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I see it every day, beginners have a hard time picking up git. Aside from the DSCM concepts, the command line is not easy: it is aimed at people who know git.. advanced nerds, not beginners.

This project is an attempt to make the git command line a friendly place: it eases the learning process by providing guidance and high level commands.


  • g2 is generaly safer than git as it prompts before destructive actions.
  • g2 helps setup git settings : sshkeys, username, email & tools.
  • g2 provides two letter acronyms for most commands.
  • g2 provides a reduced set of commands which give guidance on what to do next.
  • g2 enhances command line experience with TAB completion & a smart prompt.
  • g2 warns when a branch history was changed on the server (forced pushed).
  • g2 checks the fresheshness of the branch prior to merging and warns accordingly.
  • g2 enforces new commands to force developers into a clean linear history.
  • g2 requires a clean state before rebasing, checking out, branching or merging.
  • g2 provides guidance when it cannot perform an operation.
  • g2 brings a number of friendly commands such as : panic, sync, freeze, wip.
  • g2 eases branch creation.
  • g2 smartly resumes a rebase by smartly using skip or continue.

###What G2 is not

  • A replacement for git. Rather, g2 is a layer on top of git
  • A magic way to learn GIT. It will help by providing guidance but you will still need to understand how git works.



  • g2 is a layer on top of git, If you are doing a manual install, a recent version of git must be pre-installed.
  • Please backup your favorite ~/.gitconfig as g2 with recreate it from scratch.

###Linux (RedHat/Ubuntu):

Please clone the repository, edit either /etc/bashrc, /etc/bash.bashrc or ~/.bashrc and add the following code:

[[ $PS1 && -f /path/to/ ]] && \
     . /path/to/


Same as Linux, make the change in ~/.bash_profile

The software will soon be available via a HomeBrew package, stay tuned.

###Solaris (Partially tested):

Add the following script to /etc/bashrc or ~/.bashrc (or any other file sourcing those).

export PATH
[[ $PS1 && -f /path/to/ ]] && \
     . /path/to/


Git is not a prerequisit on windows as the installer comes bundled with it.

Please download the Windows native installer from this link.

##How to use

The project introduces the g alias. Taken without parameters it displays the following output.

$ g
	abort - aborts any rebase/merge
	am <?-f> - amends last commit with staging area
	br <?-D> <?-M> <?branch> - list or create branches
	bs - bisect
	co <branch> - switches branch (either local/remote)
	continue - resumes a conflict resolution
	cp <commit> - cherry-pick
	ci <?params...> - commit
	clone <url> - clone a remote repository
	df/dt <?params...> - compares files
	fetch - synchronizes remote branches
	freeze/unfreeze <?-m comment> <?file> - freeze/unfreeze files
	gc - garbage collects: run fsck & gc
	gp - grep
	gui - launches the GUI
	ig <file> - adds to gitignore & removes from source control
	init <folder> - init a repository
	key <?-gen> - displays/generates your ssh public key
	mg <?params...> <branch> - merge
	mt <?params...> - fixes conflicts by opening a visual mergetool
	mv - move (rename) a file
	lg - displays commit log
	ls <?params...> - list files under source control
	panic - gets you back on HEAD, cleans all untracked files
	pull/push <?opts> <remote> <branch> - deals with other branches
	rb <?params...> <branch> - rebase
	rm <params...> - remove
	rs <params...> - reset
	rs upstream - resets branch to upstream state
	rt <?params...> - remote
	rv <commit> - revert
	setup - configures user, key, editor, tools
	sh <?-deep> - show commit contents
	sm <?params...> - submodule
	st <?params...> - status
	sync - syncs working branch: fetch, rebase & push
	tg - tag
	track <?upstream_branch> - shows/set tracking
	wip/unwip - save/restore work in progress to branch

On top of providing two letters acronyms for most git commands, g2 has interesting features which enhance command line experience.

The Prompt



g setup and g key are two handy commands to setup username, email, keys, editor and tooling.


