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This tutorial illustrates how you could jump out of the high-level API box and actually control your own quantization workflow by customizing your own scripts. It's assumed that you have PPQ installed successfully in your working environment, for the installation part, please refer to Installation. In some degree this tutorial shows how you can build your own workflow, thus providing more flexiablity.

CUDA Kernel for Acceleration

PPQ has implemented some cuda kernels for the process of quantization-dequantization execution of tensors, these kernels can accelerate the process of graph execution in quantization mode, and any algorithm based on heavy graph execution may gain speedup when you turn on cuda kernel option ahead of all the following steps

from ppq.core.config import PPQ_CONFIG


note that you don't have to turn on the above option if your environment fails to compile the shared libraries, it's just for accelration and PPQ will do fine without it turning on.

Prepare Your DataLoader

First thing first, you need to prepare your model and calibration data folder, note that only onnx and caffe models are supported in PPQ for now, and you may need to preprocess your calibration data in advance and store them in your calibration data folder in npy or binary files. If your model is in onnx format

model_path = '/path/to/your/model.onnx'
data_path  = '/path/to/your/dataFolder'

or if you are quantizing a caffe model

prototxt_path = '/path/to/your/model.prototxt'
weight_path   = '/path/to/your/model.caffemodel'
data_path     = '/path/to/your/dataFolder'

you can customize your own dataloader, your dataloader could be anything iterable, like a List. It's really easy for you to construct a dataloader if your calibration data is stored as npy files

import os
import numpy as np
import torch

dataloader = [torch.from_numpy(np.load(os.path.join(data_path, file_name))) for file_name in os.listdir(data_path)]

or if your calibration data is stored as bin files, you can load them as numpy array at first

INPUT_SHAPE = [1, 3, 224, 224]
npy_array = [np.fromfile(os.path.join(data_path, file_name), dtype=np.float32).reshape(*INPUT_SHAPE) for file_name in os.listdir(data_path)]
dataloader = [torch.from_numpy(np.load(npy_tensor)) for npy_tensor in npy_array]

you can even create some random dataloader just for testing purpose, to create a random 32-length calibration dataloader with batchsize being 16

dataloader = [torch.randn(16, 3, 224, 224) for _ in range(32)]

and if you are using cuda and have enough memory, you can obtain acceleration by putting all input data on gpu in advance

dataloader = [torch.randn(16, 3, 224, 224).to('cuda') for _ in range(32)]

and if your model has multiple inputs, then you could use a dict to specify every input of your graph

dataloader = [{'input_1': torch.randn(16, 3, 224, 224), 'input_2': torch.randn(16, 3, 224, 224)} for \
                _ in range(32)]

Load Your Model

PPQ needs to load your model into PPQ IR graph before anything could go further, and only onnx/caffe models are supported

from ppq.api import load_onnx_graph, load_caffe_graph

ppq_graph_ir = load_onnx_graph(model_path) # for onnx
ppq_graph_ir = load_caffe_graph(prototxt_path, weight_path) # for caffe

Confirm Target Platform

You have to choose your target platform before quantization, i.e., the backend you want to deploy your quantized model on. For example, if you want to deploy your model on TensorRT, you just need to specify

from ppq.core import TargetPlatform

target_platform = TargetPlatform.TRT_INT8

please check ppq.core for all supported backends, PPQ will issue a quantizer and an exporter for a specific target platform, and different target platforms might lead to completely different quantization schemes and exported file formats.

Prepare Your Setting

Quantization setting acts as a guider which conducts the quantization process. PPQ has provided default settings for some backend platforms, see ppq.api.setting for more details

from ppq import QuantizationSettingFactory

setting = QuantizationSettingFactory.pplcuda_setting() # for OpenPPL CUDA
setting = QuantizationSettingFactory.dsp_setting()     # for DSP/SNPE

if you want to customize your own setting, you can start from a default setting

setting = QuantizationSettingFactory.default_setting()

say if you want to apply ssd equalization algorithm instead of default equalization method, all you need is to turn on the corresponding pass in your setting

setting = QuantizationSettingFactory.default_setting()
setting.ssd_equalization = True

or if you want to apply training-based lsq optimization and control more details of the specific pass

setting.lsq_optimization                = True    # turn on pass     = 1e-4    # adjust learning rate
setting.lsq_optimization_setting.epochs = 30      # adjust number of training epochs for every block

see ppq.api.setting for more information about all supported passes and their applications

