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Danny Gershman dgershman
Over 26 yrs experience developing software. Worked with various technologies in Cybersecurity, VOIP, Content Delivery and Business Process Automation.

@radiusmethod Chapel Hill, NC

David Miller digitalseraph
i can haz programz? yes, yes i duz.

Cox Communications, Inc. Atlanta, GA

Raoul Boxon RaoulBoxon
As human I love machines

@axway France

Sooraj Bhatia soorajbhatia
Aspiring Health Data Analyst
Andrew Shaffer drewstopherlee

Andrew Shaffer Technology Pennsylvania

Kris Record lunchman
Lifetime learner, full-time YouTube watcher... you know, just learning how to code here.

Massachusetts, USA

Eli T. Drumm etdr
Backgrounded in logicky, computational, cognitive stuffs; looking to create, remix, contribute, learn anything and everything. Eccentric yet relatable.

Indiana, USA