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File metadata and controls

281 lines (241 loc) · 13.9 KB
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Configuration Updates
The process by which changes to files in the `openshift/release` repository are propagated to the CI clusters.

Various long-running services deployed in the CI clusters operate on the configuration files in the openshift/release repository. This document describes how that information is made available to those services and updated when changes are made. This information can be used as a guide for writing services that consume those files. It also describes the problems with previous strategies and the solutions adopted.

ConfigMap mounts

The primary mechanism used to give services access to the contents of the repository are Kubernetes volumes, specifically ConfigMap volume mounts. The update process for these mounts involves several Kubernetes and test-infra components and is divided in the following steps:

  1. A pull request is merged in openshift/release in Github.
  2. The [updateconfig]({{< relref "#updateconfig" >}}) Prow plugin is triggered by the merge event delivered via a web hook. It updates the ConfigMaps in the cluster with the new contents of the files according to its configuration.
  3. The [kubelet]({{< relref "#kubelet" >}}) in the node where the service instances are deployed sees the ConfigMaps have been updated and recomputes the contents of the mount directory.
  4. The [AtomicWriter]({{< relref "#atomicwriter" >}}) component of the kubelet updates the contents of the directory to match the new contents of the mount.
  5. The service somehow (e.g. using the test-infra configuration agent package) watches the mount directory and responds to those changes.


This plugin is configured by files under the Prow configuration directory, core-services/prow/02_config. The openshift/release/_pluginconfig.yaml file enables it for the repository:

{{< highlight yaml >}}

plugins: openshift/release: plugins: - config-updater - approve {{< / highlight >}}

while _plugins.yaml configures it via the top-level config_updater key. It is configured to populate several ConfigMaps in the clusters from the contents of the repository:

{{< highlight yaml >}}


maps: # … ci-operator/config//master.yaml: clusters: - ci gzip: true name: ci-operator-master-configs # … ci-operator/step-registry//*: clusters: - ci gzip: true name: step-registry # … {{< / highlight >}}

The process by which ConfigMaps in the cluster are reconciled with the PR changes is:

  1. calculate the list of changes made by the PR
  2. determine whether changes were made to files listed in the configuration
  3. for each ConfigMap whose input files were changed 0. fetch the existing content from the cluster, if it already exists
    1. merge the content of the changed files with the existing one
    2. update the ConfigMap in the cluster


A second process, the openshift-release-master-config-bootstrapper periodic Prow job, also performs this procedure every hour using the config-bootstrapper program, which shares most of its code with the plugin. The job is not triggered by a PR, so all configured files are loaded as if the repository had just been created (hence its name). It is meant to continually ensure the content in openshift/release can be used to recreate the clusters from nothing.

Note that there are race conditions inherent to how the updateconfig plugin works and interacts with other executions of itself and with the periodic job. However, they haven't been observed in production so far, in part because of how Tide generally operates. Details are documented in this Jira issue and its associated links.


The kubelet is the Kubernetes process present in each physical node responsible for creating/monitoring/managing containers according to the Pod specifications in the cluster. It is the intermediary between the Kubernetes core and the container runtime in each node.

Its general mode of operation is to monitor Pod resources in the cluster (and its own static Pods) and constantly reconcile the containers in the node to reflect the specification in etcd received from the API server. One aspect of this responsibility is to configure volume mounts according to the configuration in the specification and the latest contents of its inputs.

Several types of volumes are available to be mounted in a container. Volume types are implemented as plugins in Kubernetes and the kubelet:

Beyond the initial volume mount setup, the kubelet also keeps dynamic volume mounts updated. These include ConfigMap, Secret, projected, and other types of mounts, which are all implemented similarly. These updates happen at a predefined frequency specified in the kubelet configuration. The default, used in all of our clusters, is 1m.

{{< alert title="Note" color="info" >}} The kubelet configuration for cluster nodes can be displayed with a script such as:

{{< highlight bash >}} $ oc --context get machineconfig 01-worker-kubelet -o json
| jq --raw-output '[]|select(.path == "/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf").contents.source'
| cut -d , -f 2-
| python -c 'import sys, urllib.parse; sys.stdout.write(urllib.parse.unquote('
| head -n 3 kind: KubeletConfiguration apiVersion: authentication: {{< / highlight >}} {{< / alert >}}

That is, at regular intervals the kubelet looks at its view of the cluster resources and decides whether volume mounts reflect the desired state or have to be updated. It uses its own local cache to make this decision, whose update is also configurable but always happens asynchronously with respect to this process.


