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Single-node Production Deployment Approach

Release Signoff Checklist

  • Enhancement is implementable
  • Design details are appropriately documented from clear requirements
  • Test plan is defined
  • Operational readiness criteria is defined
  • Graduation criteria for dev preview, tech preview, GA
  • User-facing documentation is created in openshift-docs


This enhancement describes the approach to deploying single-node production OpenShift instances without using a cluster profile.

A cluster deployed in this way will differ from the default self-managed-highly-available cluster profile in several significant ways:

  • The single node serves as both the cluster’s control plane and as a worker node.
  • Many operators will be configured to reduce the footprint of their operands, such as by running fewer replicas.
  • In-place upgrades will not be supported by the first iteration of single-node deployments.

One example of this use case is seen in telecommunication service providers implementation of a Radio Access Network (RAN). This use case is discussed in more detail below.

The approach described here is an alternative to using a cluster profile, as was detailed in #504. With a few changes to existing operators that would also be needed for a profile-based approach, and with the high-availability mode API described in #555, it is possible to produce single-node deployments without introducing a new cluster profile.


The benefits of the cloud native approach to developing and deploying applications is increasingly being adopted in the context of edge computing. Here we see that as the the distance between an site and the central management hub grows, the number of servers at the site tends to shrink. The most distant sites typically have physical space for 1 server.

We are seeing an emerging pattern in which some infrastructure providers and application owners desire:

  1. A consistent deployment approach for their workloads across these disparate environments.
  2. That the edge sites can operate independently from the central management hub.

And so, these users who have adopted Kubernetes at their their central management sites wish to have independent Kubernetes clusters at the more remote sites.

Of the several options explored for supporting the use of Kubernetes patterns for managing workloads at these sites (see the alternatives listed blow) a single-node deployment of OpenShift is the best way to give users a consistent experience across all of their sites.

Radio Access Network (RAN) Use Case

In the context of telcocommunications service providers' 5G Radio Access Networks, it is increasingly common to see "cloud native" implementations of the 5G Distributed Unit (DU) component. Due to latency constraints, this DU component needs to be deployed very close to the radio antenna for which it is responsible. In practice, this can mean running this component on anything from a single server at the base of a remote cell tower or in a datacenter-like environment serving several base stations.

A hypothetical DU example is an unusually resource-intensive workload, requiring 20 dedicated cores, 24 GiB of RAM consumed as huge pages, multiple SR-IOV NICs carrying several Gbps of traffic each, and specialized accelerator devices. The node hosting this workload must run a realtime kernel, be carefully tuned to ensure low-latency requirements can be met, and be configured to support features like Precision Timing Protocol (PTP).

One crucial detail of this use case is the "cloud" hosting this workload is expected to be "autonomous" such that it can continue operating with its existing configuration and running the existing workload, even when any centralized management functionality is unavailable.


  • This enhancement describes an approach for deploying OpenShift in single-node configurations for production use in environments with "reasonably significant" memory, storage, and compute resources.
  • Clusters built in this way should pass most Kubernetes and OpenShift conformance and functional end-to-end tests. Any functional tests that must be skipped due to differences from a multi-node deployment will be documented.
  • Operators running on single-node production clusters should do whatever they normally do, as closely as possible, including checking the health of their operands and making (potentially disruptive) changes to the cluster.


  • This enhancement does not address single-node deployments in highly-constrained environments such as Internet-of-things devices or personal computers.
  • This enhancement does not address "developer" use cases. See the single-node-developer-profile enhancement.
  • This enhancement does not address high-availability for single-node deployments. It explicitly does not assume zero downtime of the kubernetes API or the workloads running on the cluster when operators change the configuration of the cluster.
  • This enhancement does not address in-place upgrades. Upgrades will initially only be achieved by redeploying the machine and its workload. In-place upgrades will be addressed as a separate feature in another enhancement as follow-up work building on this iteration.
  • This enhancement does not presume that (more) operators are modified to "render" manifests while the cluster is being built so that the operators do not have to be run in the cluster.
  • This enhancement does not attempt to describe a way to "pre-build" deployment images, either generically or customized for a user.
  • This enhancement does not address the removal of the bootstrap VM, although single-node clusters would benefit from that work, which will be described in a separate enhancement.


After the capabilities API is introduced, all teams developing OpenShift components will need to consider how their components should be configured when deployed and used when the high-availability capability is disabled.

In the telco RAN use case, high-availability is typically achieved by having multiple sites provide coverage to overlapping geographic areas. Therefore, use of cluster-based high-availability features will be limited (for example, by running a single API service).

Failures in edge deployments are frequently resolved by re-imaging or physically replacing the entire host. Combining this fact with the previous observation about the approach to providing highly-available services lets us draw the conclusion that in-place upgrades do not need to be supported by the first iteration of this configuration. In-place upgrades will be addressed as a separate feature in another enhancement as follow-up work building on this iteration.

In a multi-node cluster, operators may safely trigger rolling reboots or restarts of the control plane services without taking the cluster offline. In a single-node deployment, any such restart would take some or all of the services offline. The deployment or upgrade of a cluster may include several host reboots, clustered together in time, until the operators stabilize. Users should wait for this period of instability before installing their workloads.

