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Opinionated FastAPI

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This package provides some additional tools and a layer of abstraction on top of the excellent FastAPI, with some highly opinionated features. For most cases, opinionated.fastapi provides only one way of solving a thing - the ORM is SQLAlchemy, the error tracking platform is Sentry, the ASGI server is Uvicorn. The aim is to provide a "batteries included" solution, with sensible defaults.

A specific objective is to ensure that the package works well in two types of environments - extremely embedded ones where the entire application should be able to run in a single process (with child processes for the web, worker, scheduling, etc) and extremely scalable environments like Docker or Kubernetes, where each child process has its own container and/or pod to run in.


Here are some key features:

  • Settings: Pydantic-based settings, with sensible defaults and configured via environment variable or command line (a la Django).
  • Error Reporting: Built-in Sentry support, including integrations
  • Task Queues: Asynchronous queued tasks via Dramatiq worker processes
  • Scheduled Tasks: Scheduled tasks via a custom APScheduler implementation
  • ORM Support: SQLAlchemy 1.4 (using the 2.0 "future" APIs)
  • ORM Migrations: Pre-configured Alembic environment to manage migrations
  • Command Line Tool: A management command (fastapi-admin) that provides access to a variety of processes and actions, and is extensible for custom commands
  • ASGI Web Server: Pre-configured Uvicorn support
  • Web Process Manager: Gunicorn support for process management in production
  • Deployment: Docker and Kubernetes build and deployment tools
  • File Structure: An opinionated file structure to help simplify understanding of complex projects
  • Embedded Friendly: The ability to run via a single command, that can spawn child processes as needed.

Guiding Principles

Here are some guiding principles for this project, that I use to help me decide how I'm going to approach any particular feature/enhancement:

  • Be extremely opinionated; FastAPI provides the opposite of this, which is great! But for this project, I specifically want to be absolutely opinionated - i.e. pick one way to solve a problem and only implement that one way. If a better option arises, the existing implementation will be replaced (although ideally encapsulated if that's possible). An example would be using Dramatiq, which I prefer over Celery. Rather than support both, the project only supports Dramatiq, but we coul change in future if a compelling reason arises.
  • Focus on Code over Configuration; where possible, we avoid configuration files other than pyproject.toml, and try to do most things in code instead
  • Adhere to the principles of 12factor app design (see


Python 3.8 and 3.9 are actively supported.

Python 3.6 and 3.7 may work, but are not supported, and will produce a warning.


pip install opinionated-fastapi

I encourage the use of virtual environments, in particular I recommend using poetry:

poetry init
poetry add opinionated-fastapi


I recommend using the cookiecutter template to get a complete filesystem layout. Alternatively, assuming you already have a virtualenv set up, a minimal example can be set up as follows:

Create a 'my_app' package, and add a module in the package called '':

from opinionated.fastapi import DefaultSettings

class Development(DefaultSettings):
    APPS = [ "my_app", ]

In the 'my_app' package, create a module '':

from fastapi import APIRouter, HTTPException

router = APIRouter(tags=["auth"])"/ping")
def ping():
    return {"detail": "pong"}

You can run this minimal example with the develop command:

fastapi-admin --config=my_app.config --setting=Development develop

Alternatively you can use environment varibales:

export FASTAPI_CONFIG_MODULE="my_app.config"
export FASTAPI_SETTING=Development
fastapi-admin develop

Related Projects

Related to this project, there is also a cookiecutter template which provides a standard project design with features like static analysis, tests, GitHub Actions support, etc.