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Generative Tests Overview

The generative (property-based) tests use Hypothesis to generate query model variable definitions.

There are detailed docstrings in the code, and a description of how to run the tests in the developer docs. This document is an attempt to provide an overview and introduction to what the tests are doing.

There is one main test, test_query_model in This generates a variable definition, executes it using the MSSQL, SQLite and in-memory query engines, and checks that the results are the same.

Note that because the inputs are automatically generated, we can't test that the results are correct, but we rely on other (unit, integration, acceptance) tests to check the exact outputs produced by the query engines, and we assume that the engines are sufficiently different in implementation that it is a sufficient test to check that they always produce the same results from the same inputs.


The most difficult part of the generative tests is teaching Hypothesis how to construct queries out of query model objects. The query model has various constraints or validation rules which tell you, given a particular object, what sort of operations you can apply to it and what other kinds of object you can combine it with.

One way of trying to produce valid queries is just to generate lots of different objects, try sticking them together and reject any structures that are invalid. This is what we did at first. It has the benefit of being simple, but as the number of different types in the query model grows it becomes harder and harder to randomly generate valid examples and eventually it stops working altogether.

The approach we take now involves, effectively, applying the query model validation rules backwards. We start by deciding on the sort of object we want to end up with e.g. a Series of one-row-per-patient integers. Then we ask, given we've got this object, what sorts of operation could validly produce an object like that? We then get Hypothesis to pick one. That operation in turn requires other inputs and so, again, we ask what sorts of operation could validly produce it and get Hypothesis to pick one. This process repeats until we reach a "terminal node" i.e. an operation which doesn't require any inputs. (And if Hypothesis doesn't naturally give us a terminal node after reaching a certain depth, we force it to choose one.)

This is very efficient at generating large and complex queries for testing. But applying the validation rules backwards is fundamentally quite a mind-stretching exercise so don't be surprised if it takes a little while for everything to fall into place.


We are used to thinking about query model things such as Series as representing a concrete column in a table. The generative tests require a mental shift from thinking in terms of concrete objects to thinking in terms of strategies - i.e. a value strategy is a recipe for generating a Value, rather than a Value itself.

Building strategies

Strategies for query model nodes are built in hypothesis by using hypothesis.strategies.builds or the hypothesis.strategies.composite decorator.

Calling builds with a callable and strategies for the callable's arguments creates a new strategy that works by drawing the arguments and then passing them to the callable e.g. if we have defined strategies for choosing integers and strings, we can create a query model Value strategy with:

from hypothesis import strategies as st

integer_strategy = st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=10)
str_strategy = st.text(alphabet=["a", "b", "c"], min_size=0, max_size=3)
value = st.builds(Value, value=st.one_of(integer_strategy, str_strategy))

value here is still a strategy, not a concrete thing.

>>> value
builds(Value, value=one_of(integers(min_value=0, max_value=10), text(alphabet=['a', 'b', 'c'], max_size=3)))

We can get an actual example by calling example() on a strategy:

>>> value.example()

(The example() method is intended to be used for exploration only, and not in tests or strategy definitions. Hypothesis will complain if you try to do that.)

If we need to reason about the examples being drawn, we can use the composite decorator. This gives us a magic draw argument that we can use to get examples out of a component strategy:

def value(draw, integer_strategy, str_strategy):
    raw_value = draw(st.one_of(integer_strategy, str_strategy))
    if isinstance(raw_value, str):
        # do something
    return Value(value=raw_value)

Note that the function we've written here creates one example Value, which we're calling in the normal way, with a concrete value keyword argument. The composite decorator works by taking a function like this which returns one example, and converting it into function that returns a strategy that produces such examples.

When we call value(), we get the function back:

>>> value(integer_strategy, str_strategy)
value(integer_strategy=integers(min_value=0, max_value=10), str_strategy=text(alphabet=['a', 'b', 'c'], max_size=3))

As it's a strategy, we can call example() on it to get an actual example:

>>> value_st = value(integer_strategy, str_strategy)
>>> value_st.example()

Value vs Series

Note that in the query model, a Value is a type of Series which wraps a single static value in a one-row-per-patient series which just has that value for every patient. The variable strategies treat Value somewhat differently to other types of Series; the overall strategy for a series selects from all possible query model nodes that return a Series, except Value. This is to avoid generating a lot of examples that do not involve the database at all.

It's import to remember that when a strategy for a node uses input arguments that are series and value strategies, those both represent Series nodes of different types.


test_query_model is the main generative test, and takes a variable and data, both hypothesis strategies.

