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philmriss philmriss78
Dayz Modding | Map Arsteinen | Map Beaver Island | Serverhoster


DR0PD3AD Dropd3ad
Dayz Modder Breaking The Game One Mod At A Time... Console+PC Mods/Custom Content Creator

@DROPD3AD-Dayz-Dev Detroit, Michigan

Leonardo Medeiros de Mello Junior leonardommello
Love technology, and I'm always looking for new things to learn and improve my skills.

Florianópolis, Brazil

Heber Freitas hebergutenberg

Cloud Project Campina Grande, Paraíba

8ŁAZE Mystic8laze

Queensland, Austtralia


Trap House Gaming

BlacsWolf BlacsWolf
Pseudonym: Anatolii Gremory x BlacsWolf Nick: BlacsWolf
Dean deannreid

@VoxelLoopDev Scotland

Brian Orr DrkDevil
Obsessed with design by code. I have been designing, and developing web applications for over twenty years. I love my family, star wars, & most things nerdy.

@PhoenixDigitalStudio , @Digital-Religion , @DayZ-n-Chill, @DayZ-BLACKOUT , @EpicGames United States