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Paul Gregoire mondain
I am a Java geek and all around technology nerd; I am also a core developer on the Red5 project. Mastodon:

Henderson, NV

xyny xynydev ^^ <<<<>>>> discord: hermmm

Floating above Finland

diagonalo haexwise

@mwmbl Lille, Hauts-de-France

Marko markotitel

Serbia, Vojvodina, Titel

Mike Dalrymple mousedownmike

MX Ledger United States

Mikkel Scheike MikkelScheike
I'm mostly into Atomic Purple & well-designed Rhombicosidodecahedrons

Copenhagen, Denmark

Joachim Bargsten jwbargsten
Bioinformatician (PhD) with 10+ years experience in analysis of (biological) data and software development.

@xebia Netherlands

landv landv
From China ζŠ€ζœ―ζ˜―η¬¬δΈ€η”ŸδΊ§εŠ›; δ»–ε±±δΉ‹ηŸ³ε―δ»₯ζ”»ηŽ‰γ€‚

landv beijing

Silvia Fantuzzi Silvianareth
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies student at University of Padua. I'd love learning to code and other like-skills. I believe in a fairer world for all.
SquidRings SquidRings
student at EPITA Discord: squidrings


Echedelle EchedelleLR
Esta cuenta es solo para contribuir en otros proyectos. Para ver mis proyectos visita:

Canary Islands

Realmy ItsRealmy
web developer guy (he/him)

My room The Netherlands

Tommi xplosionmind
I pretend to understand code

A galaxy far, far away

Amir Amazigh BOUBEKKI amirouche
πŸ₯‡ I was into conversational knowledge base exploration before the hype πŸ”Ž As usual looking for the next big thing πŸ˜„

Paris, France

Masanori Ogino omasanori

Japan, or anywhere else

Peter Bronez pbronez
🦾 Seek Truth Faster πŸš€

Washington, DC

Belayet Riad belayetriad
Make love first with coffee and then coding.

TweeTech Earth, Orion Arm, Milky Way

Diwakar Bhrugubanda thebhrugubanda
Data Scientist

White Box Analytics Pty Ltd Sydney,Australia

Daniel Thoren DannyDannyDanny
A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus πŸͺ

Data Engineer @ Lundbeck [DNTH] Copenhagen

ars longa, vita brevis

Farid El Nasire faridelnasire

@lunarworks New York City

Dan Frost danfrost
R&D tech lead

London, England

Nicolas Couture ncouture
Continuously Growing 🌳

Stormvault Networks Canada

Ansgar Leonard Kock alkock

Capgemini Deutschland GmbH Rostock, Germany