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Yashwanth Lakkaraju yashwanth-l
📌 🇩🇪 • 🇮🇳 ➡️ 🇺🇲 ➡️ 🇩🇪 | Learner | Engineer | Techie | Nethead

Nortal AG München, Deutschland

Always thirsty for beer and knowledge


Juned Memon junaid18183 Pune

Alex Martin alexmartinfr
Holistic devsigner delighted by good UX

Nouvelle Aquitaine, France

St. Veit volschin
Märthyrer und Patron der Sommersonnenwende

Berlin, Germany

Donald Sebastian Leung DonaldKellett
Cloud Technical Specialist at Enfinity Solutions Limited

Enfinity Solutions Limited Hong Kong

Miguel Jimenez jachinte
Software Engineer


CoCo.DiamondDev CoCo-27
It's your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.


ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Ed Eastegg
Clear Ambition, Sincerely Carry Out, Altruistic


Dimitrij Klesev dklesev
Software Engineer

WhizUs GmbH Vienna, Austria


Quelquepart, France


@home Romania

Márk Zsibók (D3v) D3vl0per
Just a blue-collar IT assistant...

@cube-web3 Hungary

Youcef Guichi YoucefGuichi
Devops Engineer 🧑‍💻 Budapest

mkobar mkobar
Haunting hackathons since 2012 . . . Coding since before Linux and Windows

RKO Security CT, USA

Adi Cucolaș adicuco
Frontend Engineer 🧙‍♂️

@Kanpla Copenhagen, Denmark