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MarceIIe Paiva marcellepaiva
👩‍💻 Developer Front-End

Brazil, São Paulo

Édipo Nascimento edinascimento
I'm Édipo, I student from Brazil. I love to read, I love to discover new things and use it to help people to have a better live.

Genesis IT Consulting São Paulo

Marcio Lourenco XDevelopers
Since 2000 on this beach, having fun and being happy. When you do what you like, it even seems like you're not working. I learn and I do.

X Developers Brasil

Jonathan Scobino jscobino

Lett Peruíbe, SP Brazil

Patrick Nascimento pmoraes230
Dev JR Front-End


Mateus Arce mateusarcedev
Computer Guy 🧑🏽‍💻


Mauro H. Delmondes MauroDelmondes
Hey there 👋, welcome to my profile. "Come as you are!"

RedeFlex Cuiabá - MT

Jean Paul JeanPaulll
Software Engineer | Specialist | Angular, React, VueJS, Node.js, Typescript, Laravel | NestJS | Java | Spring Boot

Ília Digital Brasília - Brasil

Igor Henrique igorhgds

Jandira, São Paulo


@asksuite Rondonópolis - MT

Gabriel Alves gabriel04alves
Estudante de Sistemas de Informação, desenvolvedor JavaScript.

IFC - Campus Araquari Santa Catarina, Brasil

From engineering to coding. 🚀

Sydney, Australia

Henrique Sena HenriqueGSena
Full-Stack developer always looking for solutions to existing problems through programming 🧑‍💻🚀

Rio de Janeiro

Willian Ribeiro Angelo movibe
📱 Fullstack Developer, i try 🤓 Best Stack: TypeScript, Expo, React, React Native, Ionic, Flutter, NodeJS, Design System and much more

Agencia Foccus São Paulo - Brasil

Lucca Romaniello luccaromaniello
Software Engineer and former Product Designer specializing in Frontend development.


Malheiros GabrielMalheiros-byte
I'm student of the Science Computer, i am 19 years, i develop in Python, PHP, CSS, HTML and in moment i am learning Django.

SP/São Paulo

Pablo Corrêa dexpb
Novo na área Dev, estudante da Alura pela trilha Front-End ;)
Alexandre Lopes AlexandreLopesCosta
Desenvolvedor em contrução. Python, Django, SQLite3, MySQL , HTML5 e CSS3.
Kowalski gustavokozlowski
Front end developer

freelancer Rio de Janeiro /RJ

Luiz Felipe Warmling Amadeu Amad3eu
Programming, reading books, and enjoying awesome cups of coffee Brazil


São Paulo/brazil

Nikely Fedechen nikelyfedechen
Sempre buscando harmonia entre estética e funcionalidade, integrando código e design. Let's code beautiful experiences together! ✨

Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Mateus Cechetto mateuscechetto
I'm passionate about simple and impactful solutions. For me, technology is a tool to improve people's lives.
Gabriel Guzzatti Guzzatti
Atualmente aprendendo Machine Learning, Redes Neurais, Desenvolvimento mobile em React Native, Desenvolvimento Front-End e Arquitetura de Software
Hyrum Spencer Olivera Fernandez devHyrum
Hi there! 👋 I am a FullStack developer in training, passionate about crafting efficient and innovative solutions

UniDomBosco Brazil

Robson Antonio Lima Mendonça robsonamendonca
Javacript / C# / PHP / VB6 | MySQL / SQL Server / PostgressSQL / MongoDB | SCRUM / KABAN / MS Azure. / Dart e Flutter / Power Apps / @lram

@lram São Paulo, SP - Brasil

Marcely Lobato marcelylobato
Gestão de TI | Desenvolvedora Front -End
Lucas Soliman soliyy
começando na programação, cursando FIAP, buscando mais aprendizado
Hilton Eleuterio dos Santos Junior HILTONESJR
Estudante da area de tecnologia, Gestão da tecnologia da informação, Desenvolvedor Front-End, javascript, Node.js, Gamer nas horas vagas.

Guarulhos SP

Geovanny Max Geomaxv
Graduating in system development at IFAL (Federal Institute of Alagoas)


Luciana Brito LucianaBritoDev
A Systems Analysis and Development/Full-Stack Web Development Student who likes to solve problems through tecnology.


Desenvolvedor Front-End | Vtex IO | Reactjs | Especialista em E-commerce | TypeScript