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Esther White monacodelisa
🅰Angular Full Stack Web Programmer ✨ Open Source lead developer & maintainer @PaidlancerDev @BuiltWithAnalog @TechOpenSolve @AnguHashBlog @winona-ui


Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Yuvraj Singh Yuvraj-Singh01
Sophomore | Computer Science Engineering | Open - Source Enthusiast

Punjab, India

Marika Mella marikadeveloper
Frontend Dev | Turning Code into Magic ✨

Moku srl Italy

IagoMota IagoMota
When I'm not coding for money I'm codding for fun :)

Pernambuco, Brazil

Gabriel Santana gapesasi
Software Developer Jr | Java | Node | React | MySQL | Firebase
Hussain Ali hussainnaqvee
Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer | Python | JavaScript | C/C++

Safarifone Islamabad

Björn Büttner Idrinth
I'm a software engineer and modder from the middle west of Germany. I enjoy programming both in my professional and private life.

JUNGWILD Mülheim, Germany