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File metadata and controls

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Installation and configuration



Prerequisite Version
Python with setuptools and pip 2.7 [1]
Database supported by GeoDjango [2]
GDAL 1.9
PIL or Pillow with freetype 1.1.7 [3]
Dickinson 0.2.1 [4]

[1] Enhydris runs on Python 2.7. It does not run on Python 3. setuptools and pip are needed in order to install the rest of the Python modules.

[2] Enhydris has been tested with PostgreSQL+PostGIS and spatialite, the latter only in development.

[3] PIL/Pillow is not directly required by Enhydris, but by other python modules required my Enhydris. In theory, installing Enhydris with pip will indirectly result in also installing PIL/Pillow. However, it can be tricky to install, and it may be better to install a prepackaged version for your operating system. It must be compiled with libfreetype support. This is common in Linux distributions.

[4] Dickinson is not required directly by Enhydris, but by pthelma, which is required by Enhydris.


Example: Installing prerequisites on Debian/Ubuntu:

apt-get install python postgresql python-setuptools python-pip \
    python-pil python-gdal

# Install Dickinson
cd /tmp
tar xzf 0.2.1.tar.gz
cd dickinson-0.2.1
sudo make install

Install Enhydris

Install Enhydris with pip install enhydris, probably specifying a version and using a virtualenv, like this:

virtualenv --system-site-packages [virtualenv_target_dir]
pip install 'enhydris>=0.8,<0.9'

You may or may not want to use the --system-site-packages parameter. The main reason to use it is that it will then use your systemwide python-gdal and python-pil (and python-psycopg2, if you use PostgreSQL), which means it won't need to compile these for the virtualenv.

Configuring Enhydris

Execute enhydris-admin newinstance to create a new Enhydris configuration directory; for example:

cd /etc
enhydris-admin newinstance myinstance

The above will create directory /etc/myinstance with some files in it.

Open the created file and edit it according to the comments you will find in the file.

Initializing the database

In order to initialize your database and create the necessary database tables for Enhydris to run, run the following commands inside the Enhydris configuration directory:

python migrate
python createsuperuser

The above commands will also ask you to create a Enhydris superuser.


Using PostgreSQL+PostGIS

If you use PostgreSQL+PostGIS, you need to create a spatially enabled database before running the commands above.

(In the following examples, we use enhydris_db as the database name, and enhydris_user as the PostgreSQL username. The user should not be a super user, and not be allowed to create more users. In production, it should not be allowed to create databases; in testing, it should be allowed, in order to be able to run the unit tests.)

The first step is to create a spatially enabled database template.

Here is a Debian Jessie example:

# Install PostgreSQL and PostGIS
apt-get install postgis postgresql-9.4-postgis python-psycopg2

# Create database template
sudo -u postgres -s
createdb template_postgis
psql -d template_postgis -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
psql -d template_postgis -c \
   "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='true' \
   WHERE datname='template_postgis';"

# Create database
sudo -u postgres -s
createuser --pwprompt enhydris_user
createdb --template template_postgis --owner enhydris_user \

You may also need to edit your pg_hba.conf file as needed (under /var/lib/pgsql/data/ or /etc/postgresql/9.x/main/, depending on your system). The chapter on client authentication of the PostgreSQL manual explains this in detail. A simple setup is to authenticate with username and password, in which case you should add or modify the following lines in pg_hba.conf:

local   all         all                               md5
host    all         all          md5
host    all         all         ::1/128               md5

Restart the server to read the new pg_hba.conf configuration. For example:

service postgresql restart

Here is a Windows example, assuming PostgreSQL is installed at the default location:

cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin
createdb template_postgis
psql -d template_postgis -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
psql -d template_postgis -c "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='true'
   WHERE datname='template_postgis';"
createuser -U postgres --pwprompt enhydris_user
createdb --template template_postgis --owner enhydris_user enhydris_db

At some point, these commands will ask you for the password of the operating system user.

Running Enhydris

Inside the Enhydris configuration directory, run the following command:

python runserver

The above command will start the Django development server and set it to listen to port 8000. If you then start your browser and point it to http://localhost:8000/, you should see Enhydris in action. Note that this only listens to the localhost; if you want it to listen on all interfaces, use instead.

To use Enhydris in production, you need to setup a web server such as apache. This is described in detail in Deploying Django.

