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Chinan Yin yinchinan010
a .NET full stack programmer. (Keep Healthy, Dream Big, Work Smart, Deliver Fast, Be Happy)

ZhongShan YD Crystal Group ZhongShan, China

Isaac BaiHua ATFmxyl
Hi, this is Baihua, a software engineer in the semiconductor industry for three and a half years.
主页 GeekPowerFelixSun
.NET Core/Python/JavaFull stackdev.

AT&S SHA/China

Panyawut Intharasanee lzlpxinthlzl
Panyawut Intharasanee 01/03/1988 man
Kim Meng KimMeng2015
back-end developer , works on C# webform,Winform, MVC ,NetCore.

Hi-p Corp Shanghai

xszhou newlifechou
love programming!


Soar sgf
a really noob

Wei Lin shps951023
@mini-software programmer and a husband/daddy 👨‍💻 (GitHub time : 22:00-23:00)

@kdc-one & @hctgroup Dongguan ⇄ Kaohsiung

AlexChen Pinkuburu
A newbie on coding road