At anytime, you may display your ssh key with: g key

$ git key
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDDYUTgzU9zjsdda9WBEED5bH+SVMq5bYoIxPSzop2IqUBoyyOlRdHt4dy2r/MWiB2eKQOQmPRE7SeawhFWYbCwEdi6BtEe8m4PiZd3OIRV13TlPj54Hi6Q1Ab8emEAH026L4kwef46+j0aJf/7tZzUw/uZW9Wrnf1VN+J1VlWvmYaG9JpPBuatAlTV9rhCeQ2WO39KYWVYJxH1mO0zPEpuTBojji7HYJtlS4OCKgY9mCVBPiUzzLfmrlIhZz+k5rMWv6i4tQtats23qtHEOi9GxJm4+TSGLwM89/C186CJ+8Yx0g/c2DIbVtPm2VMwUayu8wU4GfBHtOwin4cLWsvT

Should you need to regenerate the key pair, the process is equally user friendly: use g key -gen

$ git key -gen
Regenerate SSH Key (y/n)? y
Generating SSH keys...
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
/Users/orefalo/.ssh/id_rsa already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? y
Your identification has been saved in /Users/orefalo/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /Users/orefalo/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
|         o+      |
|      . +. .     |
|     . = +  .    |
|    o + + ..     |
|     = +S .      |
|    . + ..       |
|     oE=         |
|    o.= .        |
|     +..         |
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDDYUTgzU9zjsdda9WBEED5bH+SVMq5bYoIxPSzop2IqUBoyyOlRdHt4dy2r/MWiB2eKQOQmPRE7SeawhFWYbCwEdi6BtEe8m4PiZd3OIRV13TlPj54Hi6Q1Ab8emEAH026L4kwef46+j0aJf/7tZzUw/uZW9Wrnf1VN+J1VlWvmYaG9JpPBuatAlTV9rhCeQ2WO39KYWVYJxH1mO0zPEpuTBojji7HYJtlS4OCKgY9mCVBPiUzzLfmrlIhZz+k5rMWv6i4tQtats23qtHEOi9GxJm4+TSGLwM89/C186CJ+8Yx0g/c2DIbVtPm2VMwUayu8wU4GfBHtOwin4cLWsvT

###Basic commands

Git is often referenced as a content SCM, that freezes the state of a folder. So rather than providing a git add and git rm, g2 introduces the freeze and unfreeze commands.

Without arguments, freeze literally freezes the state of the workspace into the staging area. The content can later be committed with the ci command or unfrozen with unfreeze.

Finally the most common git commands g st and g lg have been enhanced to display a nice colorized outputs.



It happened to all of us. You try a new command (like a rebase) and things didn't work as expected. "Wait a minutes, what's that blinking led light on the flight panel? Where is the manual?". Suddenly, you feel the necessity to hunt an expert advise. Bad luck he's either not available, there no-one to help you! "Damn it ! I wish I never run that command!".

Believe it or not, your are Panicking…

Well, here comes g panic

panic checks out the last good state (HEAD) and removes all files not under source control, leaving a clean workspace to resume from. It's the easiest way to get you back on track and ready to work. No more cood sweats.


A tracking branch is a local branch that is connected to a remote branch. When you synchronize on that branch, it automatically pushes and pulls to the remote branch that it is connected with.

g2 provides a handy command to display and set tracking: g track


By default, it displays the tracking table. The command accepts a parameter to set tracking for the working branch. Say you want to track local branch devel with origin/devel.
Switch to the devel branch and type g track origin/devel


Displaying the list of branches is achieved with the branch g br command. Note how it provides details not only about the local and remote branches, but also about the state of these branches when compared to the status on the server.

$ g br
* master
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
gh-pages (ahead 0) | (behind 0) origin/gh-pages
master (ahead 0) | (behind 0) origin/master

Give it a parameter and it will create a new branch. g2 will prompt if you want to create a matching remote branch and setup tracking accordingly.

Use checkout d co to switch to that branch.

