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File metadata and controls

31 lines (24 loc) · 1.6 KB

HTTP endpoints

prof endpoints

  • /memprof, runs a trace profile for 30 seconds
  • /pprof, runs a pprof profile for 30 seconds
  • /memprof, runs a heap memory profile for 30 seconds

Only one prof will be allowed to run at any point, and requesting multiple will block until the previous has completed.

expvar endpoints

healthcheck endpoints

  • /healthcheck, reports if the server is internally healthy. This is what should be used for health checking by an LB.
  • /deepcheck, reports the status of downstream services. This should not be used for system healthcheck, as a bad dependency should not cause an otherwise healthy server to cycle, because it will likely fail again.

ingestion endpoint

  • /vN/raw and /vN/event, takes in protobuf formatted raw metrics. This endpoint is intended for gostatsd to gostatsd communication only, and thus not documented. This is to deter a service which may not bother to consolidate metrics, which would be detrimental to the health of the aggregation service. The version spoken by a forwarding instance is not configurable.

    The compatibility guarantee is:

    • A bump of N will be a major bump of the service version
    • A bump of N will retain support for N-1, dropping N-2 if present.
    • A major bump of the service version may not increase N.
    • A major bump of the service version may drop N-1 support without adding N+1.
    • There will never be more than N-1 and N.

    All changes of N will be documented in the []. N is currently 2.