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How to enable notifications

The notifications system enables django-uwsgi-taskmanager to send custom notifications at the end of tasks execution. Tasks may be sent according to the specified level parameter in the handler:

  • failed: whenever failures are trapped during the execution,
  • errors or warnings: when the execution terminates correctly, but errors or warnings are detected,
  • ok: when everything runs smoothly, just to know.

From release 2.1.0, the notifications system has been refactored into a pluggable system. The subsystems ready to be plugged are: Slack and email. Development of a custom subsystem is possible, and a small developer guide is present in the last paragraph of this section.

To enable the Slack notifications subsystem, you have to first install the required packages, which are not included by default. To do that, just:

pip install django-uwsgi-taskmanager[notifications]

This will install the django-uwsgi-taskmanager package from PyPI, including the optional slackclient dependency required to make Slack notifications work.

Email notifications are instead handled using Django django.core.mail module, so no further dependencies are needed and they should work out of the box, given you have at least one email backend properly configured.

Then, you have to configure the UWSGI_TASKMANAGER_NOTIFICATION_HANDLERS setting variable as a dictionary with the chosen handlers.

For example, to set up the slack notification handler:

    "slack": {
        "class": "taskmanager.notifications.SlackNotificationHandler",
        "level": "errors",
        "token": env("UWSGI_TASKMANAGER_NOTIFICATIONS_SLACK_TOKEN", default=""),
        "channel": env("UWSGI_TASKMANAGER_NOTIFICATIONS_SLACK_CHANNELS", default=""),

with the following env variables set:

  • UWSGI_TASKMANAGER_NOTIFICATIONS_SLACK_CHANNELS, a list of strings representing the names or ids of the channels which will receive the notifications.

For the email notification handler:

    "mail": {
        "class": "taskmanager.notifications.MailNotificationHandler",
        "level": "errors",
        "from_email": env("UWSGI_TASKMANAGER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_FROM", default=""),
        "recipients": env("UWSGI_TASKMANAGER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_RECIPIENTS", default=""),

with the following env variables:

  • UWSGI_TASKMANAGER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_FROM, the "from address" you want your outgoing notification emails to use.
  • UWSGI_TASKMANAGER_NOTIFICATIONS_EMAIL_RECIPIENTS, a list of strings representing the recipients of the notifications.

More than one handler can be added. Notifications will be sent to all parties defined.

Developing a custom handler

The basic notification handler is defined in taskmanager.notifications.NotificationHandler, as an abstract class. All handlers subclass this one.

Handlers class can be created anywhere in the python import path. If found, they will be imported by the taskmanager application, during the app startup, and registered as active handler.

In order to setup the handler in the settings, a custom dictionary must be created, just like the two examples above. The dictionary needs to be created, with the class and level keys, at least.

The class key will be popped out of the dictionary and used to instantiate the handler, with the others keys passed as arguments.

The emit_notifications method of the Report class will call all registered handlers and emit the notifications. It is called at the end of taskmanager.tasks.exec_command_task.

Dependencies, should they be needed, must be installed separately.

Feel free to create a pull request if you want to add a notification handler directly in the package.