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Maik Broemme mbroemme
Volunteer Developer

Virtuozzo International GmbH Wegberg

Kirill imorte

Hamburg, Deutschland

Loïc Roux loic-roux-404
Software developer interested at Fintech & cloud solutions

Worldline Lyon

Edgar Lanting edgarlanting
Linux, distributed systems and databases make me happy. That and awesome coffee of course!

@Qubit-9 The Netherlands

Florian Schwab ydkn

@Qubit-9 Berlin, Germany

Billy Batista billyb2
"Professional" software "engineer"

@superfly The Milky Way Galaxy

Jason Kölker jkoelker
Programming... Weeeeeeeee!

@segmentio @twilio Earth, usually US Central Time

Daniel Baker daniel0m0baker
CTO & Co-Founder @ Impossible Cloud

Impossible Cloud Hamburg, Germany