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Python examples


You can use any HTTP client, but we'll use requests in these examples.

You can install and use it inside a virtual environment as follows:

Change to the python directory in this repository in your command line shell.

The first time, create a virtual environment and install the dependencies:

python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Subsequent times you come back to this, just activate the virtual environment.

source env/bin/activate


Set your secret API key as an environment variable. That way you can use it in the code examples without having to paste it in all the time or sharing it accidentally.

export OS_API_KEY=...your key here without dots...


Simple name matching

In this example we query for entities of the Person schema matching a single full name, Barack Obama.

We will run the code in, also shown below:

from pprint import pprint
import requests
import os

OS_API_KEY = os.getenv("OS_API_KEY")

# Prepare a query to match on schema and the name property
query = {
    "queries": {
        "q1": {"schema": "Person", "properties": {"name": ["Barack Obama"]}}

# Authenticate using the API key in the Authorization header
headers = {
    "Authorization": OS_API_KEY,
response =
    "", headers=headers, json=query

# Check for HTTP errors

# Get the results for our query
q1_results = response.json()["responses"]["q1"]["results"]

# print it out with nice formatting
pprint(q1_results, sort_dicts=False)

Run the code:


Matching on name and date of birth

In this example we query for Persons matching by name and date of birth.

The values are in arrays because in person and company data, it's common to have multiple forms or versions of a name for the same entity. See this used below.

In the response, we look for results under the responses.q1.results keys. Each result is a FollowTheMoney entity with additional keys like score, match, and features indicating how strongly this entity matched the query. Note which features were good matches contributing to the score, and which features weren't, reducing the score.

We will run the code in, also shown below:

# Prepare a query to match on schema and the name and birthDate properties
query = {
    "queries": {
        "q1": {
            "schema": "Person",
            "properties": {"name": ["Barack Obama"], "birthDate": ["1961-08-04"]},

# Make the request
response =
    "", headers=headers, json=query

# Check for HTTP errors

# Get the ID, name, match status, score, and features for each result
results = []
for result in response.json()["responses"]["q1"]["results"]:
            "id": result["id"],
            "name": result["properties"]["name"],
            "match": result["match"],
            "score": result["score"],
            "features": result["features"],

# print it out with nice formatting
pprint(results, sort_dicts=False)

Run the code:


Matching on name and address

In this example we're matching on name and address. This field is a full address in a single string.

While the Person schema requires these entities to have the name property, the address property is optional and data for this is unavailable for most entities. Still, it can be used to improve the score when it matches, moving good matching entities higher up in the result list.

Note the use of the regression-v1 algorithm which supports the address feature. Note also that custom thresholds should be adapted to the algorithm used.

Check the features object in the results to see if the address matched, and how well.

We will run the code in, also shown below:

# Prepare a query to match on schema and the name and address properties
query = {
    "queries": {
        "q1": {
            "schema": "Person",
            "properties": {
                "name": ["Vladimir", "Wladimir"],
                "address": ["Kremlin, Moscow"],
                "country": ["ru"],

# Select the regresion-v1 algorithm for address matching support
params = {
    "algorithm": "regression-v1",

# Make the request
response =

Run the code:


Performing multiple queries in one request

You can batch up multiple queries into the same HTTP request to reduce overhead. We recommend 20-50 queries per request, rather than hundreds or thousands.

Each query is identified by a unique key you can make up, and the results relevant to that key will be listed under that key in the response. In this case, you'll find results for Arkady under query-A and Stroygazmontazh under query-B.

We will run the code in, also shown below:

# Prepare two queries for one request
query = {
    "queries": {
        "query-A": {
            "schema": "Person",
            "properties": {
                "name": ["Arkadiii Romanovich Rotenberg", "Ротенберг Аркадий"],
                "birthDate": ["1951"],
        "query-B": {
            "schema": "Company",
            "properties": {"name": ["Stroygazmontazh"], "jurisdiction": ["Russia"]},

# Make the request
response =
    "", headers=headers, json=query

Run the code:
