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CLI to extract state aids data from public sources and produce CSV files


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eu-state-aids is a package to import state aids related data from single countries sources and produce CSV files, according to a common data structure.

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The tool provides both a Command Line Interface (the eu-state-aids command), and an API. See the Usage section.

The common CSV format used for the export:

Name Type Meaning
Name of the beneficiary String The name of the aid's beneficiary
ID of the beneficiary Long Integer The unique ID of the aid's beneficiary
European operation program (ID) String The unique CCI code of the european program, see details here
Amounts (€) Float with 2 digits precision Total amount of the project (in Euro)
Date Date YYYY[-MM-DD] Date of the beginning of the aid program (at least the year)
State aid Scheme String The aid scheme code. The format is SA.XXXXX, wher the Xs are digits.


Python versions from 3.7 are supported.

The package depends on these python packages:

  • typer
  • openpyxl
  • pandas
  • requests
  • validators

So, it's better to create a virtualenv before installation.

The package is hosted on pypi, and can be installed, for example using pip:

pip install eu-state-aids 


Command Line Interface

The eu-state-aids binary command will be available after installation. It offers help with:

eu-state-aids --help

The eu-state-aids command can be used to extract the data from the official sources, and populate the CSV files.

For each country, data files will firstly be fetched and stored locally, and thereafter used in order to export CSV files.

This two-step procedure is useful, since it is not always possible to download source files (Excel, XML, ...) from BI systems of nation states, as it has been seen that they tend to time-out whenever the number of records is high enough.

The logic of these two phases can vary for each single european state, so each country will have a dedicated module, that will be executable as a sub-command.


To retrieve data and produce a CSV file for Bulgary (bg), 2015:

  eu-state-aids bg fetch 2015
  eu-state-aids bg export 2015

To launch the scripts for all years for Bulgary (bg):

# download all years' excel files into local storage 
for Y in $(seq 2014 2022)
  eu-state-aids bg fetch $Y

# process all years' excel files and export CSV records into local storage 
#./data/bg/$Y.csv files
for Y in $(seq 2014 2022)
  python  -m eu_state_aids bg export $Y


Italy needs a slightly different procedure, as before invoking the fetch/export commands, a misure.csv file needs to be generated, so that all aids records found in XML files can be compared with found CE_CODE and filtered.

  eu-state-aids bg generate_measures

To retrieve data and produce a CSV file for Italy (it), 2015, there is actually no need to fetch the file, as files have been copied on a reliable source.

  eu-state-aids bg export 2015 --delete-processed

This will generate a loop over all months of 2015, fetch the files, if they're not already fetched, extract, transform and filter the records for each month and emit a CSV file with all the records found. The amount of money is summed for each beneficiary (over all records in that year). The fetched file will be deleted after the procedure, if required through the --delete-processed option.

To launch the scripts for all years for Italy (it):

# download all years' excel files into local storage 
for Y in $(seq 2014 2022)
  eu-state-aids it export $Y --delete-processed


The fetch and export logics can be used from within a python program, importing the packages. All options values must be explicited in API calls.

from eu_state_aids import bg

for year in ['2015', '2016', '2017']:
  bg.fetch(year, local_path='./data/bg')
    year, local_path='./data/bg', 

Note on italian data

Italian government sources suffer from two issues.

  1. XML files are not automatically downloadable from single dedicated URLS, but must be downloaded manually, as the softare solution adopted for the open data section of the web site does not allow such individual downloads. They have been mirrored on a public AWS resource, and will be fetched from there.
  2. XML files have not been compressed and the OpenData_Aiuto_*.xml files are huge (~1GB). Once compressed, their size reduce to 1/25th of the original size. So they will be stored on the AWS mirror in zipped format.


There is no guaranteed support available, but authors will try to keep up with issues and merge proposed solutions into the code base.

Project Status

This project is funded by the European Commission and is currently (2021) under active developement.


In order to contribute to this project:

  • verify that python 3.7+ is being used (or use pyenv)
  • verify or install poetry, to handle packages and dependencies in a leaner way, with respect to pip and requirements
  • clone the project git clone
  • install the dependencies in the virtualenv, with poetry install, this will also install the dev dependencies
  • develop wildly, running tests and coverage with coverage run -m pytest
  • create a pull request
  • wait for the maintainers to review and eventually merge your pull request into the main repository


Tests are under the tests folder. requests-mock is used to mock requests to remote data files, in order to avoid slow remote connections during tests.


Guglielmo Celata -


This package is released under an MIT License, see details in the LICENSE.txt file.


CLI to extract state aids data from public sources and produce CSV files







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