Post-install configuration: domain name

After you run Enhydris, logon as a superuser, visit the admin panel, go to Sites, edit the default site, and enter your domain name there instead of Emails to users for registration confirmation will contain links to that domain. Restart the Enhydris (by restarting apache/gunicorn/whatever) after changing the domain name.

Settings reference

These are the settings available to Enhydris, in addition to the Django settings.


When a default country is specified, the station search is locked within that country and the station search filter allows only searches in the selected country. If left blank, the filter allows all countries to be included in the search.



These are used only if FILTER_DEFAULT_COUNTRY is set. They are the names of the first and the second level of political subdivision in a certain country. For example, Greece is first divided in 'districts', then in 'prefecture', whereas the USA is first divided in 'states', then in 'counties'.


This must be configured before syncing the database. If set to True, it enables all logged in users to add content to the site (stations, instruments and timeseries). It enables the use of user space forms which are available to all registered users and also allows editing existing data. When set to False (the default), only privileged users are allowed to add/edit/remove data from the db.


If this is set to True, all registered users have access to the timeseries and can download timeseries data. If set to False (the default), the users may be restricted.


Setting this option to True will enable all users to download timeseries data without having to login first. The default is False.


Set a value in degrees. When a geographical query has a bounding box with dimensions less than MIN_VIEWPORT_IN_DEGS, the map will have at least a dimension of MIN_VIEWPORT_IN_DEGS². Useful when showing a single entity, such as a hydrometeorological station. Default value is 0.04, corresponding to an area approximately 4×4 km.


A tuple containing the default viewport for the map in geographical coordinates, in cases of geographical queries that do not return anything. Format is (minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat) where lon and lat is in decimal degrees, positive for north/east, negative for west/south.


The directory where the files with the time series data are stored; for example, /var/local/enhydris/timeseries_data. You must specify this in production. The default is timeseries_data, relative to the directory from which you start the server.

You might choose to put that under MEDIA_ROOT, but in that case all data might be publicly available, without permission checking.


Chart options for time series details page. The big step represents the max num of data points to be plotted, default is 200. The fine step are the max num of points between main data points to search for a maxima, default is 50.


This is a quick-and-dirty way to create a web site that only displays a subset of an Enhydris database. For example, the database of is the same as that of; however, the former only shows stations relevant to the Deucalion project, because it has this setting:

ENHYDRIS_SITE_STATION_FILTER = {'owner__id__exact': '9'}


If True, the station detail page shows copyright information for the station. By default, it is False. If all the stations in the database belong to one organization, you probably want to leave it to False. If the database is going to be openly accessed and contains data that belongs to many owners, you probably want to set it to True.


Sometimes Enhydris displays the reference system of the co-ordinates, which is always WGS84. In some installations, it is desirable to show something other than "WGS84", such as "ETRS89". This parameter specifies the name that will be displayed; the default is WGS84.

This is merely a cosmetic issue, which does not affect the actual reference system used, which is always WGS84. The purpose of this parameter is merely to enable installations in Europe to display "ETRS89" instead of "WGS84" whenever this is preferred. Given that the difference between WGS84 and ETRS89 is only a few centimeters, which is considerably less that the accuracy with which station co-ordinates are given, whether WGS84 or ETRS89 is displayed is actually irrelevant.


A list of Javascript definitions of base layers to use on the map. The default is:

[r'''OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.Mapnik("Open Street Map",
    {isBaseLayer: true,
    attribution: "Map by <a href=''>OSM</a>"})''',
 r'''OpenLayers.Layer.OSM.CycleMap("Open Cycle Map",
    {isBaseLayer: true,
        attribution: "Map by <a href=''>OSM</a>"})'''


A pair of points, each one being a pair of co-ordinates in WGS84; the first one is the bottom-left point and the second is the top-right. The default is Greece:

ENHYDRIS_MAP_BOUNDS = ((19.3, 34.75), (29.65, 41.8))

The bounds are automatically enlarged in order to encompass all registered objects, so this setting is useful only if there are no objects or a few objects.


The map can show different station types with different markers. For example:

    '0': 'images/drop_marker.png',
    '1': 'images/drop_marker_cyan.png',
    '3': 'images/drop_marker_orange.png',
    '11': 'images/drop_marker_green.png',

In the example above, stations whose type id is 3 will be shown with drop_marker_orange.png, and any marker whose id is not one of 1, 3, or 11 will show with drop_marker.png. The files are URLs; if they are relative, they are relative to STATIC_URL.

The default is:

    '0': 'images/drop_marker.png', 