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Advanced Usage

Language Server

The language server is responsible for receiving and sending messages over the Language Server Protocol which is based on the Json RPC protocol.


pygls supports TCP and socket STDIO connections.


TCP connections are usually used while developing the language server. This way the server can be started in debug mode separately and wait for the client connection.


Server should be started before the client.

The code snippet below shows how to start the server in TCP mode.

from pygls.server import LanguageServer

server = LanguageServer('example-server', 'v0.1')

server.start_tcp('', 8080)


STDIO connections are useful when client is starting the server as a child process. This is the way to go in production.

The code snippet below shows how to start the server in STDIO mode.

from pygls.server import LanguageServer

server = LanguageServer('example-server', 'v0.1')



WEBSOCKET connections are used when you want to expose language server to browser based editors.

The code snippet below shows how to start the server in WEBSOCKET mode.

from pygls.server import LanguageServer

server = LanguageServer('example-server', 'v0.1')

server.start_websocket('', 1234)


Logs are useful for tracing client requests, finding out errors and measuring time needed to return results to the client.

pygls uses built-in python logging module which has to be configured before server is started.

Official documentation about logging in python can be found here. Below is the minimal setup to setup logging in pygls:

import logging

from pygls.server import LanguageServer

logging.basicConfig(filename='pygls.log', filemode='w', level=logging.DEBUG)

server = LanguageServer('example-server', 'v0.1')


Overriding LanguageServerProtocol

If you have a reason to override the existing LanguageServerProtocol class, you can do that by inheriting the class and passing it to the LanguageServer constructor.


What is a feature in pygls? In terms of language servers and the Language Server Protocol, a feature is one of the predefined methods from LSP specification, such as: code completion, formatting, code lens, etc. Features that are available can be found in pygls.lsp.methods module.

Built-In Features

pygls comes with following predefined set of Language Server Protocol (LSP) features:

  • The initialize request is sent as a first request from client to the server to setup their communication. pygls automatically computes registered LSP capabilities and sends them as part of InitializeResult response.
  • The shutdown request is sent from the client to the server to ask the server to shutdown.
  • The exit notification is sent from client to the server to ask the server to exit the process. pygls automatically releases all resources and stops the process.
  • The textDocument/didOpen notification will tell pygls to create a document in the in-memory workspace which will exist as long as document is opened in editor.
  • The textDocument/didChange notification will tell pygls to update the document text. pygls supports _full and _incremental document changes.
  • The textDocument/didClose notification will tell pygls to remove a document from the in-memory workspace.
  • The workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders notification will tell pygls to update in-memory workspace folders.


Commands can be treated as a custom features, i.e. everything that is not covered by LSP specification, but needs to be implemented.


Feature and Command Advanced Registration

pygls is a language server which relies on asyncio event loop. It is asynchronously listening for incoming messages and, depending on the way method is registered, applying different execution strategies to respond to the client.

Depending on the use case, features and commands can be registered in three different ways.

To make sure that you fully understand what is happening under the hood, please take a look at the tutorial <tutorial>.


Built-in features in most cases should not be overridden. Instead, register the feature with the same name and it will be called immediately after the corresponding built-in feature.

Asynchronous Functions (Coroutines)

pygls supports python 3.7+ which has a keyword async to specify coroutines.

The code snippet below shows how to register a command as a coroutine:

async def count_down_10_seconds_non_blocking(ls, *args):
    # Omitted

Registering a feature as a coroutine is exactly the same.

Coroutines are functions that are executed as tasks in pygls's event loop. They should contain at least one await expression (see awaitables for details) which tells event loop to switch to another task while waiting. This allows pygls to listen for client requests in a non blocking way, while still only running in the main thread.

Tasks can be canceled by the client if they didn't start executing (see Cancellation Support).


Using computation intensive operations will block the main thread and should be avoided inside coroutines. Take a look at threaded functions for more details.

Synchronous Functions

Synchronous functions are regular functions which blocks the main thread until they are executed.

Built-in features are registered as regular functions to ensure correct state of language server initialization and workspace.

The code snippet below shows how to register a command as a regular function:

def count_down_10_seconds_blocking(ls, *args):
    # Omitted

Registering feature as a regular function is exactly the same.


Using computation intensive operations will block the main thread and should be avoided inside regular functions. Take a look at threaded functions for more details.

Threaded Functions

Threaded functions are just regular functions, but marked with pygls's thread decorator:

# Decorator order is not important in this case
def count_down_10_seconds_blocking(ls, *args):
    # Omitted

pygls uses its own thread pool to execute above function in daemon thread and it is lazy initialized first time when function marked with thread decorator is fired.

