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Saran Ahluwalia ahlusar1989
Scientist and student of Bayesian Statistics. Previously worked on problems @Patchd-Medical (@saran-ahluwalia-patchd). Now, over at @healthrhythms


Umberto Mignozzetti umbertomig
Assistant Teaching Professor. University of California, San Diego. Political Methodology and Comparative Politics

University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA

José Á. Torrens pptrrns
Political Science, ITAM


Júlia Papa juliapapa
Political Scientist (FGV) | Researcher at Palver #RStats

Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) São Paulo, BR

Cedric Antunes CedricAntunes
Unfortunately for theory, people do vote.

FGV-SP São Paulo, Brazil.


Universidad Los Andes Bogotá, Colobia