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MicroShift Development Environment

The development environment bootstrap and configuration procedures are automated as described in the Automating Development Environment Setup document. It is recommended to review the current document and use the automation instructions to create and configure the environment.

Create Development Virtual Machine

Start by downloading one of the supported boot images for the x86_64 or aarch64 architecture:

Creating VM

Create a RHEL virtual machine with 2 cores, 4096MB of RAM and 50GB of storage.

Visual Studio Code may consume around 2GB of RAM. For running the IDE on the development virtual machine, it is recommended to allocate at least 6144MB of RAM in total.

Install the libvirt packages and reboot your system to start the virtualization environment.

sudo dnf install -y libvirt virt-manager virt-install virt-viewer libvirt-client qemu-kvm qemu-img

Move the ISO image to /var/lib/libvirt/images directory and run the following commands to create a virtual machine.

ISONAME=rhel-baseos-9.1-$(uname -i)-boot.iso

sudo -b bash -c " \
cd /var/lib/libvirt/images/ && \
virt-install \
    --name ${VMNAME} \
    --vcpus 2 \
    --memory 4096 \
    --disk path=./${VMNAME}.qcow2,size=50 \
    --network network=default,model=virtio \
    --os-type generic \
    --events on_reboot=restart \
    --cdrom ./${ISONAME} \
    --wait \

In the OS installation wizard, set the following options:

  • Root password and microshift administrator user

  • Select "Installation Destination"

    • Under "Storage Configuration" sub-section, select "Custom" radial button
    • Select "Done" to open a window for configuring partitions
    • Under "New Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x Installation", click "Click here to create them automatically"
    • Select the root partition (/)
      • On the right side of the menu, set "Desired Capacity" to 40 GiB
      • On the right side of the menu, verify the volume group is rhel.
      • Click "Update Settings" button

      This will preserve the rest of the allocatable storage for dynamically provisioned logical volumes. The MicroShift default CSI provisioner requires at least 1GB of unallocated storage in the volume group. Adjust the capacity as desired.

    • Click "Done" button.
    • At the "Summary of Changes" window, select "Accept Changes"
  • Connect network card and set the hostname (i.e. microshift-dev.localdomain)

  • Register the system with Red Hat using your credentials (toggle off Red Hat Insights connection)

  • In the Software Selection, select Minimal Install base environment and toggle on Headless Management to enable Cockpit

Click on Begin Installation and wait until the OS installation is complete.

Configuring VM

Log into the virtual machine using SSH with the microshift user credentials.

Run the following commands to configure SUDO, upgrade the system, install basic dependencies and enable remote Cockpit console.

echo -e 'microshift\tALL=(ALL)\tNOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/microshift
sudo dnf clean all -y
sudo dnf update -y
sudo dnf install -y git cockpit make golang selinux-policy-devel rpm-build jq bash-completion
sudo systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket

# Install go1.19
# This is installed into different location (/usr/local/bin/go) from dnf installed Go (/usr/bin/go) so it doesn't conflict
# /usr/local/bin is before /usr/bin in $PATH so newer one is picked up
GO_ARCH=$([ "$(uname -i)" == "x86_64" ] && echo "amd64" || echo "arm64")
curl -L -o "go${GO_VER}.linux-${GO_ARCH}.tar.gz" "${GO_VER}.linux-${GO_ARCH}.tar.gz" &&
    sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/go${GO_VER}" && \
    sudo mkdir -p "/usr/local/go${GO_VER}" && \
    sudo tar -C "/usr/local/go${GO_VER}" -xzf "go${GO_VER}.linux-${GO_ARCH}.tar.gz" --strip-components 1 && \
    sudo rm -rfv /usr/local/bin/{go,gofmt} && \
    sudo ln --symbolic /usr/local/go${GO_VER}/bin/{go,gofmt} /usr/local/bin/ && \
    rm -rfv "go${GO_VER}.linux-${GO_ARCH}.tar.gz"

You should now be able to access the VM Cockpit console using https://<vm_ip>:9090 URL.

Build MicroShift

Log into the development virtual machine with the microshift user credentials. Clone the repository to be used for building various artifacts.

git clone ~/microshift
cd ~/microshift


Run make command in the top-level directory. If necessary, add DEBUG=true argument to the make command for building a binary with debug symbols.

make clean

The artifact of the build is the microshift executable file located in the _output/bin directory.