Threaded functions can be used to run blocking operations. If it has been a while or you are new to threading in Python, check out Python's multithreading and GIL before messing with threads.

Passing Language Server Instance

Using language server methods inside registered features and commands are quite common. We recommend adding language server as a first parameter of a registered function.

There are two ways of doing this:

  • ls (language server) naming convention

Add ls as first parameter of a function and pygls will automatically pass the language server instance.

def count_down_10_seconds_blocking(ls, *args):
    # Omitted
  • add type to first parameter

Add the LanguageServer class or any class derived from it as a type to first parameter of a function

def count_down_10_seconds_blocking(ser: JsonLanguageServer, *args):
    # Omitted

Using outer json_server instance inside registered function will make writing unit tests <testing> more difficult.


A notification is a request message without the id field and server must not reply to it. This means that, if your language server received the notification, even if you return the result inside your handler function, the result won't be passed to the client.

The Language Server Protocol, unlike Json RPC, allows bidirectional communication between the server and the client.


The configuration request is sent from the server to the client in order to fetch configuration settings from the client. When the requested configuration is collected, the client sends data as a notification to the server.


Although configuration is a request, it is explained in this section because the client sends back the notification object.

The code snippet below shows how to send configuration to the client:

def get_configuration(self,
                      params: WorkspaceConfigurationParams,
                      callback: Optional[Callable[[List[Any]], None]] = None
                      ) -> asyncio.Future:
    # Omitted

pygls has three ways for handling configuration notification from the client, depending on way how the function is registered (described here):

  • asynchronous functions (coroutines)
# await keyword tells event loop to switch to another task until notification is received
config = await ls.get_configuration(WorkspaceConfigurationParams(items=[ConfigurationItem(scope_uri='doc_uri_here', section='section')]))
  • synchronous functions
# callback is called when notification is received
def callback(config):
    # Omitted

config = ls.get_configuration(WorkspaceConfigurationParams(items=[ConfigurationItem(scope_uri='doc_uri_here', section='section')]), callback)
  • threaded functions
# .result() will block the thread
config = ls.get_configuration(WorkspaceConfigurationParams(items=[ConfigurationItem(scope_uri='doc_uri_here', section='section')])).result()

Show Message

Show message is notification that is sent from the server to the client to display text message.

The code snippet below shows how to send show message notification:

async def count_down_10_seconds_non_blocking(ls, *args):
    for i in range(10):
        # Sends message notification to the client
        ls.show_message(f"Counting down... {10 - i}")
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

Show Message Log

Show message log is notification that is sent from the server to the client to display text message in the output channel.

The code snippet below shows how to send show message log notification:

async def count_down_10_seconds_non_blocking(ls, *args):
    for i in range(10):
        # Sends message log notification to the client's output channel
        ls.show_message_log(f"Counting down... {10 - i}")
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

Publish Diagnostics

Publish diagnostics notifications are sent from the server to the client to signal results of validation runs.

Usually this notification is sent after document is opened, or on document content change, e.g.:

async def did_open(ls, params: DidOpenTextDocumentParams):
    """Text document did open notification."""
    ls.show_message("Text Document Did Open")
    ls.show_message_log("Validating json...")

    # Get document from workspace
    text_doc = ls.workspace.get_document(params.text_document.uri)

    diagnostic = Diagnostic(
                        start=Position(line-1, col-1),
                        end=Position(line-1, col)
                    message="Custom validation message",
                    source="Json Server"

    # Send diagnostics
    ls.publish_diagnostics(text_doc.uri, [diagnostic])

Custom Notifications

pygls supports sending custom notifications to the client and below is method declaration for this functionality:

def send_notification(self, method: str, params: object = None) -> None:
    # Omitted

And method invocation example:

server.send_notification('myCustomNotification', 'test data')

Custom Error Reporting

By default Pygls notifies the client to display any occurences of uncaught exceptions in the server. To override this behaviour define your own report_server_error() method like so:

Class CustomLanguageServer(LanguageServer):
    def report_server_error(self, error: Exception, source: Union[PyglsError, JsonRpcException]):


Workspace is a python object that holds information about workspace folders, opened documents and has the logic for updating document content.

pygls automatically take care about mentioned features of the workspace.

Workspace methods that can be used for user defined features are:

  • Get document from the workspace
def get_document(self, doc_uri: str) -> Document:
    # Omitted
def apply_edit(self, edit: WorkspaceEdit, label: str = None) -> ApplyWorkspaceEditResponse:
    # Omitted