$ g br NEW_branch
(M=6c1fc *1) orefalo@OLIVIERS-IMAC 
$ g br
* master
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
gh-pages (ahead 0) | (behind 0) origin/gh-pages
master (ahead 0) | (behind 0) origin/master
$ g co NEW_branch 
Switched to branch 'NEW_branch'

If you are familiar with git, this is no rocket science. There is however a hidden gem which might save you headaches going forward: g2 is extremely strict when it comes to switching branches.

You can only switch branch from a stable state. A stable state means: no modified files, no staged files. Should you have any changes, g2 will complain with the following message

fatal: some files were changed on this branch, either commit <ci>, <wip> or <panic>.

###Working with remotes

Before introducing one of the main g2 features, let me talk about what NOT to do when merging.
Look at these graphs taken from various projects on github. Note how the branches overlap and how these loops make the graphic extremely difficult to read as the number of commiters increases.

image image

Looks familiar? Wouldn't it be nicer to have straight lines, with segments showing only when feature branches are merged in? Like this…


The above is 30+ developers working together on about 20 active feature branches. Note how the graph is clean an easy to read. In order to achive this result, g2 enforces two different merging scenarios, each backed by a different command.

  1. Saving the code into its working branch, that's what we do most of the time
  2. Merging features from other branches, like merging the changes that your collegues deployed to production.

The matching commands are g sync and g pull, here is how to use them:

  • Use g sync to synchronize the current branch. The command doesn't take any parameters because it uses the tracking table to figure the remote/branch. To enforce a clean linear history, the changes are always appended to the end of the branch. Once completed, the changes are sent back to the server.

For the git expert, the command issues a fetch, a rebase and a push with a multitude of validation in between. For instance, it will block if the remote history was force updated; also it won't push a wip commit (see below).

  • Use g pull when merging contents from a feature branches.

###History changes

g2 is not permissive when it comes to switching branches, amending or rebasing. Unless given the -f flag, it will block any attempts untill the workspace is in a "clean" state.

You can easily get to a clean state by using g panic

###Work in progress

Saving the work in progress is common when developing with git. Typically, git stash comes to the rescue. The issue with stashing is that you typically loose track of which branch you stashed from, making the stash a short term solution to save work in progress.

Instead, g2 introduces wip and unwip. Two handy commands that you will learn to love. Unlike stashing, wip commits the work in progress as a regular commit.

$ g st
## master
(M=000f0 +2 *1) orefalo@OLIVIERS-IMAC 
$ g wip
[master 0dcbfb3] wip
 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
(M=0dcbf) orefalo@OLIVIERS-IMAC 
$ g lg
* 0dcbfb3 - (HEAD, master) wip (5 seconds ago) <Olivier Refalo>
* 000f060 - (origin/master, origin/HEAD) fix freeze and wip (5 hours ago) <Olivier Refalo>
* b44487e - adding gui & freeze -m (6 hours ago) <Olivier Refalo>
* 7acd770 - documentation, removed undo (24 hours ago) <Olivier Refalo>
* a248217 - first commit (3 days ago) <Olivier Refalo>
* 5fa2c06 - initial commit (3 days ago) <Olivier Refalo>
$ g unwip
Unstaged changes after reset:

But unlike commits, wip commits CANNOT be merged, pulled, pushed or synched. You cannot commit on top of them either. In orther words, a wip commit in meant to stay at the tip of the branch until you are ready to unwip and resume your development.

#List of Commands



###Why "g2" ?

  • g is the command, and it obviously comes from git
  • 2 because most of the actions are two letters long.

###There is no stash ?

No, not for now. With commands wip and unwip, the stash brings little benefits. You can always cherry pick from one branch to another.

###Is it a new git-flow ?

No, g2 doesn't enforce any branching policy.

###What if my favorite command is missing?

Please notify us via the project issue tracker. For the time being, please use $GIT_EXE


Author: Olivier Refalo

  • Contains a modified version of git-prompt - Leonid Volnitsky
  • Contains a modified version of git-completion.bash - Shawn O. Pearce
  • GUM by saintsjd. Wonder why this project feelt short on delivery.


Distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0.


  • some completions are not properly working - git push origin not working ?
  • completion, rename __git to avoid conflicts
  • g mode - for advanced users
  • g as - aliasing