RPM Packages

Run make command with the rpm or srpm argument in the top-level directory.

make rpm
make srpm

The artifacts of the build are located in the _output/rpmbuild directory.

$ cd ~/microshift/_output/rpmbuild && find . -name \*.rpm 

The microshift-release-info and microshift-greenboot RPM packages are optional. See Embedding MicroShift Container Images for Offline Deployments and Integrating MicroShift with Greenboot for more information.

Run MicroShift Executable

Log into the development virtual machine with the microshift user credentials.

Runtime Prerequisites

Enable the repositories required for installing MicroShift dependencies.


When working with MicroShift based on a pre-release minor version Y of OpenShift, the corresponding RPM repository rhocp-4.$Y-for-rhel-8-$ARCH-rpms may not be available yet. In that case, use the Y-1 released version or a Y-beta version from the public$ARCH/dependencies/rpms/ OpenShift mirror repository.

OSVERSION=$(awk -F: '{print $5}' /etc/system-release-cpe)
OCP_REPO_NAME=rhocp-4.13-for-rhel-${OSVERSION}-mirrorbeta-$(uname -i)-rpms

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/${OCP_REPO_NAME}.repo >/dev/null <<EOF
name=Beta rhocp-4.13 RPMs for RHEL ${OSVERSION}

sudo subscription-manager config --rhsm.manage_repos=1
# Uncomment this when OCP 4.13 is released
# sudo subscription-manager repos \
#     --enable rhocp-4.13-for-rhel-${OSVERSION}-$(uname -i)-rpms \
#     --enable fast-datapath-for-rhel-${OSVERSION}-$(uname -i)-rpms
sudo dnf install -y centos-release-nfv-common
sudo dnf copr enable -y @OKD/okd centos-stream-9-$(uname -i)
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/openvswitch2-$(uname -i)-rpms.repo >/dev/null <<EOF
name=CentOS Stream 9 - SIG NFV

Proceed by installing the MicroShift RPM packages. This procedure pulls in the required package dependencies, also installing the necessary configuration files and systemd units.

sudo dnf localinstall -y ~/microshift/_output/rpmbuild/RPMS/*/*.rpm

Download the OpenShift pull secret from the page. Copy it to /etc/crio/openshift-pull-secret and update its file permissions so CRI-O can use it when fetching container images.

sudo chmod 600 /etc/crio/openshift-pull-secret

Installing Clients

Run the following commands to install oc and kubectl utilities.

sudo dnf install -y openshift-clients
OCC_REM=$(uname -i)/clients/ocp-dev-preview/latest-4.13/openshift-client-linux.tar.gz

curl -s ${OCC_REM} --output ${OCC_LOC}
sudo tar zxf ${OCC_LOC} -C /usr/bin
rm -f ${OCC_LOC}

Configuring MicroShift

MicroShift requires system configuration updates before it can be run. These updates include CRI-O, networking and file system customizations.

If a firewall is enabled, follow the instructions in the Firewall Configuration document to apply the mandatory settings.

The MicroShift service is not enabled or started by default. Start the service once to trigger the initialization sequence of all the dependencies.

sudo systemctl enable crio
sudo systemctl start microshift

The CRI-O service is started automatically by systemd as one of MicroShift dependencies. Enabling the CRI-O service is necessary to allow running MicroShift as a standalone executable.

Wait until all the pods are up and running.

watch sudo $(which oc) --kubeconfig /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/kubeconfig get pods -A

Finalize the procedure by stopping the MicroShift service and cleaning up its images and configuration data.

echo 1 | sudo ~/microshift/scripts/ --all

It should now be possible to run a standalone MicroShift executable file as presented in the next section.

Running MicroShift

Run the MicroShift executable file in the background using the following command.

nohup sudo ~/microshift/_output/bin/microshift run >> /tmp/microshift.log &

Examine the /tmp/microshift.log log file to ensure a successful startup.

