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Andreas Tolf Tolfsen committed May 29, 2012
1 parent 9aba98c commit 584a8a2
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 0 deletions.
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions CHANGES
@@ -1,3 +1,133 @@
v0.14 (2012-05-29)


* Added OperaMouse#tripleClick() and #quadrupleClick() which are
recognized by Opera. (andreastt)

* OperaUtils#getOS() renamed to #getPlatform(), and now returns type
Platform. (andreastt)

* Introduced ScopeServices#isConnected() to check for a connection
to Opera. (andreastt)


* OPDRV-121: Implemented window-manager's CreateWindow command.


* OPDRV-179: Upgraded exec service to 2.2. (andreastt)

* Upgraded window-manager service to 2.2. (andreastt)

* OPDRV-127: Retreiving multi-click interval from awt.

* Implemented Closeables. (andreastt)

* Abstracted hardcoded timeout for launcher response timeout to
OperaIntervals. (andreastt)

* Window closing code now respects that core-gogi and Desktop on
Windows has different concepts of what a window is. We cache the
number of open windows before WebDriver#close() call because they
will auto-open new windows when the last one is closed. If the
user tries to close the last window, we will quit the browser
according to the WebDriver spec. (andreastt)

* Cleaned up driver quit code: Opera is first closed, runner forces
an Opera shutdown, shuts down itself, then services are shut down.
Finally the profile and log files are cleaned up (after browser is
shut down), and then a garbage collection occurs. The `runner'
field is not nulled because the user might want to query whether
browser is running or not. (andreastt)

* No longer wrapping exceptions from Scope in WebDriverException's
as this obfuscates the real intent and since WebDriverException is
a final exception it will print twice since we catch it in
OperaDriver#init(). (andreastt)

* Generalized the sleep time between a window close in
OperaIntervals#WINDOW_CLOSE_SLEEP. (andreastt)

* Implemented OperaSettings#equals().


* Made default product DESKTOP, fixes issue with reusing old
profiles. (andreastt)

* OperaDriver#getWindowHandles() will return an empty set if we are
no longer connected to Opera. (andreastt)

* Fix OperaProfile to work with RemoteWebDriver. (dawagner)

* Close the socket output stream on
OperaLauncherProtocol#shutdown(). (danielb)

* Close the selector in SocketMonitor when done, otherwise we will
leak file descriptors. (danielb)

* Close ServerSocket if an exception is thrown. (danielb)

* OPDRV-125: Avoid sending double shutdown commands to launcher.

* Logging file name and the actual IO issue when something goes bad
in OperaFilePreferences. (andreastt)

* Using an immutable list to define services. (andreastt)

* Propagating exception from OperaDriver#createScopeServices() since
we already catch everything and throw to WebDriverException in
OperaDriver#init(). (andreastt)

* Catching IOException explicitly in
OperaWebElement#saveScreenshot(). (andreastt)

* Not printing stack traces from SocketMonitor#stop() to stdout any
more. (andreastt)

* OperaLauncherProtocol now uses an immutable map as a reverse
lookup. (andreastt)


* Replaced old window management code with CreateWindow from Scope.

* Converted the HTTP redirect test to a local test. (andreastt)

* OPDRV-121: Added tests for resetting windows on a running browser.
Used in SpartanRunner. (andreastt)

* Refactored test framework to support probing of correct product.

* Moved from Jetty to Webbit to match the Selenium project.

* Misc. cleanup in WindowManager. (andreastt)

* TestOperaDriver#isRunning() makes call to
ScopeServices#isConnected() if runner is not present rather than
relying on a local boolean value. (andreastt)

* Removed unused method TestOperaDriver.getDefaultCapabilities().

* Make sure runner is always shut down in OperaLauncherRunnerTest.
Fixes a test on GNU/Linux. (andreastt)


* Officially targetting Java 6/JDK 1.6. (andreastt)

* Upgraded the WebDriver atoms. (andreastt)

v0.13 (2012-05-08)

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