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rhad ("rhadamanthus") is a CI/CD task runner used in OpenSourceCorp's CI/CD subsystem. It does not orchestrate CI/CD tasks -- that's the subsystem's job. Rather, it is a set of utilities that are designed to be easily ported between any CI/CD platform of your choosing. rhad comprises all the CI/CD logic that your platform would normally run as steps in that process -- lint, test, build, push, deploy, etc. In this way, you can think of rhad being much like a Jenkins shared library.

How to use

To build & run rhad locally, you can clone this repo, and run:

make image-build

from the repo root. This will build (by default) an image tagged as Please be patient, as rhad has a lot of build-time dependencies that it needs to fetch; and note that the resulting image will be quite large!

To actually run rhad, you will need to run the image's container with your local folder mounted to it:

docker run --rm -it -v "${PWD}":/home/rhad/src <subcommand> # e.g. 'lint'

Note that rhad's instructions are provided within a container runtime context only. As rhad depends on many system & CLI utilities being present at runtime, it is an unfair assumption that someone will have their host machine configured with all of these disparate tools (there are a LOT, mostly for the linters).

If you really want to get rhad working on a dedicated machine, it's certainly easy enough to do -- just fire up a Debian-based machine, grab the scripts/ script, and take note of the order of things specified in the top-level Containerfile. Note that rhad's container image is built off of Debian's unstable/"Sid" branch, and has not been tested on a stable release.