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Installing and running on Ubuntu

There instructions are for setting up a headless (no monitor attached) Sevabot running in Skype on Ubuntu Server. The instructions have tested on Ubuntu Version 12.04.1 unless mentioned otherwise.


For desktop installation instructions see below.

Install Ubuntu dependencies needed to run headless Skype.

SSH into your server as a root or do sudo -i.

Then install necessary software:

apt-get update
apt-get install -y xvfb fluxbox x11vnc dbus libasound2 libqt4-dbus libqt4-network libqtcore4 libqtgui4 libxss1 libpython2.7 libqt4-xml libaudio2 libmng1 fontconfig liblcms1 lib32stdc++6 lib32asound2 ia32-libs libc6-i386 lib32gcc1 nano python-virtualenv
wget -O skype-linux-beta.deb
# if there are other unresolved dependencies install missing packages using apt-get install and then install the skype deb package again
dpkg -i skype-linux-beta.deb

More packages and Python modules needed to:

apt-get install -y python-gobject-2
apt-get install -y curl git

Now we will create the UNIX user skype running Sevabot and Skype the client application.


In this phase of installation you will need a VNC remote desktop viewer software on your local computer. On Linux you have XVNCViewer, on OSX you have Chicken of VNC and on Windows you have TinyVNC.

Under sudo -i:

# Create a random password
openssl rand -base64 32  # Copy this output, write down and use in the input of the following command
adduser skype # We must run Skype under non-root user

Exit from the current (root) terminal session.

Login to your server:


Get Sevabot:

git clone git://


If you want to live dangerously you can use git dev branch where all the development happen. You can switch to this branch with "git checkout dev" command in the sevabot folder.

Start xvfb, fluxbox and Skype:

# This will output some Xvfb warnings to the terminal for a while
SERVICES="xvfb fluxbox skype" ~/sevabot/scripts/ start

Start VNC server:

# This will ask you for the password of VNC remote desktop session.
# Give a password and let it write the password file.
# Delete file ~/.x11vnc/password to reset the password
~/sevabot/scripts/ start

On your local computer start the VNC viewing software and connect the server:

vncviewer  # Password as you give it above

You see the remote desktop. Login to Skype for the first time. Make Skype to save your username and password. Create Skype account in this point if you don't have one for sevabot.


Now, in your local Skype, invite the bot as your friend. Then accept the friend request.



It is important to add one Skype buddy for your Sevabot instance in this point, so don't forget to do this step.

Now, in Sevabot go to Skype's settings and set the following:

  • No chat history
  • Only people on my list can write me
  • Only people on my list can call me


When Skype is up and running on your server, you can attach Sevabot into it.

Sevabot is deployed as Python virtualenv installation.

Login to your server as skype user over SSH:


Deploy sevabot, as checked out from Github earlier, using Python virtualenv:

cd sevabot
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
python develop

ALTERNATIVE on some older Ubuntus - do only if the virtualenv and pip installation above doesn't seem to work:

cd sevabot curl -L -o python venv . venv/bin/activate . venv/bin/activate

This will

  • Pull all Python package dependencies from package service
  • Create Sevabot launch scripts under ~/sevabot/venv/bin/

Set password and customize other Sevabot settings by creating and editing editing

# Create a copy of
cd ~/sevabot

In set

  • SHARED_SECRET: web interface password
  • HTTP_HOST: Public IP address you want Sevabot's web interface listen to (on Ubuntu you can figure this out using ``ipconfig command)

We need one more thing and that's accepting Skype dialog for Sevabot control in VNC session. Make sure Xvfb, Fluxbox, Skype and VNC is running as instructed above. Do:

# Start Sevabot and make initial connect attempt to Skype
SERVICES=sevabot ~/sevabot/scripts/ start

Authorize the connection and tick Remember in VNC session


To start the Sevabot do:

# Following will restart Xvnx, Fluxbox, Skype and Sevabot
~/sevabot/scripts/ restart

The last line you see should be something like:

2013-03-17 18:45:16,270 - werkzeug - INFO -  * Running on


Make sure your IP address is right in above

From the log files see that Sevabot starts up:

tail -f ~/sevabot/logs/sevabot.log

It should end up reading like this:

Started Sevabot web server process

Start chatting with your Sevabot instance with your local Skype.

In Skype chat, type:


Sevabot should respond to this message with Skype message:



Sometimes Skype starts up slowly on the server and the initial messages are eaten by something. If you don't get instant reply, wait one minute and type !ping again.

Sevabot server interface is listening to port 5000. This interface offers

  • Chat list (you need to know group chat id before you can send message into it)
  • :doc:`Webhooks </webhooks>` for integrating external services

Just access the Sevabot server by going with your web browser to:


If you have problems see :doc:`Troubleshooting section for more information how to resolve them </troubleshooting>`.

Sevabot and all related services can be controller with scripts/ helper script. Services include

  • Xvfb
  • Fluxbox
  • Skype
  • Sevabot itself


scripts/ stop
scripts/ start
scripts/ status
Xvfb is running
fluxbox is running
skype is running
Sevabot running

To run sevabot from the server from reboot or do a full bot restart there is an example script provided. It also does optionally manual SSH key authorization so that the bot can execute remote commands over SSH.

To make your Sevabot bullet-proof add a cron job to check that Sevabot is running correctly and reboot if necessary.

Sevabot has a cute logo which you want to set as Sevabot's Skype avatar image.

Here are short instructions.

Login as your sevabot user, tunnel VNC:

ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900

Start VNC:

sevabot/scripts/ start

On your local VNC client, connect to localhost:5900.

Set the avatar image through Skype UI.


You don't need Xvfb, VNC or fluxbox. These instructions were written for Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit.


These instructions were written for running 32-bit Skype client application in 64-bit Ubuntu. Since writing the instructions the situation have changed and Skype has 64-bit application too. If you have insight of how to install these packages correctly please open an issue on Github and submit an updated recipe.

Install requirements and Skype:

sudo -i

apt-get install xvfb fluxbox x11vnc dbus libasound2 libqt4-dbus libqt4-network libqtcore4 libqtgui4 libxss1 libpython2.7 libqt4-xml libaudio2 libmng1 fontconfig liblcms1 lib32stdc++6 lib32asound2 ia32-libs libc6-i386 lib32gcc1

apt-get install python-gobject-2 curl git

wget -O skype-linux-beta.deb
# if there are other unresolved dependencies install missing packages using apt-get install and then install the skype deb package again
dpkg -i skype-linux-beta.deb


Start Skype normally, register a new user or you can also use your own Skype account for testing..

Install Sevabot:

git clone git://
cd sevabot
virtualenv venv  # Assume we use Python 2.7 virtualenv installed from Ubuntu 12.04 package manager
. venv/bin/activate
python develop

Customize Sevabot settings:


Use your text editor to open and set your own password there.

Start sevabot:

. venv/bin/activate

You should now see in your terminal:

Skype API connection established
 * Running on http://localhost:5000/

Now enter with your browser to: http://localhost:5000/.