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rafa8626 committed May 2, 2018
1 parent 5e3a73d commit c1616c0
Showing 1 changed file with 9 additions and 200 deletions.
209 changes: 9 additions & 200 deletions om-player.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,160 +1,39 @@
// Type definitions for OpenPlayer v1.0.0
// Type definitions for OpenPlayer 1.0
// Project:
// Definitions by: Rafael Miranda <>
// Definitions by: Rafael Miranda <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 2.2

declare namespace OpenPlayer {
* List of methods to be integrated on most of the player's elements.
interface PlayerComponent {
* Create HTML and insert it into OpenPlayer's DOM.
* This method must include its events setup.
create(): void;
* Remove HTML associated to specific OpenPlayer's element.
* This method must include the removal of its previously set events.
destroy(): void;

* An object that maps a list of events with callbacks.
interface EventsList {
* @type object
[key: string]: any;
[key: string]: (e: any) => void;

* Object that contains the defaut elements for a media source.
export interface Source {
* The path/URL to the media source.
* @type string
interface Source {
src: string;
* The MIME type of the media.
* @type string
type: string;
* Digital rights management object to allow play restricted media.
* @type object
drm?: object;

* An object that mimics the `track` tag attributes.
export interface Track {
* The language short code of the track (`en`, `es`, `pt`, etc.)
* @type string
interface Track {
srclang: string;

* Path/URL to obtain track's content.
* @type string
src: string;

* Type of track.
* Possible values (although, OpenPlayer only supports the first one):
* - `subtitles`
* - `captions`
* - `descriptions`
* - `chapters`
* - `metadata`
* @see
* @type string
kind: string;

* Human-friendly name for the track to be displayed in `Settings` menu.
* @type string
label: string;

* Flag to indicate if player should display track's content initially or not.
* @type boolean
default?: boolean;

* Class that creates the Media Component in the player.
* `Media` is the visual/audio entity that results from playing a valid source (MP4, MP3, M3U8, MPD, etc.)
class Media {
* Create an instance of Media.
* @param {HTMLMediaElement} element
* @returns {Media}
constructor(element: HTMLMediaElement);
* Check if player can play the current media type (MIME type).
* @param {string} mimeType A valid MIME type, that can include codecs.
* @returns {boolean}
canPlayType(mimeType: string): boolean;
* Check media associated and process it according to its type.
* It requires to run with Promises to avoid racing errors between execution of the action
* and the time the potential libraries are loaded completely.
* It will loop the media list found until it reached the first element that can be played.
load(): void;
* Wrapper for `play` method.
* It returns a Promise to avoid browser's race issues when attempting to pause media.
* @see
* @returns {Promise}
play(): Promise<void>;
* Wrapper for `pause` method.
* It checks if play Promise has been resolved in order to trigger pause
* to avoid browser's race issues.
* @see
pause(): void;
* Invoke `destroy` method of current media type.
* Streaming that uses hls.js or dash.js libraries require to destroy their players and
* their custom events.
destroy(): void;
// Setters/getters
src(media?: Source[]): Source[];
Expand All @@ -167,42 +46,12 @@ declare namespace OpenPlayer {
ended(): boolean;

* This class implements Google IMA SDK v3.0 to display VAST and VPAID advertisements
* @see
class Ads {
* Create an instance of Ads.
* @param {Media} media
* @param {string} adsUrl
* @returns {Ads}
constructor(media: Media, adsUrl: string);
* Create the Ads container and loader to process the Ads URL provided.
load(): void;
* Start playing/resume Ad if `adsManager` is active.
play(): void;
* Pause Ad if `adsManager` is active.
pause(): void;
* Execute any callbacks to destroy Ads.
destroy(): void;
* Change dimensions of Ad.
* @param {?number} width The new width of the Ad's container.
* @param {?number} height The new height of the Ad's container.
* @param {?string} transform CSS `transform` property to align Ad if `fill` mode is enabled.
resizeAds(width?: number, height?: number, transform?: string): void;
// Setters/getters
volume(value: number): number;
Expand All @@ -217,48 +66,24 @@ declare namespace OpenPlayer {
* This class handles the creation/destruction of all player's control elements.
class Controls implements PlayerComponent {
* Create an instance of Controls.
* @param {Player} player
* @returns {Controls}
constructor(player: Player);
* @inheritDoc
create(): void;
* @inheritDoc
destroy(): void;
* Retrieve the main container of all control elements, to add/remove them in latter steps.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement}
getContainer(): HTMLDivElement;

* This class generates controls to play native media (such as MP4, MP3, HLS, M(PEG-DASH),
* and have a unified look-and-feel on all modern browsers (including IE11)
export class Player {
class Player {
* Convert all the video/audio tags with `om-player` class in a OpenMedia player instance.
static init(): void;
* Create an instance of Player.
* @param {(HTMLMediaElement|string)} element A video/audio tag or its identifier.
* @param {?string} adsUrl A URL to play Ads via Google IMA SDK.
* @param {?boolean} fill Determine if video should be scaled and scrop to fit container.
* @returns {Player}
* Create an instance of Player.
constructor(element: HTMLMediaElement | string, adsUrl?: string, fill?: boolean);
* Create all the markup and events needed for the player.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,65 +120,49 @@ declare namespace OpenPlayer {
* This element is mostly useful to attach other player component's markup in a place
* different than the controls bar.
* @returns {HTMLElement}
getContainer(): HTMLElement;
* Retrieve an instance of the controls object used in the player instance.
* This element is mostly useful to attach other player component's markup in the controls bar.
* @returns {Controls}
getControls(): Controls;
* Retrieve the original video/audio tag.
* This element is useful to attach different events in other player's components.
* @returns {HTMLMediaElement}
getElement(): HTMLMediaElement;
* Retrieve the events attached to the player.
* This list does not include individual events associated with other player's components.
* @returns {EventsList}
getEvents(): EventsList;
* Retrieve the current media object (could be Ads or any other media type).
* @returns {(Ads|Media)}
activeElement(): Ads | Media;
* Check if current media is an instance of a native media type.
* @returns {boolean}
isMedia(): boolean;
* Check if current media is an instance of an Ad.
* @returns {boolean}
isAd(): boolean;
* Retrieve an instance of the `Media` object.
* @returns {Media}
getMedia(): Media;
* Retrieve an instance of the `Ads` object.
* @returns {Ads}
getAd(): Ads;
* Append a new `<track>` tag to the video/audio tag and dispatch event
* so it gets registered/loaded in the player, via `controlschanged` event.
* @param {Track} args
addCaptions(args: Track): void;
// Setters/getters
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