The single-node configuration of OpenShift will be sufficiently generic to cater to a variety of edge computing use cases. As such, OpenShift's usual cluster configuration mechanisms will be favored where there is a likelihood that there will be edge computing use case with differing requirements. For example, there is no expectation that single-node deployments will use the real-time kernel by default -- this will continue to be a MachineConfig choice as per enhancements/support-for-realtime-kernel. See open questions

User Stories

As a user, I can deploy OpenShift in a supported single-node configuration

A user will be able to run the OpenShift installer to create a single-node deployment, with some limitations (see non-goals above). The user will not require special support exceptions to receive technical assistance for the features supported by the configuration.

Implementation Details/Notes/Constraints

Some OpenShift components require a minimum of 2 or 3 nodes. The new cluster capabilities API will be used to configure these components as appropriate for a single node.


We will add logic to the installer to set the new highAvailabilityMode status field of the infrastructure API resource. The will value be set to Full by default and None when the number of replicas for the control plane less than 3. See the cluster high-availability mode API enhancement for details.


The machine-config-operator includes a check in code that the number of control plane nodes is 3. This code needs to be updated to look at the new high-availability mode capability API to determine the number of expected nodes to allow the operator to complete its work, for example to enable the realtime kernel on a single node with the appropriate performance profile settings.

The machine-config-operator tries to drain a node before applying local changes and rebooting. In a true single-node deployment, there is nowhere for drained pods to be rescheduled. In a deployment with a single-node control plane and additional workers, some nodes could potentially be drained, but there is no way for the MCO to know if the workers are fully utilized. When the high-availability mode is None the step needs to be skipped. Ideally we will be able to rely on the graceful shutdown support in kubelet to stop all workloads safely as part of the reboot. That feature is alpha in kubernetes 1.20 and disabled by default, so we will need to add a feature gate to enable it.


By default, the cluster-authentication-operator will not deploy oauth-apiserver and oauth-server without a minimum of 3 control plane nodes. This can be change by enabling useUnsupportedUnsafeNonHANonProductionUnstableOAuthServer. The operator will need to be updated to honor the new capabilities API instead. Health checks for these components will also have to be updated to allow a single replica.


By default, cluster-etcd-operator will not deploy the etcd cluster without minimum of 3 master nodes. This can be changed by enabling useUnsupportedUnsafeNonHANonProductionUnstableEtcd. The operator will need to be updated to honor the new capabilities API instead.

etcd-quorum-guard is managed by the cluster-version-operator, which means it has a statically configured Deployment. The operator will need to be updated to manage the etcd-quorum-guard so that it can support changing the replica count or disabling the guard entirely, depending on the best approach to honor the high-availability mode setting in the capabilities API.


By default, the cluster-ingress-operator deploys the router with 2 replicas. On a single node one will fail to start and the ingress will show as degraded. The operator will need to be updated to honor the new capabilities API to change the replica count to 1 when the high-availability mode is none.


The operator should disable automatic machine approval. (See risks section below.)


Operators managed by the operator-lifecycle-manager will look at the infrastructure API if they need to configure their operand differently based on the high-availability mode.


Console currently deploys two replicas of both the console itself and the downloads container. The console deployment uses affinity configuration to ensure spreading. On a single node, having multiple replicas with affinity configuration will cause the operator to report as degraded.

The configuration for the downloads container will need to move from a static manifest to be managed by the console-operator. The operator will also need to look at the infrastructure API to determine how to configure both deployments, using a replica count of 1 and omitting the affinity rules for single-node environments.

Risks and Mitigations

How will security be reviewed and by whom? How will UX be reviewed and by whom?

Control plane rollouts

kube-apiserver is periodically reconfigured by its operator in response to changes in cluster state (e.g. weekly rotation of etcd encryption keys). When this occurs, the apiserver may be inaccessible for up to 2 minutes. Workloads that do not depend on the apiserver would be expected to run without issue during this interval. Workloads that do depend on apiserver availability would need to be resilient to these events. OpenShift core components are already resilient in this way.

Disruptive Configuration Changes

Single-node deployments of OpenShift necessarily will be prone to disruption when MachineConfig changes are applied, especially if the change triggers a system reboot. When this occurs, workloads will be inaccessible for as long as it takes the host to completely reboot and for OpenShift to restart. Users choosing single-node deployments need to be aware of the trade-off in resiliency that comes with using fewer resources, so we will need to ensure our user-facing documentation provides adequate warning.

Cluster Machine Approver

Auto-approval of certificate signing requests requires 2 sources of truth to avoid security attacks like kubeletmein. In single-node deployments we do not have a second source of truth (there is no Machine and no other way to confirm the Node), so certificate signing requests cannot be automatically approved from within the cluster. We can disable the machine-approver-operator. An outside tool must be used to approve any certificate signing requests instead.

Lack of high-availability

In a single-node configuration OpenShift would have limited ability to provide resiliency features. We will need to clearly communicate these limitations to customers choosing to use single-node deployments.

