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Merge branch 'openshift:master' into rfe-3765
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dafsjr committed May 11, 2023
2 parents 06d737d + 894b49f commit c28088c
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Showing 342 changed files with 17,724 additions and 22,746 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .ci-operator.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
name: release
namespace: openshift
tag: rhel-8-release-golang-1.19-openshift-4.13
tag: rhel-8-release-golang-1.20-openshift-4.14
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Makefile
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ all: build
update: update-codegen-crds

RUNTIME ?= podman

EXCLUDE_DIRS := _output/ dependencymagnet/ hack/ third_party/ tls/ tools/ vendor/ tests/
GO_PACKAGES :=$(addsuffix ...,$(addprefix ./,$(filter-out $(EXCLUDE_DIRS), $(wildcard */))))
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions config/v1/0000_10_config-operator_01_build.crd.yaml
Expand Up @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ spec:
type: object
description: "Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims, that are used by this container. \n This is an alpha field and requires enabling the DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate. \n This field is immutable."
description: "Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims, that are used by this container. \n This is an alpha field and requires enabling the DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate. \n This field is immutable. It can only be set for containers."
type: array
description: ResourceClaim references one entry in PodSpec.ResourceClaims.
Expand All @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ spec:
- type: string
x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
description: 'Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required. If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified, otherwise to an implementation-defined value. More info:'
description: 'Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required. If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified, otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits. More info:'
type: object
pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
Expand Down
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions config/v1/0000_10_config-operator_01_featuregate.crd.yaml
Expand Up @@ -44,19 +44,109 @@ spec:
description: disabled is a list of all feature gates that you want to force off
type: array
description: FeatureGateName is a string to enforce patterns on the name of a FeatureGate
type: string
pattern: ^([A-Za-z0-9-]+\.)*[A-Za-z0-9-]+\.?$
description: enabled is a list of all feature gates that you want to force on
type: array
description: FeatureGateName is a string to enforce patterns on the name of a FeatureGate
type: string
pattern: ^([A-Za-z0-9-]+\.)*[A-Za-z0-9-]+\.?$
nullable: true
description: featureSet changes the list of features in the cluster. The default is empty. Be very careful adjusting this setting. Turning on or off features may cause irreversible changes in your cluster which cannot be undone.
type: string
description: status holds observed values from the cluster. They may not be overridden.
type: object
description: 'conditions represent the observations of the current state. Known .status.conditions.type are: "DeterminationDegraded"'
type: array
description: "Condition contains details for one aspect of the current state of this API Resource. --- This struct is intended for direct use as an array at the field path .status.conditions. For example, \n type FooStatus struct{ // Represents the observations of a foo's current state. // Known .status.conditions.type are: \"Available\", \"Progressing\", and \"Degraded\" // +patchMergeKey=type // +patchStrategy=merge // +listType=map // +listMapKey=type Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:\"conditions,omitempty\" patchStrategy:\"merge\" patchMergeKey:\"type\" protobuf:\"bytes,1,rep,name=conditions\"` \n // other fields }"
type: object
- lastTransitionTime
- message
- reason
- status
- type
description: lastTransitionTime is the last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. This should be when the underlying condition changed. If that is not known, then using the time when the API field changed is acceptable.
type: string
format: date-time
description: message is a human readable message indicating details about the transition. This may be an empty string.
type: string
maxLength: 32768
description: observedGeneration represents the .metadata.generation that the condition was set based upon. For instance, if .metadata.generation is currently 12, but the .status.conditions[x].observedGeneration is 9, the condition is out of date with respect to the current state of the instance.
type: integer
format: int64
minimum: 0
description: reason contains a programmatic identifier indicating the reason for the condition's last transition. Producers of specific condition types may define expected values and meanings for this field, and whether the values are considered a guaranteed API. The value should be a CamelCase string. This field may not be empty.
type: string
maxLength: 1024
minLength: 1
pattern: ^[A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9_,:]*[A-Za-z0-9_])?$
description: status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.
type: string
- "True"
- "False"
- Unknown
description: type of condition in CamelCase or in --- Many .condition.type values are consistent across resources like Available, but because arbitrary conditions can be useful (see .node.status.conditions), the ability to deconflict is important. The regex it matches is (dns1123SubdomainFmt/)?(qualifiedNameFmt)
type: string
maxLength: 316
pattern: ^([a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*/)?(([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])$
- type
x-kubernetes-list-type: map
description: featureGates contains a list of enabled and disabled featureGates that are keyed by payloadVersion. Operators other than the CVO and cluster-config-operator, must read the .status.featureGates, locate the version they are managing, find the enabled/disabled featuregates and make the operand and operator match. The enabled/disabled values for a particular version may change during the life of the cluster as various .spec.featureSet values are selected. Operators may choose to restart their processes to pick up these changes, but remembering past enable/disable lists is beyond the scope of this API and is the responsibility of individual operators. Only featureGates with .version in the ClusterVersion.status will be present in this list.
type: array
type: object
- version
description: disabled is a list of all feature gates that are disabled in the cluster for the named version.
type: array
type: object
- name
description: name is the name of the FeatureGate.
type: string
pattern: ^([A-Za-z0-9-]+\.)*[A-Za-z0-9-]+\.?$
description: enabled is a list of all feature gates that are enabled in the cluster for the named version.
type: array
type: object
- name
description: name is the name of the FeatureGate.
type: string
pattern: ^([A-Za-z0-9-]+\.)*[A-Za-z0-9-]+\.?$
description: version matches the version provided by the ClusterVersion and in the ClusterOperator.Status.Versions field.
type: string
- version
x-kubernetes-list-type: map
served: true
storage: true
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -682,6 +682,22 @@ spec:
type: string
maxItems: 2
type: array
type: OpenShiftManagedDefault
description: loadBalancer defines how the load balancer used by the cluster is configured.
default: OpenShiftManagedDefault
description: type defines the type of load balancer used by the cluster on OpenStack platform which can be a user-managed or openshift-managed load balancer that is to be used for the OpenShift API and Ingress endpoints. When set to OpenShiftManagedDefault the static pods in charge of API and Ingress traffic load-balancing defined in the machine config operator will be deployed. When set to UserManaged these static pods will not be deployed and it is expected that the load balancer is configured out of band by the deployer. When omitted, this means no opinion and the platform is left to choose a reasonable default. The default value is OpenShiftManagedDefault.
- OpenShiftManagedDefault
- UserManaged
type: string
- message: type is immutable once set
rule: oldSelf == '' || self == oldSelf
type: object
description: nodeDNSIP is the IP address for the internal DNS used by the nodes. Unlike the one managed by the DNS operator, `NodeDNSIP` provides name resolution for the nodes themselves. There is no DNS-as-a-service for OpenStack deployments. In order to minimize necessary changes to the datacenter DNS, a DNS service is hosted as a static pod to serve those hostnames to the nodes in the cluster.
type: string
Expand Down
185 changes: 185 additions & 0 deletions config/v1/feature_gates.go
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
package v1

