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Martin Thuo hartl3y94
Security Researcher

Hartley94 Kenya

Pwnzzz 💀 fckoo
⚠Just your ordinary wanna be sec person, CTFer 🚩 🐱‍👤


midnite_runr secretsquirrel
I laugh in the general direction of security products.
Saeed Hasanzade Net-Hun73r
Security consultant, Threat intelligence, Malware analyst, Reverse engineer, Exploit developer, Low-Level System programmer


Offensive Security Developer | CCDC Red Teamer | Curious Hacker

United States

0xp17j8ff01 0xp17j8
Malware Developer & Analyser, reverse engineer | C++/C, Assembly ARM-x86-x64
zvqle realzvqle
A Guy Who Enjoys Programming

zvqle United States of America

Rodrigo Marcolino de oliveira rodrigo-marcolino
I started in IT around 15 years ago. I built up my career to become a Sys/Network administrator. However, in 2020 I started my journey to become a Developer.

Auckland, New Zealand

0xSingularity 0x-Singularity
- Software Engineering Student - Software Engineer Intern United States

Delcio godelcio
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Dad | 💻 Tech Enthusiast | 📚 Lifelong Learner | 🌟 Passionate about Inclusion | Opinions are mine.

Views are my own, not associated to any company or organisation Citizen of the World

ashirokova-r7 ashirokova-r7
Living life one line of code at a time, I've mastered the art of debugging and dodging bugs alike. #ByteMe if you can

Rapid7 Prague

Nur nurbxfit
A student of life, for life.

Somewhere in a village far far away

Adrian Kydland Skaftun bittib010
Cyber security engineer @ Amesto Fortytwo.

Amesto Fortytwo

Nietzschean Priest 1hecha0s
In affair with Linux.

New delhi, India

abel standard3
Infosec student - CTF Player - Developer - Self-hoster


Mosaab_ MalwareDaddy
Living off of Caffeine and Code.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Tangy Origami TangyOrigami
Linux User, Golang Lover, Neovim Enjoyer

City of Roma Roma, Tx

Heriberto Arias HerX121
Share the knowledge...

HerXLabs Guanajuato, México

Cyber Security Obsession 🤯
Ygor Maximo mxm0z
OSINT all the things


Oliver Schneider exoosh
This is my account as employee of exocad. @assarbad is my personal account.

exocad GmbH Frankfurt