Failure to reboot

It is possible that a single node may fail to reboot due to an issue with configuration, hardware, or environment. These single-node deployments will be managed by external tools, and as with other failures related to providing resilient operation, host boot failures will need to be detected and mitigated by those tools, rather than the local OpenShift instance.

Reboots for reconfiguration

Some reconfiguration operations will unavoidably cause the node to reboot. These tasks will need to be scheduled during maintenance windows. Ideally we will be able to rely on the graceful shutdown support in kubelet to stop all workloads safely as part of the reboot.

Users can pause the MachineConfigPool to avoid unexpected reboots, although this does also prevent configuration updates that require changing the MachineConfig.

Design Details

Open Questions

  1. Telco workloads typically require special network setups for a host to boot, including bonded interfaces, access to multiple VLANs, and static IPs. How do we anticipate configuring those?
  2. How do we hand off ownership of the etcd-quorum-guard Deployment from the cluster-version-operator to the cluster-etcd-operator?
  3. How does a user or workload operator know when the cluster has reached a steady state after initial installation so that it is safe to deploy a workload? Is the ClusterVersion resource sufficient? What about disruptions caused by operators such as the performance-addon-operator or node-tuning-operator, which are likely to trigger reboots but are not part of installing or upgrading the base OpenShift version?
  4. Do we need to programmatically block upgrading single-node deployments until they are supported or is it sufficient to rely on the documentation and policy that we do not support upgrading dev and tech-preview deployments generally?

Test Plan

In order to claim full support for this configuration, we must have CI coverage informing the release. An end-to-end job using a single-node deployment and running an appropriate subset of the standard OpenShift tests will be created and configured to block accepting release images unless it passes.

That end-to-end job should also be run against pull requests for the operators and other components that are most affected by the new configuration, such as the etcd and auth operators.

There are 2 new CI jobs for testing the results. The e2e-metal-single-node-live-iso job (openshift/release#14552) tests using the bootstrap-in-place approach described in #565 on Packet and e2e-aws-single-node (openshift/release#14556) uses AWS to test single-node deployments with a bootstrap VM.

Graduation Criteria

Dev Preview

  • Ability to deploy an instance of OpenShift on a single host
  • Single-node deployments pass the identified conformance test suite(s)

Dev Preview -> Tech Preview

  • Gather feedback from users rather than just developers
  • Multi-cluster management support for creating single-node deployments. The work for that is well outside of the scope of this enhancement.

Tech Preview -> GA

  • Additional time for customer feedback
  • Available by default

Upgrade / Downgrade Strategy

In-place upgrades and downgrades will not be supported for this first iteration, and will be addressed as a separate feature in another enhancement. Upgrades will initially only be achieved by redeploying the machine and its workload.

Version Skew Strategy

With only one node and no in-place upgrade, there will be no version skew.

Implementation History

Major milestones in the life cycle of a proposal should be tracked in Implementation History.


  1. Single-node deployments will not have many of the high-availability features that OpenShift users have come to rely on. We will need to communicate the relevant limitations and the approaches to deal with them clearly.


Single-node deployments using a cluster profile

The cluster profile system is purposefully designed to require extra effort when defining a new profile, to acknowledge the ongoing maintenance burden. This enhancement is an alternative to the original proposal to use a profile in #504.

Single-node deployments based on static pods

Enhancement proposal 302 describes an approach for creating the manifests to run a set of static pods to run the cluster control plane, instead of using operators.

Enhancement proposal 440 builds on 302 and describes another approach for creating a single-node deployment by having the installer create an Ignition configuration file to define static pods for the control plane services.

Either approach may be useful for more constrained environments, but the effort involved - including the effort required to make any relevant optional software available for this deployment type - is not obviously worth the resource savings in the less resource-contrained environments addressed this proposal.

"Remote workers" for widely-dispersed clusters

A "remote worker" approach - where the worker nodes are separated from the control plane by significant (physical or network topological) distance - is appealing because it has the benefit of reducing the per-site control plane overhead demanded by autonomous edge clusters.

However, there are drawbacks related to what happens when those worker nodes lose communication with the cluster control plane. The most significant problem is that if a node reboots while it has lost communication with the control plane, it does not restart any pods it was previously running until communication is restored.

It's tempting to imagine that this limitation could be addressed by running the end-user workloads using static pods, but the same approach would also be needed for per-node control plane components managed by cluster operators. It would be a major endeavour to get to the point that all required components - and the workloads themselves - could all be deployed using static pods that have no need to communicate with the control plane API.

Multi-node clusters running on physically smaller hardware

Using blade form-factor servers it could be possible to have more than one physical server fit in the space currently planned for a single server, which would allow for multi-node deployments. However, the specialized hardware involved, especially for telco carrier-grade networking, make blade servers inadequate for these use cases.

Containers, but not kubernetes

Workloads that are available in a containerized form factor could be deployed in a standalone server running a container runtime such as podman, without the Kubernetes layer on top. However, this would mean the edge deployments would use different techniques, tools, and potentially container images, than the centralized sites running the same workloads on Kubernetes clusters. The extra complexity of having multiple deployment scenarios is undesirable.