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Graph Node Docker Image

Preconfigured Docker image for running a Graph Node.


In the subgraph-deployer.ts script, you will need to add the subgraph slug for all the datasources of each adapter and extension subgraph you want to deploy:

   * CORE
   * Mandatory core subgraph (DaoFactory, DaoRegistry, BankExtension)
  Core: "core-dev",

   * Add your adapter subgraphs datasource and subgraph slug
  CouponOnboarding: "coupon-onboarding-dev",

   * Add your extension subgraphs datasource and subgraph slug
  NFTExtension: "nft-extension-dev",

Start ganache with ganache-cli --host --port 7545 --networkId 1337 --chainId 1337 --blockTime 3 --mnemonic "twelve words including quotes" in one terminal window.

Note that -h is necessary for Ganache to be accessible from within Docker and from other machines. By default, Ganache only binds to, which can only be accessed from the host machine that Ganache runs on. The Graph

Using your Tribute DAO contracts deployed from tribute-contracts to your running ganache network, copy the DaoFactory contract address and block number into the respective address and startBlock (important: make sure the block number starts from 1 previous block, for example, if the block number is 19, use 18 as the startBlock) for the DaoFactory source in subgraphs/Core/subgraph.yaml.

If you are deploying other optional subgraphs (e.g., CouponOnboarding, NFTExtension), you will also need to enter the contract address and block number of the subject contract into the respective subgraphs/[SUBGRAPH CONTRACT DIRNAME]/subgraph.yaml file.

The network in the subgraphs/[SUBGRAPH CONTRACT DIRNAME]/subgraph.yaml files should be set to mainnet.

In a new terminal window, cd docker/ and docker-compose up.

This will start IPFS, Postgres and Graph Node in Docker and create persistent data directories for IPFS and Postgres in ./data/ipfs and ./data/postgres. You can access these via:

  • Graph Node:
    • GraphiQL: http://localhost:8000/
    • HTTP: http://localhost:8000/subgraphs/name/<subgraph-name>
    • WebSockets: ws://localhost:8001/subgraphs/name/<subgraph-name>
    • Admin: http://localhost:8020/
  • IPFS:
    • or /ip4/
  • Postgres:
    • postgresql://graph-node:let-me-in@localhost:5432/graph-node

Once this is up and running, you can create and deploy your subgraph to the running Graph Node. To do this, in another terminal window from the project root directory:

  • npm ci to install dependencies
  • set the GRAPH_NODE_TYPE variable in .env to local:

Then, run the subgraph deployer npm run deploy-subgraph to allocate the subgraph names in the Graph Node and deploy the subgraphs to your local Graph Node.

IMPORTANT: The command line will prompt for an input for the ✔ Version Label (e.g. v0.0.1) for each subgraph. Enter the version and the deployment will resume.