@hyp.given(variable=variable_strategy, data=data_strategy)
def test_query_model(query_engines, variable, data, recorder):
    recorder.record_inputs(variable, data)  # this is used to record and report on some helpful data about the tests
    run_test(query_engines, data, variable, recorder)

data strategy

We define a simplified table schema that contains columns of various types. The data_setup uses this schema to setup up a number of patient and event tables (2 of each), and the data_strategy populates the tables with hypothesis-generated data for each test.

value strategies

The value strategies are strategies defining simple types; int, bool, date, float and str.

value_strategies = {
    int: st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=10),
    bool: st.booleans(), st.dates(, 1, 1),, 12, 31)
    float: st.floats(min_value=0.0, max_value=11.0, width=16, allow_infinity=False),
    str: st.text(alphabet=["a", "b", "c"], min_size=0, max_size=3),

The same value strategies are used for defining both data strategies and variable (query model) strategies. Generally, we try to define these values with narrow enough ranges that they will sometimes overlap, and we can test equality. e.g. if we are testing an addition operation that takes 2 ints, we can be reasonably sure that st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=10) will test addition of two ints that are the same at some point.

variable strategies

The variable strategies are the most complex part of ehrQL's generative test strategies.

A variable is defined by calling variable() in, with the tables, schema and value strategies as described above.

variable defines lots of inner functions, each of which returns a strategy for creating the thing it is named for, not the thing itself. For example, the value inner function returns a strategy for creating Value objects, and not a Value object itself.

A valid variable is a Series, chosen by selecting a type (one of the types in value_strategies) and a frame that the variable must be consistent with (with one row per patient, because we require that any variable on a dataset represents one row per patient). The variable returned will be a series of the chosen type, consistent with the chosen frame.

def variable(patient_tables, event_tables, schema, value_strategies):

    def valid_variable(draw):
        type_ = draw(any_type())
        frame = draw(one_row_per_patient_frame())
        return draw(series(type_, frame))

    return valid_variable()

Let's take a closer look at the elements of the valid_variable.

type_ is a type, drawn using the any_type() strategy, that chooses one of the types used as the keys for value_strategies:

    def any_type():
        return st.sampled_from(list(value_strategies.keys()))

frame is a frame with one row per patient, drawn using the one_row_per_patient_frame() strategy. That could be a simple patient table (picked from one of the two SelectPatientTable nodes defined by our data strategies), or a PickOneRowPerPatient node, which is the result of a number of sorting and filtering operations.

Each of the sort and filter operations are themselves defined by strategies which require a series to sort/filter on, so a frame strategy can quickly become deeply nested. The nesting can potentially become so deep that it exceeds Hypothesis' max allowed depth, resulting in the generated example being discarded; to prevent this, various strategies check the depth, and if it's gone too far, they return a strategy that will pick a "terminal" node; i.e. one that we know won't recurse any more. In the case of a one-row-per-patient frame, that is a SelectPatientTable node, which can only take one of the two patient tables.

    def one_row_per_patient_frame():
        if depth_exceeded():
            return select_patient_table()
        return st.one_of(select_patient_table(), pick_one_row_per_patient_frame())

The series strategy

The series strategy is where things become particularly complex!

series() is a strategy for choosing another strategy. Specifically, it chooses a strategy that will generate a particular type of Series node. Whenever a series is needed, we call series() passing in the type of the series that we want to generate, and a frame that it should be consistent with. The series() strategy does the job of finding all the available strategies, and choosing one.


The type_ and frame arguments to series() can be thought of as describing properties of the series we want to generate from the strategy. So when we pass in int as the type_ and a patient frame, it means that we expect to generate an int-type series that has one row per patient. The way that series is generated (and whether it uses the type_ and frame arguments itself) is determined by the specific strategy that series() chooses.

Within series(), we define series_constraints; this is a dict of all possible strategies for operations that produce a series. The keys are strategy callables. The values are 2-tuples representing the possible return types of the series that will be generated by that strategy, and the possible domains of the frame it can be drawn from.

Frame domains indicate whether a particular Series node needs to be drawn from a patient table (, a non-patient table, or either.

The series() strategy chooses from the possible operation strategies that meet the constraints of the type_ and frame passed into it.

A simple example: count

For example, if we only had strategies for exists and count, and we call series(int, patient_table), where patient_table has been chosen via one_row_per_patient_frame():

    def series(type_, frame):
        # define contraints for possible series strategies
        series_constraints = {
            exists: ({bool}, DomainConstraint.PATIENT),
            count: ({int}, DomainConstraint.PATIENT),
        def constraints_match(s):

        # find possible series strategies that match constraints, and choose one
        possible_series = [s for s in series_types if constraints_match(s)]
        series_strategy = draw(st.sampled_from(possible_series))

        # draw a series from the chosen strategy
        return draw(series_strategy(type_, frame))

exists returns a bool series with one row per patient.

count returns an int series with one row per patient.

