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Kartikey swordonfire
Hi, I am interested in Deep Learning, Large Language Models (LLMs), and practical applications of AI
Md Shahriyar Al Mustakim Mitul mitul3737
Contributor at @kubernetes and @cncf | Maintains K8s Bengali Docs and CNCF Glossary | Student


Jae Shin mastershin
Senior Deep Learning Scientist @ Voxelcloud, Inc.

Voxelcloud, Inc.

Ganesh Prasad Kumble 0zAND1z
There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary, and those that don't.

Ali Aydogdu aydogduali
For the old account please see @alileoalilei

Fondazione CMCC Bologna

Zidane Cruz Zidane-263
I am an AI enthusiast currently pursuing my bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering with a specialization in AI and ML

Sathyabama Institite of science and technology chennai, India

Valentin-Ioan VINTILĂ w1bb
Dedicated, curious, creative and hard-working computer science student interested in quantum computing, numerical analysis, electronics and home-built CPUs.

Bucharest, Romania

2F F-a-b-r-i-z-i-o

Universita' degli Studi di Perugia Italy

Saksham Raghuvanshi saksham-raghuvanshi
Founder @NOTATMRP (DPIIT Recognized Startup). Passionate about building the future through technology 🚀. Full Stack Developer


Culture.Support CultureSupport
Deploy CloudRun , Use Github to Deploy Vm instanse

Culture.Support Culture.Support

Cătălin-Alexandru Rîpanu CatalinACS
Problem solver with an analytical mind, able to work under pressure and to deliver effective solutions, eager to learn about new stuff Quantum AI ML Enthusiast

@cs-pub-ro Romania

Walace Wilker Lima Silva wilkerwalace
👋 Olá! Eu sou Walace wilker, um entusiasta da tecnologia apaixonado por desenvolvimento de software e inovação.


Younghwa CHO younghwacho
Ph.D. Candidate at Hokkaido University

Hokkaido University Sapporo, Japan

C³ >> Cricket, Clash of Clans & Coding.
Zubair Khan zubair3007
Zubair | Full stack developer , love to code.
Icefyre IcefyreYu

Nanhu No.2 Middle School Shanghai,China

Jorge Alexandre jorgearaujo81
QA Engineer and Computer Science student, an adventurous guy. Always ready to learn and available to teach.

@CESARBR Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil

Rachel Eva Rachel-Eva
A student as well as an aspiring programmer.
Antoine Houllier Toinoux38
Graphic Designer | Student in Computer Science and Cybersecurity | Figma Expert
Tanzid Sultan tsultan16
Aficionado of scientific computing, physics, machine learning and a variety of other things.

University of Melbourne Melbourne