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55 lines (35 loc) · 2.33 KB


File metadata and controls

55 lines (35 loc) · 2.33 KB


Set up environment

git clone
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install --editable .

Install development packages

python3 -m pip install --upgrade \
  build pip twine \
  pytest \
  sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme

Adding a dependency

Installation dependencies are stored in the file, in the install_requires section.

Releasing a new version

  1. Modify the version in the VERSION file.
  2. Add a tag: git tag $(cat VERSION) && git push origin --tags.
  3. Create a release on GitHub.
  4. Generate distribution archives: python3 -m build.
  5. Upload the release: python3 -m twine upload dist/*. Use the usual login and password for PyPi.

Performing a comparison benchmark

This can be used in case of major updates to OnToma algorithm to make sure they don't break things significantly.

  1. Call benchmark/ to create a random sample of input strings. This will fetch 100 random records each from ClinVar, PhenoDigm, and gene2phenotype sources. Together they are thought to cover a wide range of use case well. Due to deduplication, the final file sample.txt may contain slightly less than 300 records.
  2. Optionally, to add some additional samples from PanelApp JSON file, you can do: jq 'keys[]' diseaseToEfo_results.json | tr -d '"' | shuf -n 100 >> sample.txt; sort -uf -o sample.txt sample.txt.
  3. Process the file so that the final output format is a two column TSV file with the following columns: original query; full URI for an EFO term. Do not include the header.
    • For OnToma pre-v1.0.0, use: time ontoma sample.txt - | awk -F$'\t' '{if (length($2) != 0) {print $1 "\t" $2}}' | tail -n+2 > ontoma_old.txt.
    • For OnToma v1.0.0+, use: time ontoma --cache-dir EFO_CACHE --columns query,id_full_uri <sample.txt | tail -n+2 >ontoma_new.txt.
  4. Collate the results by using benchmark/ --old ontoma_old.txt --new ontoma_new.txt > benchmark_comparison.txt. Load the resulting file into Google Sheets and manually mark the mappings as good/bad/uncertain. Exact, letter to letter matches are marked as good automatically.