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✨ creating some ways to develop


Jordi Xavier HarpyLMAO
Full backend developer. I have issues with frontend jeje, i hate it.


Hafsi Ahmed midox4
Full Stack Web Developer - 🇨🇦🇹🇳. Highly interested in cutting edge technology, coding. You are Welcome. 🖥💻📱⌚️ #inCodeWeTrust

Tunisian Post Wherever you need me to be

Artix Artiixx
Making internet a work of art, one pixel at a time.

@devioo-network Canada

Sidney Teodoro Araujo Junior SidneyTeodoroJr
I'm a Software Engineering student who likes to develop personal projects using front-end and back-end technologies. Always looking for new skills

Brasil - São Mateus / ES

cheraph cheraphp

Void Development || In someones heart...

Grkn GweepCreative
Backend Developer

444 De Haro LP San Francisco, CA / Remote, Türkiye

Rivalth rivalth

Turkey, Istanbul

Ranveer Soni Miya25
R.S, Founder & CEO of @RS-enterprices. Passionate about development, programming and making money.

RS enterprises india

Tunar tunardev
I'm a high school student and self-taught developer interested in artificial intelligence, backend development

@voiddevsorg Azerbaijan