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Serpent0x hishammohamed101
Cybersecurity engineer by day, Smart Contract Auditor by night. When not defending the internet, I'm probably drinking coffee and cracking jokes.
Kesha Antonov kesha-antonov
Senior/Lead/PM. Web3/Crypto. ReactJS/Native. NodeJS. Ruby/Rails. Email me 💌 Telegram winner 2019. Worked for clients like Aviasales.

Self employed World

Daniel Ibok CodeRunne
Hi 🖐, I'm a backend developer 💻. contact me:

Lagos | uyo

Mehdi Baneshi mbaneshi
IT Professional

Ramsar Iran

Darren Jensen jensendarren
Security Researcher (Solidity / Yul / Rust)

Blockchain, JavaScript, FinTech, Fun Phnom Penh

Vostroknutov Vitaliy iwnow
🎸musician 🛠programmer


Reactive Fox thekiba
🦊Reactive Fox 🚀 🌱GDE for Angular 👩‍💻Lead Software Engineer using Angular & .NET ✍Tech Writer for Angular In Depth


Dr. Awesome Doge awesome-doge
Early TON Core 2021 Bitcoin Dev 2013 Founder TONX

@ton-blockchain, @ton-community

Dario Tarantini dariotarantini
In code I trust.

@ston-fi Bari

Billionaire DendiBoss DeFiTON
Development and product management of decentralized projects. Love open-source & Web3. Deeply immersed in the IT world, exploring with passion and game.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates