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PerrierBottle PerrierBouteille
Développeur [FR], Je fais plusieurs mini projet j'adore coder :D Je développe en Java, NodeJS, Python et autres !


Joey Joey0980

United States

int4_t RewardedIvan
Forget about the code and commit in 5 months....


Kaimson Kaimson
Software Engineer working at @OPTIMAL-Systemberatung

@OPTIMAL-Systemberatung Germany

Dannyx Dannyx1604
A german guy who likes pizza 🍕. Discord: dannyx.

@Endelon-Hosting, @Moonlight-Panel Somewhere near the Earth

Teed™ Ted6828
Some random kid thats not good at coding
Broken USB broken-usb
Computer Engineering student since 2022.


Dechire T DechireT
Hi, my name is Dechire T. I code in Java (Minecraft client and plugin), CSS, PHP and JavaScrpit.

Paris, France