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Sam Morozov sammorozov
Web3 dev / Data Scientist / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Alan Khalili AlanKha
HI, my name is Alan Khalili. I'm a Computer Science Major at the University of Tennessee!

Portland, OR & Knoxville, TN

Ian Innes ianinnes1
the realest


Jason Choi Jchoi1
College student
Matthew Jacobs MattJacobs30
Hi, I'm Matt and I am a student studying Computer Engineering. I am a software engineering intern at @sentineldevices and a web developer at @hack4impact-utk
Computer Science Student at the University of Tennessee
Shashank Bandaru bandarussr
An undergraduate Computer Science student at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Memphis, TN | Knoxville, TN