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Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Alexander Johansen alexandj90
Electrical engineering student at Høgskolen i Østfold. Coding, circuit design, CAD, CNC, and 3D printing.


Adam Beckingham beckadamtheinventor
I program in a variety of languages, including: python, C/C++, HLSL, [e]Z80 assembly, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Some experience in C# and Java.


TIny_Hacker TIny-Hacker
Hi! I'm TIny_Hacker, and I program calculators. I'm too l̶a̶z̶y̶ productive to say anything else.

@EzCE @TI-Toolkit USA

KG kg583
Skilled in Python, number theory, code golf, and messing about with calculators. Co-founder and developer of @TI-Toolkit.

University of Virginia | Cemetech Charlottesville, VA

LogicalJoe LogicalJoe
Texas Instruments aficionado. User of TI-BASIC, e?Z80, C89, & Tcl. Apple user. Cofounder of @TI-Toolkit.

Cemetech and Aperture The Terminal

Jeff Anema Jeffitus
I like to program TI Calculators. I know TI-Basic, C, and a little bit of (e)Z80 assembly.


_iPhoenix_ Legend-of-iPhoenix
Most comfortable in JS, Python, and Rust. Interested in language design and static analysis.
