "params": [
                "name": "product_name",
                "value": "iPhone",
                "type": "CONTAINS",
                "condition": "AND"
    "paging": {
        "index": 0,
        "size": 2
    "sorting": {
        "params": [
                "name": "product_name",
                "direction": "ASC"


Data contract containing data result. Includes page and record data.

Data in JSON format:

  • pageInfo: Object containing information about page data
    • index: Current index of page of data retrieved
    • size: Number of rows of data in current page retrieved
    • count: Total number of pages in dataset
  • recordInfo: Object containing information about record data
    • total: Total number of records in dataset
  • data: Array containing map of key/value pairs representing row(s) of data retrieved from data repository
    "pageInfo": {
        "index": 0,
        "size": 2,
        "count": 1
    "recordInfo": {
        "total": 2
    "data": [
            "product_id": "50d113a6-24ff-43cd-bb1d-ca3aa1014e4c",
            "product_name": "Apple iPhone",
            "product_sku": "123456",
            "product_category": "mobile"
            "product_id": "81bc7dde-5c9e-4736-baee-b82dc5f249e3",
            "product_name": "Apple iPad",
            "product_sku": "098765",
            "product_category": "tablet"


Several constant object values are provided:

Object Constant Description Data Type
Dates SQL_MIN_DATE Provides a minimum SQL Date java.sql.Date


Several object formatters are provided:

Object Constant Description Data Type
Formats SQL_DATE Formats a date to SQL date format SimpleDateFormat
Formats SQL_DATE_TIME Formats a date/time to SQL timestamp format SimpleDateFormat


JPA data provider framework providing reusable data retrieval and persistence interface and mapping layer between consumer and data repository/entities