// FeatureGateDescription is a golang-only interface used to contains details for a feature gate.
type FeatureGateDescription struct {
// FeatureGateAttributes is the information that appears in the API
FeatureGateAttributes FeatureGateAttributes

// OwningJiraComponent is the jira component that owns most of the impl and first assignment for the bug.
// This is the team that owns the feature long term.
OwningJiraComponent string
// ResponsiblePerson is the person who is on the hook for first contact. This is often, but not always, a team lead.
// It is someone who can make the promise on the behalf of the team.
ResponsiblePerson string
// OwningProduct is the product that owns the lifecycle of the gate.
OwningProduct OwningProduct

type OwningProduct string

var (
ocpSpecific = OwningProduct("OCP")
kubernetes = OwningProduct("Kubernetes")

var (
FeatureGateGatewayAPI = FeatureGateName("GatewayAPI")
gateGatewayAPI = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGateGatewayAPI,
OwningJiraComponent: "Routing",
ResponsiblePerson: "miciah",
OwningProduct: ocpSpecific,

FeatureGateOpenShiftPodSecurityAdmission = FeatureGateName("OpenShiftPodSecurityAdmission")
openShiftPodSecurityAdmission = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGateOpenShiftPodSecurityAdmission,
OwningJiraComponent: "auth",
ResponsiblePerson: "stlaz",
OwningProduct: ocpSpecific,