Schedule Your Graph

Before IR graph can be processed by a Quantizer, PPQ needs to dispatch operations in the IR graph to different platforms, for example, shape-related operations will be dispatched to TargetPlatform.SHAPE_OR_INDEX, and non-quantable operations will be dispatched to TargetPlatform.FP32, which means they will always run in fp32 mode and no quantization is applied ever

from ppq.api.interface import dispatch_graph

ppq_graph_ir = dispatch_graph(ppq_graph_ir, target_platform, setting)

then we can begin our quantization process using all prepared information

Initialize An Executor

All operations are exectuted by TorchExecutor instances in PPQ, and as you can see from, the inner operation executing logic is implemented using pytorch

from ppq.executor import TorchExecutor

executor = TorchExecutor(ppq_graph_ir, device='cuda') # for cuda execution
executor = TorchExecutor(ppq_graph_ir, device='cpu')  # for cpu execution


PPQ will designate a quantizer for your target platform which would follow the following conventions to actually run the quantization

  1. Prepare dispatched graph IR for calibration
  2. Refine quantization behaviors for certain operations
  3. Run calibration process for parameters and activations
  4. Render quantization parameters
  5. Run activated optimization algorithms specified in quantization setting
from ppq.api.interface import QUANTIZER_COLLECTION

quantizer = QUANTIZER_COLLECTION[target_platform](graph=ppq_graph_ir)
        inputs=dummy_input,                         # some random input tensor, should be list or dict for multiple inputs
        calib_dataloader=dataloader,                # calibration dataloader
        executor=executor,                          # executor in charge of everywhere graph execution is needed
        setting=setting,                            # quantization setting
        calib_steps=calib_steps,                    # number of batched data needed in calibration, 8~512
        collate_fn=lambda x: # final processing of batched data tensor

Inference Simulation

After quantization, the quantized ppq IR graph is in quantization mode, so if you directly run the quantized ppq IR graph using a TorchExecutor

for data in dataloader:
    if collate_fn is not None: # process batched data tensor
        data = collate_fn(data)
    outputs = executor.forward(data)

you will obtain the final outputs with every quantable operation executed in quantization mode, however, if you want to disable quantization and obtain fp32 outputs, you just have to disable quantization for every quantable operation

for op in ppq_ir_graph.operations.values():
    if isinstance(op, QuantableOperation):
        op.dequantize()     # disable quantization

outputs = executor.forward(data) # execution in fp32 mode


PPQ has provided powerful analysis tools to analyse precision degradation in different layers of the quantized graph, graphwise_error_analyse takes quantization error accumulation during execution into consideration while layerwise_error_analyse considers quantization error layer-separetely, if you want to know the global performance of quantized graph by analysing the signal noise ratio of fp32 outputs and quantized outputs of different layers.

from ppq.quantization.analyse import layerwise_error_analyse, graphwise_error_analyse

    graph=quantized, # ppq ir graph
    running_device=EXECUTING_DEVICE, # cpu or cuda
    method='snr',  # the metric is signal noise ratio by default, adjust it to 'cosine' if that's desired
    steps=32, # how many batches of data will be used for error analysis
    collate_fn=lambda x:

or you want to analyse quantization error brought in by every layer,

    method='snr',  # the metric is signal noise ratio by default, adjust it to 'cosine' if that's desired
    collate_fn=lambda x:


To deploy your model on the target backend, appropriate format of quantized model and corresponding quantization parameters should be exported from the quantized PPQ IR graph. PPQ will designate different exporters for different target platforms. For example, if OpenPPL CUDA(PPL_CUDA_INT8) is the desired backend, PPLBackendExporter will export an onnx model and a json file specifying quantization parameters, for more target platforms and exporters, please check

Usually the chozen target platform determines the exact exporting format of the quantized IR graph, but sometimes you might want to export in a different format, say if you want to deploy your model on PPL_CUDA_INT8

from ppq.api.interface import export_ppq_graph

export_platform = TargetPlatform.PPL_CUDA_INT8  # could be other platforms in TargetPlatform class
export_ppq_graph(graph=ppq_ir_graph, platform=export_platform, graph_save_to='quantized', config_save_to='quantized.json')

or if you want to deploy your model on NCNN_INT8, where a quantization table file is needed

export_ppq_graph(graph=ppq_ir_graph, platform=TargetPlatform.NCNN_INT8, graph_save_to='quantized', config_save_to='quantized.table')