The frame we've passed in matches the domain constriants for both strategies (it's a one-row-per-patient frame). However, exists produces a bool series, and we need a strategy that produces an int series, so count is the only possible strategy that matches. series() will draw from the count strategy.

Note that the type_ and frame are always passed on as arguments to the selected series strategy, so that all series operation strategies have the same function signature. However, whether they are actually used depends on the individual strategy.

For individual series strategies, it's important to remember that the type_ argument they receive represents the type of the resulting series; it may be important for that particular series node that we know what that resulting type is (e.g. see the example of Add below).

Following through to the count strategy, called by our call to series(int, frame):

    def count(_type, _frame):
        return st.builds(AggregateByPatient.Count, any_frame())

count is passed a type (int) from the series() strategy; this is the expected return type of the series, but it's not required here; it's also not necessary to use the one-row-per-patient frame we passed in. (By convention, the arguments are named with leading underscores to indicate this).

count generates an AggregateByPatient.Count node which can drawn from either patient-level or an event-level frame, so we let Hypothesis choose one to use as the input to AggregateByPatient.Count. (Note that the series returned from AggregateByPatient.Count will be a one-row-per-patient series, consistent with frame.)

A more complex example: add

If we now assume we also have a stratgey for add, and we again call series(int, frame), where frame has been chosen via one_row_per_patient_frame():

    def series(type_, frame):
        # define contraints for possible series strategies
        series_constraints = {
            exists: ({bool}, DomainConstraint.PATIENT),
            count: ({int}, DomainConstraint.PATIENT),
            add: ({int, float}, DomainConstraint.PATIENT))

add returns either an int or a float series, with one row per patient.

This time, the frame we've passed in again matches the domain constriants for all strategies. We need a strategy that produces an int series, so now series can select from the count and add strategies. Let's assume it chooses add.

    def add(type_, frame):

add is passed a type (int) from the series() strategy; this is the expected return type of the series. In the case of the add strategy, this IS important. An add strategy produces an Add query model node, which takes two series as arguments, and returns another series. It can return an int or a float, and the aruments can be either int or float, BUT they all must be the same.

This is the definition of Add in query_model.nodes

class Function:

    class Add(Series[Numeric]):
        lhs: Series[Numeric]
        rhs: Series[Numeric]

A numeric type Series can be float or int, but both arguments to Add must be of the same type, and return another Series of that type. In other words, if the expected return type is an int, we know that we need to build our add strategy with int inputs.

So, for each of the lhs and rhs of the Add operation, we need a Hypothesis strategy that produces an int Series. We can do that with series(type_, frame).

However, there's a bit more to consider here. As mentioned before, a Value is also a type of Series. Values represent constants, and in order to cover the case where the rhs or lhs is a constant, we need our strategy to allow a Value to be chosen as well. In addition, we have a frame passed to the add strategy, but the lhs and rhs arguments can be chosen from different tables, so we need our strategy to allow for this too.

So, we have two arguments; we say that one of them MUST be an int series drawn from the provided frame. This ensures that we don't end up with operations on two Value series, which don't touch the database.

For the second argument, this could be a series drawn from the same frame as the first series, or from a different frame, OR it could be a value.

And finally, these arguments could be either the lhs or the rhs of the Add operation, so we need the strategy to choose that too.

This logic is implemented in the binary_operation_with_types() helper method, which deals with the many query model nodes operate on two inputs, a lhs and rhs Series.

Adding a new variable strategy

Let's assume we want to add the GT node as a new variable strategy.

First, look at how the GT node is implemented:

class Function:
    class GT(Series[bool]):
        lhs: Series[Comparable]
        rhs: Series[Comparable]

A GT node takes two Comparable series as inputs, and returns a boolean series. A Comparable series can be of any type except bool, but the lhs and rhs series must be of the same type.

We can add a new entry to the series_constraints dict in series(), defining the return type of the series (bool), and the domain constraint. A GT operation can return a series consistent with either a one-row-per-patient frame, or a many-rows-per-patient frame:

    def series(type_, frame):
        # define contraints for possible series strategies
        series_constraints = {
            exists: ({bool}, DomainConstraint.PATIENT),
            count: ({int}, DomainConstraint.PATIENT),
            gt: ({bool}, DomainContstraint.ANY),

Next we define the gt strategy. We can use a helper function any_comparable_type() to draw a suitable type. Note that the _type passed in to the gt function is the expected return type of the series (bool), and in this case it does not have an impact on the implementation of the gt strategy.

This is a binary operation like many other nodes, so the implementation follows the same strategy as described for the add strategy above.

    def gt(draw, _type, frame):
        type_ = draw(any_comparable_type())
        return draw(binary_operation(type_, frame, Function.GT))