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Mobility Data Specification: Delivery Robots

MDS Modes - Delivey Robots

Delivey Robots refers to autonomous and remotely driven goods delivery devices. There can be one or multiple orders on different trips at the same time. The state machine tracks the trip states of the orders separately from the vehicle state.

See the modes overview for how the mode specific information below applies across MDS.

Robots Vs Other Delivery Types

Autonomous and remotely piloted delivery robots do not require a driver, whereas other forms of deliveries may, e.g. in a commerical or private car, truck, bike, etc. For this MDS release, this mode is limited to deliveries where a human driver is not on board the vehicle doing the delivery, and human passengers are not being transported.

Table of Contents

Mode Attributes

Mode ID

The short name identifier for deliveries used across MDS is delivery-robots.


Trip Properties

Journey ID

The journey_id field shall have a consistent value in overlapping trips. Journeys may be point-to-point, multi-segment, or multi-segment overlapping.

Example 1: delivery to a single location, then return

<-                  Journey               ->
<- Trip: delivery -><-    Trip: return    ->

Example 2: three overlapping delivery trips in the same journey

<-                                 Journey                                  ->
<- Trip: delivery ->
                    <- Trip: delivery ->
                                        <- Trip: delivery -><- Trip: return ->


Journey Attributes

The journey_attributes array may have the following key value pairs:

  • ...


Trip ID Requirements

Events require a valid trip_id in events where event_types contains reservation_start, reservation_stop, trip_start, trip_pause, trip_end, customer_cancellation, provider_cancellation, or driver_cancellation.

For the robots, the notion of driver does not exist, even when remotely operated.

Additionally, trip_id is required if event_types contains a enter_jurisdiction or leave_jurisdiction event pertaining to a delivery trip.

Trip Type

The trip_type field is used to describe the trip itself.

The trip_type field must have one of the following enumerated values:

  • delivery: making a delivery
  • return: returning to home location or next trip start
  • advertising: displaying advertising and not making a delivery
  • mapping: mapping the environment and not making a delivery
  • roaming: moving in right of way but not in another trip_type


Trip Attributes

The trip_attributes array may have the following key value pairs:

  • driver_type (ennum, required): type of driver operating the device: human, semi-autonomous, autonomous
  • driver_id (UUID, optional): consistent unique identifier of the privary driver. Could be based on software version or human
  • app_name (text, optional): name of the app used to reserve the trip which could be provider's app or 3rd party app
  • request_time (timestamp, optional): when the customer requested the trip
  • has_payload (boolean, optional): is there any payload for any delivery included in the device at trip start. 1 = loaded, 0 = empty
  • range (interger, optional): estimated range in meters based on energy levels in device at trip start
  • identification_required (boolean, optional): does the cargo require providing customer identification before trip start or upon delivery?


Fare Attributes

The fare_attributes array may have the following key value pairs:

  • payment_type (enumerated, optional): cash, mobile, voucher, paratransit, no payment, test
  • price (currency, optional): Total price of the order


Vehicle Properties

Vehicle Attributes

The vehicle_attributes array may have the following key value pairs:

  • year (integer, optional)
  • make (string, optional)
  • model (string, optional)
  • color (string, optional)
  • inspection_date (date YYYY-MM-DD, optional): the date of the last inspection of the vehicle
  • equipped_cameras (integer, optional): number of cameras equipped on device
  • equipped_lighting (integer, optional): number of lights used to illuminate the environment on the the device
  • wheel_count (integer, optional): number of wheels on the device
  • width (integer, optional): width in meters of the device
  • length (integer, optional): length in meters of the device
  • height (integer, optional): height in meters of the device (minus flexible elements like flags)
  • weight (integer, optional): weight in kilograms rounded up of the device not including cargo
  • top_speed (integer, optional): theoretical top speed in meters per second of the device
  • storage_capacity (integer, optional): cubic centimeters of cargo space available not including any cargo


Accessibility Options

The accessibility_options array may have the following key value pairs:

  • audio_cue (boolean, optional): is the device equipped with audio cues upon delivery
  • visual_cue (boolean, optional): is the device equipped with visual cues upon delivery
  • remote_open (boolean, optional): can the device door be remotely opened to retrieve cargo upon delivery


State Machine

Vehicle States

Valid delivery vehicle states are

  • removed
  • available
  • non_operational
  • reserved
  • on_trip
  • stopped
  • elsewhere
  • unknown

See Vehicle States for descriptions.


Event Types

Valid delivery vehicle event types are

  • agency_drop_off
  • agency_pick_up
  • battery_charged
  • battery_low
  • comms_lost
  • comms_restored
  • compliance_pick_up
  • decommissioned
  • located
  • maintenance
  • maintenance_pick_up
  • missing
  • off_hours
  • on_hours
  • driver_cancellation
  • order_drop_off
  • order_pick_up
  • decommission
  • maintenance_end
  • maintenance_start
  • customer_cancellation
  • provider_cancellation
  • recommission
  • reservation_cancel
  • reservation_start
  • service_end
  • service_start
  • trip_cancel
  • trip_end
  • trip_enter_jurisdiction
  • trip_leave_jurisdiction
  • trip_resume
  • trip_start
  • trip_pause
  • unspecified

See vehicle Event Types for descriptions.


