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Tom Saunders tesaunders
Centre for eResearch, University of Auckland.

University of Auckland New Zealand

Charline Dalinghaus chardalinghaus
Oceanographer, PhD Student at The University of Auckland
Jessie Colbert jcol737
Geospatial Research Assistant
Sean Matheny seanmatheny
New Zealand eScience Infrastructure

University of Auckland Auckland, NZ

Matt Sielecki mattsiel
Second year Software Engineer student.
Domenic Horner tgxn

Perth, Australia

Nick Young neon-ninja
Research Software Engineer

@UoA-eResearch Auckland, NZ

Annie anniewest
PhD. Microbial Ecology (she/her) Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Environmental Metagenomics team at Genomics Aotearoa. University of Auckland

Andrés Mejía andres-mejia
Software engineer

@megamedia Madrid, Spain

Lukas Trombach

@green-chilli-design Auckland