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Jonathan Loureiro jonloureiro

@hub-la Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil

Alexey Ugnichev thaewrapt
[chaotic neutral]

Self-Employment, Inc. Lviv, Ukraine

Deiki DeicPro

Madrid, Spain

nora not-ivy


Chris lauretano
curious nerd into atomic/immutable distros, open 3d printer firmware, vintage computers, and most of all getting Linux working well on strange hardware.

i use arch btw (and debian, fedora) New England, USA

Simão Gomes Viana simaotwx
Contributing to FOSS at Toowoxx. Contributions of this account are sponsored by @toowoxx

@toowoxx Deisenhausen

Dylan Maziarek m-a-z-z-z
Graduate software developer with passion for Android development and contributing to open source projects. Looking for projects to develop my skillz.

Co. Limerick

Demian Machado betatron

Porto Velho, Rondõnia, Brazil

guineu guineuu
Pedro Guimarães 0x7067

Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil

Pierre Ayoub pierreay
PhD student at EURECOM in cybersecurity team @eurecom-s3, focused on µarchitectural and radio layers.

EURECOM France, Sophia-Antipolis

Diggaj Upadhyay diggajupadhyay
Tech Enthusiast | Business Developer | Open Source Advocate

Alpas Technology Pvt. Ltd. Nepal

Alex Haskins datavikingr
USAF Vet, Dimensional/Thermodynamic calibrations expert, Linux daily driver since Warty Warthog, python data jockey, open source enthusiast.

Tektronix Baltimore, MD


Dagenham, UK

Andre 8bitbuddhist
Technical marketer, software developer, writer, and open source advocate specializing in Kubernetes and Linux.

@gremlin St. Petersburg, FL

Nick ndellagrotte
free as in freedom
Dennis ten Hoove dennis1248
Hobby coder, IT professional, free and open source software fanatic.

@springernature Groningen, The Netherlands

Gabriel Davila mefsaal
My personal Repo, for Fun and Testing


All names were taken so yeah.