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Tiago Ribeiro de Barros tiagordebarros
👨🏻‍💻 Full Stack Web Developer e🧑🏻‍💼 fundador da Parceiros de Negócio.

Parceiros de Negócio Caxias do Sul - RS - Brasil

Jad Adnan jadeden1999
Founder of All things Blockchain jadeden.eth

@AETHER961 AETHER Delaware

Hassan Edelbi hassanedelbi
Better than yesterday … One Step at a Time 🐾

TIKTAL Doha, Qatar

Giulio Zanchetta zanhk

@majesticostudio Italy

antonin caudron m4n1ok
Interface Engineer @area17, former Fullstack developer @Datagif, former @gobelins

@area17 Paris

Gustavo Salvini guspatagonico
Managing Director at @EcimTech. #Fullstack #WebDeveloper. #SoftwareArchitect #React #Nextjs #PHP | ❤️ travelling 🇦🇷 ARG 🇮🇹 ITA @SfidaStudios @ComarcasVivas

EcimTech Argentina

Christian Gil ChrisGV04
Full-stack web developer and designer with a passion for writing software and learning. Working as a full-time freelancer since 2018

CGV WEB México

Anthony Young ayoungh
Creative developer with a passion for crafting visually stunning and intuitive digital experiences. I strive to push the boundaries of design and technology.

@yngcreative London