Eventually, all plugins which expose volumes as a directory make use of the AtomicWriter component, which propagates the changes in an atomic manner (for some definition of "atomic") to the container's file system. The plugins fetch the information required and assemble it in the form of a directory, passing it to the writer for the final file system update.

The update algorithm is described in detail in the source code:

{{< highlight go >}} // 1. The payload is validated; if the payload is invalid, the function returns // 2.  The current timestamped directory is detected by reading the data directory // symlink // 3. The old version of the volume is walked to determine whether any // portion of the payload was deleted and is still present on disk. // 4. The data in the current timestamped directory is compared to the projected // data to determine if an update is required. // 5.  A new timestamped dir is created // 6. The payload is written to the new timestamped directory // 7.  A symlink to the new timestamped directory ..data_tmp is created that will // become the new data directory // 8.  The new data directory symlink is renamed to the data directory; rename is atomic // 9.  Symlinks and directory for new user-visible files are created (if needed). // // For example, consider the files: // /podName // /user/labels // /k8s/annotations // // The user visible files are symbolic links into the internal data directory: // /podName -> // /usr -> // /k8s -> // // The data directory itself is a link to a timestamped directory with // the real data: // / -> ..2016_02_01_15_04_05.12345678/ // 10. Old paths are removed from the user-visible portion of the target directory // 11.  The previous timestamped directory is removed, if it exists {{< / highlight >}}

Processes interested in updates to the volume mount can watch the symbolic link to be notified when the directory is updated. The update to that file is done using the rename(2) system call, which guarantees the atomicity of the update process (this is what is referred to as "atomic" in the documentation).

One implicit assumption in this scheme is that the application responding to updates will be able to process the contents of the new directory in time. If a ConfigMap is updated in rapid succession, it may happen that the mount is updated while the old contents are still being used (this may happen even for well-behaved programs, e.g. if there is sufficient load in the node where it is being executed).

There is no provision to guarantee that the contents of the mount survive long enough for an application to process them in time before a new update removes the files. Even worse, this grace period during which the process can process the mount is a configurable parameter of the kubelet, as described previously, so it cannot in general be determined. It is not difficult (and has happened in the past) to make innocent changes to the code which loads and processes these configuration files and inadvertently increase the runtime by an order of magnitude. It may even happen gradually (as has also happened), without notice, as the size of the input grows with the number of repositories supported.

{{< alert title="Note" color="info" >}} The problem of concurrent updates and resource reclamation in particular is a known "hard" computer science problem, and certainly requires two cooperating processes (not unlike advisory file locking in Unix systems). See this article on Wikipedia for a general discussion and this LWN article for an example of how this type of problem can be solved. {{< / alert >}}

Projected volumes

An additional problem is present when multiple ConfigMaps are assembled into a single mount, as is done for [ci-operator-configresolver]({{< relref "configresolver" >}}), stemming from the fact that Kubernetes in general operates under an eventually consistent concurrency model.

This is because there is no guarantee of the order in which the updates to each of the constituents of the mount will be perceived. The kubelet update loop, dictated by its configured update frequency, establishes a point in time where the external state is collected and propagated to the volume mounts. It may decide to do so between updates to the various objects used to assemble the mount. There is furthermore no guarantee that updates will be seen in the same order they were originally made in.


More recently, git-sync has been used for configuration updates. It is a collocated container inside the main service Pod which maintains a local git repository clone synchronized with a remote, and its mode of operation is very similar to the [kubelet]({{< ref "#kubelet" >}})/[AtomicWriter]({{< ref "#atomicwriter" >}}) process described above. However, it has significant advantages over ConfigMap-based updates:

  • The entirety of the local contents of the repository are updated atomically, eliminating the problems caused by trying to aggregate data from multiple ConfigMaps.
  • It bypasses the size limitation of ConfigMaps, eliminating the need to fetch data from multiple sources in the first place.

File system updates are done using a variation of the [AtomicWriter]({{< ref "#atomicwriter" >}}) protocol:

  1. The remote history for the selected refs is checked for updates using git ls-remote.
  2. New revisions are pulled using git fetch.
  3. A work tree directory based on the latest revision is created using git worktree add.
  4. The primary path (a symlink) is replaced using the same process used by AtomicWriter: a temporary link is created and moved into place atomically using rename(2). Services can monitor changes to this link in the same manner.
  5. The previous work tree is removed.

The interval between each update cycle is controlled by the --wait parameter, which is analogous to the kubelet's syncFrequency configuration. Because of this, it suffers from the same directory reclamation problem.