FeatureGateRetroactiveDefaultStorageClass = FeatureGateName("RetroactiveDefaultStorageClass")
retroactiveDefaultStorageClass = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGateRetroactiveDefaultStorageClass,
OwningJiraComponent: "storage",
ResponsiblePerson: "RomanBednar",
OwningProduct: kubernetes,

FeatureGateExternalCloudProvider = FeatureGateName("ExternalCloudProvider")
externalCloudProvider = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGateExternalCloudProvider,
OwningJiraComponent: "cloud-provider",
ResponsiblePerson: "jspeed",
OwningProduct: ocpSpecific,

FeatureGateExternalCloudProviderAzure = FeatureGateName("ExternalCloudProviderAzure")
externalCloudProviderAzure = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGateExternalCloudProviderAzure,
OwningJiraComponent: "cloud-provider",
ResponsiblePerson: "jspeed",
OwningProduct: ocpSpecific,

FeatureGateExternalCloudProviderGCP = FeatureGateName("ExternalCloudProviderGCP")
externalCloudProviderGCP = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGateExternalCloudProviderGCP,
OwningJiraComponent: "cloud-provider",
ResponsiblePerson: "jspeed",
OwningProduct: ocpSpecific,

FeatureGateCSIDriverSharedResource = FeatureGateName("CSIDriverSharedResource")
csiDriverSharedResource = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGateCSIDriverSharedResource,
OwningJiraComponent: "builds",
ResponsiblePerson: "adkaplan",
OwningProduct: ocpSpecific,

FeatureGateBuildCSIVolumes = FeatureGateName("BuildCSIVolumes")
buildCSIVolumes = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGateBuildCSIVolumes,
OwningJiraComponent: "builds",
ResponsiblePerson: "adkaplan",
OwningProduct: ocpSpecific,

FeatureGateNodeSwap = FeatureGateName("NodeSwap")
nodeSwap = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGateNodeSwap,
OwningJiraComponent: "node",
ResponsiblePerson: "ehashman",
OwningProduct: kubernetes,

FeatureGateMachineAPIProviderOpenStack = FeatureGateName("MachineAPIProviderOpenStack")
machineAPIProviderOpenStack = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGateMachineAPIProviderOpenStack,
OwningJiraComponent: "openstack",
ResponsiblePerson: "egarcia",
OwningProduct: ocpSpecific,

FeatureGateInsightsConfigAPI = FeatureGateName("InsightsConfigAPI")
insightsConfigAPI = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGateInsightsConfigAPI,
OwningJiraComponent: "insights",
ResponsiblePerson: "tremes",
OwningProduct: ocpSpecific,

FeatureGateMatchLabelKeysInPodTopologySpread = FeatureGateName("MatchLabelKeysInPodTopologySpread")
matchLabelKeysInPodTopologySpread = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGateMatchLabelKeysInPodTopologySpread,
OwningJiraComponent: "scheduling",
ResponsiblePerson: "ingvagabund",
OwningProduct: kubernetes,

FeatureGatePDBUnhealthyPodEvictionPolicy = FeatureGateName("PDBUnhealthyPodEvictionPolicy")
pdbUnhealthyPodEvictionPolicy = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGatePDBUnhealthyPodEvictionPolicy,
OwningJiraComponent: "apps",
ResponsiblePerson: "atiratree",
OwningProduct: kubernetes,

FeatureGateDynamicResourceAllocation = FeatureGateName("DynamicResourceAllocation")
dynamicResourceAllocation = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGateDynamicResourceAllocation,
OwningJiraComponent: "scheduling",
ResponsiblePerson: "jchaloup",
OwningProduct: kubernetes,

FeatureGateAdmissionWebhookMatchConditions = FeatureGateName("AdmissionWebhookMatchConditions")
admissionWebhookMatchConditions = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGateAdmissionWebhookMatchConditions,
OwningJiraComponent: "kube-apiserver",
ResponsiblePerson: "benluddy",
OwningProduct: kubernetes,

FeatureGateAzureWorkloadIdentity = FeatureGateName("AzureWorkloadIdentity")
azureWorkloadIdentity = FeatureGateDescription{
FeatureGateAttributes: FeatureGateAttributes{
Name: FeatureGateAzureWorkloadIdentity,
OwningJiraComponent: "cloud-credential-operator",
ResponsiblePerson: "abutcher",
OwningProduct: ocpSpecific,

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