Vehicle States Events

This is the list of vehicle_state and event_type pairings that constitute the valid transitions of the vehicle state machine.

Previous vehicle_state vehicle_state trip_state event_type Description
available elsewhere N/A leave_jurisdiction The vehicle has left jurisdictional boundaries while available for-hire
available non_operational N/A service_end The vehicle has gone out of service (is unavailable for-hire)
available reserved reserved reserve The vehicle was reserved by a customer
available unknown N/A comms_lost The vehicle has gone out of comms while available for-use
elsewhere available N/A enter_jurisdiction The vehicle has entered jurisdictional boundaries while available for-hire
elsewhere non_operational N/A enter_jurisdiction The vehicle has entered jurisdictional boundaries while not operating commercially
elsewhere on_trip on_trip enter_jurisdiction The vehicle has entered jurisdictional boundaries while on a trip
elsewhere reserved N/A enter_jurisdiction The vehicle has entered jurisdictional boundaries while reserved by a customer
elsewhere unknown N/A comms_lost The vehicle has gone out of comms while outside of jurisdictional boundaries
non_operational available N/A service_start The vehicle has gone into service (is available for-hire)
non_operational elsewhere N/A leave_jurisdiction The vehicle has left jurisdictional boundaries while not operating commercially
non_operational removed N/A decommissioned The vehicle has been removed from the Provider's fleet
non_operational removed N/A maintenance_start The vehicle has entered the depot for maintenance
non_operational unknown N/A comms_lost The vehicle has gone out of comms while not operating commercially
on_trip elsewhere N/A leave_jurisdiction The vehicle has left jurisdictional boundaries while on a trip
on_trip stopped stopped trip_pause The vehicle has paused while on a trip
on_trip stopped stopped order_pick_up The vehicle has stopped while on a trip to pick up an order
on_trip unknown N/A comms_lost The vehicle has gone out of comms while on a trip to pick up the order
removed non_operational N/A maintenance_end The vehicle has left the depot
removed non_operational N/A recommissioned The vehicle has been re-added to the Provider's fleet after being previously decommissioned
removed unknown N/A comms_lost The vehicle has gone out of comms while removed
reserved available N/A driver_cancellation The driver has canceled the reservation
reserved available N/A customer_cancellation The customer has canceled the reservation
reserved available N/A provider_cancellation The provider has canceled the reservation
reserved elsewhere N/A leave_jurisdiction The vehicle has left the jurisdiction while in a reservation
reserved stopped stopped reserve_stop The vehicle has stopped to pickup reservation
reserved unknown N/A comms_lost The vehicle has gone of comms while being reserved by a customer
stopped available N/A driver_cancellation The driver has canceled the trip while waiting
stopped available N/A customer_cancellation The customer has canceled the trip while the vehicle is waiting
stopped available N/A provider_cancellation The provider has canceled the trip while the vehicle is waiting
on_trip available N/A order_drop_off The delivery vehicle has stopped to wait for the customer to pick up the order
stopped available N/A trip_end The trip has been successfully completed
stopped on_trip on_trip trip_resume Resume a trip that was previously paused (e.g. picking up an order)
stopped on_trip on_trip trip_start Start a trip
stopped unknown N/A comms_lost The vehicle has gone out of comms while stopped
unknown available N/A comms_restored The vehicle has come back into comms while available for-hire
unknown elsewhere N/A comms_restored The vehicle has come back into comms while outside of jurisdictional boundaries
unknown non_operational N/A comms_restored The vehicle has come back into comms while not operating commercially
unknown on_trip on_trip comms_restored The vehicle has come back into comms while on a trip
unknown removed N/A comms_restored The vehicle has come back into comms while removed
unknown reserved reserved comms_restored The vehicle has come back into comms while reserved by a customer
unknown stopped stopped comms_restored The vehicle has come back into comms while stopped
on_trip stopped stopped order_pick_up The vehicle has come to pick up the order at the restaurant
on_trip available N/A order_drop_off The vehicle is at the customer's place and is waiting for them
on_trip stopped stopped order_pick_up The vehicle has come to pick up the order at the restaurant
on_trip stopped N/A order_drop_off The vehicle is at the customer's place and is waiting for them

State Machine Diagram

The Delivery Diagram shows how the vehicle_state and event_type relate to each other and how delivery vehicles can transition between states.


Delivery Robots State Notes

When there is only one trip ongoing, trip_state == vehicle_state

In cases where there are multiple trips ongoing, please follow the trip state model pseudocode for determining what the vehicle state should be:

t = for the one vehicle, all on-going trips which are 'delivey' or undefined trips (we do not take into account 'roaming', 'return' or 'advertising' trips)
v = vehicle state
if t.any(state == ‘stopped’):
    v = ‘stopped’ 
if t.any(state == ‘on_trip’):      
    v = ‘on_trip’
if t.any(state == ‘reserved’):
    v = ‘reserved’
if t=[]:
    v = ‘available’

trip_state mappings should be the same as in the table above.


Modes Overview

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