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Deiki DeicPro

Madrid, Spain

nora not-ivy


Chris lauretano
curious nerd into atomic/immutable distros, open 3d printer firmware, vintage computers, and most of all getting Linux working well on strange hardware.

i use arch btw (and debian, fedora) New England, USA

Simão Gomes Viana simaotwx
Contributing to FOSS at Toowoxx. Contributions of this account are sponsored by @toowoxx

@toowoxx Deisenhausen

Dylan Maziarek m-a-z-z-z
Graduate software developer with passion for Android development and contributing to open source projects. Looking for projects to develop my skillz.

Co. Limerick

J Juno-ko
Eager to learn more coding
Demian Machado betatron

Porto Velho, Rondõnia, Brazil

guineu guineuu
Pedro Guimarães 0x7067

Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil

Pierre Ayoub pierreay
PhD student at EURECOM in cybersecurity team @eurecom-s3, focused on µarchitectural and radio layers.

EURECOM France, Sophia-Antipolis

Diggaj Upadhyay diggajupadhyay
I'm the favorite of your favorites from Nepal (GMT+5:45).

Alpas Technology Pvt. Ltd. Nepal

Alex Haskins datavikingr
USAF Vet, Dimensional/Thermodynamic calibrations expert, Linux daily driver since Warty Warthog, python data jockey, open source enthusiast.

Tektronix Baltimore, MD

COxDE coxde
GNU/Linux User, Web Developer, FOSS Enthusiast



Dagenham, UK

Luna Jernberg bittin
Translating @GNOME @mozilla @ManjaroLinux @EndeavourOS @AlmaLinux @ubuntu @helloSystem @calamares and various other Open Source and Linux/BSD

Täby, Sweden

Andre 8bitbuddhist
Technical marketer, software developer, writer, and open source advocate specializing in Kubernetes and Linux.

@gremlin St. Petersburg, FL

Nick ndellagrotte
free as in freedom
Dennis ten Hoove dennis1248
Hobby coder, IT professional, free and open source software fanatic.

@springernature Groningen, The Netherlands

Gabriel Davila mefsaal
My personal Repo, for Fun and Testing


All names were taken so yeah.