An alternative way of running MicroShift is to update /usr/bin/microshift file and restart the service. The logs would then be accessible by running the journalctl -xu microshift command.

sudo cp -f ~/microshift/_output_/bin/microshift /usr/bin/microshift
sudo systemctl restart microshift

Copy kubeconfig to the default location that can be accessed without the administrator privilege.

mkdir -p ~/.kube/
sudo cat /var/lib/microshift/resources/kubeadmin/kubeconfig > ~/.kube/config

Verify that the MicroShift is running.

oc get cs
watch oc get pods -A

Stopping MicroShift

Run the following command to stop the MicroShift process and make sure it is shut down by examining its log file.

sudo kill microshift && sleep 3
tail -3 /tmp/microshift.log

If MicroShift is running as a service, it is necessary to execute the sudo systemctl stop microshift command to shut it down and review the output of the journalctl -xu microshift command to verify the service termination.

This command only stops the MicroShift process. To perform the full cleanup including CRI-O, MicroShift and OVN caches, run the following script.

echo 1 | sudo ~/microshift/scripts/ --all

The full cleanup does not remove OVS configuration applied by the MicroShift service initialization sequence. Run the sudo /usr/bin/ command to revert to the original network settings.

Quick Development and Edge Testing Cycle

During the development cycle, it is practical to build and run MicroShift executable as demonstrated in the Build MicroShift and Run MicroShift Executable sections above. However, it is also necessary to have a convenient technique for testing the system in a setup resembling the production environment. Such an environment can be created in a virtual machine as described in the Install MicroShift on RHEL for Edge document.

Once a RHEL for Edge virtual machine is created, it is running a version of MicroShift with the latest changes. When MicroShift code is updated and the executable file is rebuilt with the new changes, the updates need to be installed on RHEL for Edge OS.

Since it takes a long time to create a new RHEL for Edge installer ISO and deploy it on a virtual machine, the remainder of this section describes a simple technique for replacing the MicroShift executable file on an existing RHEL for Edge OS installation.

Configuring ostree

Log into the RHEL for Edge machine using redhat:redhat credentials. Run the following command for configuring the ostree to allow transient overlays on top of the /usr directory.

sudo rpm-ostree usroverlay

This would enable a development mode where users can overwrite /usr directory contents. Note that all changes will be discarded on reboot.

Updating MicroShift Executable

Log into the development virtual machine with the microshift user credentials.

It is recommended to update the local /etc/hosts to resolve the microshift-edge host name. Also, generate local SSH keys and allow the microshift user to run SSH commands without the password on the RHEL for Edge machine.

ssh-copy-id redhat@microshift-edge

Rebuild the MicroShift executable as described in the Build MicroShift section and run the following commands to copy, cleanup, replace and restart the new service on the RHEL for Edge system.

scp ~/microshift/_output/bin/microshift redhat@microshift-edge:
ssh redhat@microshift-edge ' \
    echo 1 | sudo /usr/bin/microshift-cleanup-data --all && \
    sudo cp ~redhat/microshift /usr/bin/microshift && \
    sudo systemctl enable microshift --now && \
    echo Done '

Profile MicroShift

Golang pprof is a useful tool for serving runtime profiling data via an HTTP server in the format expected by the pprof visualization tool.

Runtime profiling data can be accessed from the command line as described in the pprof documentation. As an example, the following command can be used to look at the heap profile.

oc get --raw /debug/pprof/heap > heap.pprof
go tool pprof heap.pprof

To view all the available profiles, run oc get --raw /debug/pprof.


No Valid Repository ID for OpenShift RPM Channels

The following error message may be encountered when enabling the OpenShift RPM repositories.

Error: 'fast-datapath-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms' does not match a valid repository ID.
Use "subscription-manager repos --list" to see valid repositories.

To mitigate this problem, make sure that your system is registered and attached to the Red Hat Openshift Container Platform or equivalent subscription. Once the proper subscription is configured, run the subscription-manager command to verify the enabled repositories.

$ sudo subscription-manager repos --list-enabled
    Available Repositories in /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo
Repo ID:   rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms
Repo Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream (RPMs)
Repo URL:$releasever/x86_64/appstream/os
Enabled:   1

Repo ID:   fast-datapath-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
Repo Name: Fast Datapath for RHEL 8 x86_64 (RPMs)
Repo URL:
Enabled:   1

Repo ID:   rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms
Repo Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - BaseOS (RPMs)
Repo URL:$releasever/x86_64/baseos/os
Enabled:   1